The strongest soldier

Chapter 2817 One word of enlightenment

Luo Zheng regarded Liu Qingqing as his little sister in his heart. He smiled indifferently and didn't care. After the food was put on the table, he picked up the knife and fork and started chewing. Liu Qingqing also knew that there could be no outcome between herself and Luo Zheng. He strangled the girl's love for heroes and treated Luo Zheng as a big brother. He had no scruples in informal situations. He glared at Luo Zheng and reminded him angrily: "Slow down, pay attention to your manners, there is no one to follow." You grab it, it’s my birthday, okay? Eat slowly and leave some time for me, you savage┅┅”

Luo Zheng reacted when he saw the red wine, put down his knife and fork and smiled awkwardly: "Oh, I forgot, open the red wine first."

"That's pretty much it." Liu Qingqing put down her knife and fork, chewed the food in her mouth and said vaguely. She swallowed it in three or two gulps. After taking a sip of water, she continued: "I can take a bite first. It's my birthday. The sky is big and the earth is big." Biggest, if you follow me, you will lose your grace. Men have to learn to be humble and take care of girls. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson, otherwise my sister-in-law will be at a loss if she follows you."

"Oh, okay." Luo Zheng smiled nonchalantly, picked up the corkscrew and opened the red wine a few times, poured it into a glass decanter, and then pretended to sit up straight and look at Liu Qingqing.

Liu Qingqing was very satisfied with Luo Zheng's attitude, and pretended to think seriously for a moment before saying: "Boss, you just need to remember one thing. Women are meant to be hurt. Why not marry them and bring them home? Have children." Doing housework? This idea is too primitive and vulgar. Only people in the primitive society thought this way. Now is a civilized society. We all have to be civilized, right? In addition to the two major functions of giving birth to children and doing housework, women also have one more important function: The important function, what do you think it is?”

"Do you think my IQ can guess such a profound question?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, you will definitely not guess it. Let me tell you, it is to let men find a sense of accomplishment. Why do men work so hard to make money and work hard for their careers? Isn't it because they want to prove their strength? Who can prove it to? Of course it is the woman he likes. Women you don’t like have nothing to do with you, right? When you prove it, do you feel a special sense of accomplishment? If your woman compliments you a few more times, will you feel like you have been given a shot of blood and become more motivated? " Liu Qingqing smiled softly.

Luo Zheng thought about it carefully and felt nothing, but it was hard to offend Liu Qingqing, so he smiled and nodded: "It's true."

"Don't fool me. Don't forget what I do. I can tell you are telling lies at a glance." Liu Qingqing pouted dissatisfiedly and complained: "Can't you open your heart and tell the truth?"

"Okay." Luo Zheng smiled. Seeing Liu Qingqing's dissatisfied expression, he couldn't help but think of the feeling he had with Lan Xue. His face gradually became a little heavier, and he couldn't help but whisper: "In my opinion, men Whether he loves his woman or not depends on whether he can take a bullet at a critical moment. If he can't, it's all nonsense."

"You? Can't communicate." Liu Qingqing said pretending to be dissatisfied, but her face gradually became serious, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she was thinking deeply, and her mood was a bit low. Luo Zheng was startled, and didn't know how to persuade him, so he just didn't After a while, Liu Qingqing suddenly looked up at Luo Zheng and said seriously: "You are right. What I just said are all self-righteous romances of urban men and women. They are flashy and superficial. They have not experienced the test of life and death. How can they understand? What is true romance?”

"Why do you say that? Everyone's choices and pursuits are different." Luo Zheng enlightened.

"I understand, but where is the person willing to take a bullet for me?" Liu Qingqing whispered in a low mood, looking a little frustrated.

Luo Zheng was speechless. After a moment, Liu Qingqing quickly adjusted her mood and chuckled: "Look at me, I can say some unrealistic things, but the main reason is that I have too little experience. If you have the opportunity in the future, you have to arrange for me to go on missions." , How can you know the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? Let me ask you a question, how many times have you taken a bullet for your sister-in-law? How did you feel at that time? "

"I don't remember, I didn't feel it at the time." Luo Zheng said casually.

"Instinctive reaction, this shows that you value your sister-in-law's life more than your own. This is true romance." Liu Qingqing said with some yearning.

"On the battlefield, you take bullets for me, and I take bullets for you. It's normal behavior. You will understand when you go to the battlefield. You don't have time to think about it at all, and you won't think about it. You fight instinctively, and you don't have time to think about the consequences. You won't think about the consequences, because if you think too much, your performance will be abnormal and you will die faster. On the battlefield, you have to be like a fighting machine, doing what you should and can do best, without any emotions." Luo Zheng is serious. whispered.

"I understand what you are saying, but how many of them can do it? If they are not close friends of life and death, or close lovers, who would take a bullet without hesitation?" Liu Qingqing said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng was startled. Thinking about it carefully, it was true that he, Lan Xue, and Gui Shou were all brothers sharing life and death. When fighting together, they would naturally not think about whether to block bullets, but what if it were someone else? What about unrelated strangers? Luo Zheng hesitated.

After a while, Luo Zheng's face became stern, he looked at Liu Qingqing and said in a deep voice: "You can't think like this. Don't forget our identities. We are soldiers and cannot be compared with ordinary people. Ordinary people don't have to block bullets. But we can't, because we shoulder the mission of defending justice and peace. This is not a slogan or an ideal, but a responsibility. If you serve the people as soldiers and cannot do this, it is better to take off your military uniform and become an ordinary person."

Liu Qingqing's face was startled, and she quickly followed Luo Zheng's thoughts. Her face was a little heavy, and she said after a while: "Thank you, your teaching is right. This is the best gift I have ever received. I have always regarded myself as Ordinary people, and then soldiers. Ordinary people can be willful and have various demands. This is a selfish behavior. In fact, I should be a soldier, and then ordinary people. Soldiers serve the public, and ordinary people serve themselves. This Sequence is very important, I understand.”

Faintly, Luo Zheng felt that Liu Qingqing had grown up all of a sudden. He couldn't help being startled, and then he smiled and said sincerely: "I am very happy to see you grow up. Once upon a time, you were still a rebellious girl, smart and willful. , Self, now you have become a qualified warrior, come, congratulate you, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Liu Qingqing said with sincere gratitude.

The two raised their wine glasses and clinked them lightly. The crisp sound of the glasses clashing sounded, sweet and melodious. The two looked at each other and smiled. Invisibly, there was a bit of tacit understanding between comrades fighting for a common ideal. With a tacit understanding, Luo Zheng seemed to see an outstanding soldier rising.

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