The strongest soldier

Chapter 2832 Danger suddenly appears

Luo Zheng was completely relieved after rescuing Stanley's lover. He returned Stanley's favor and helped Shi Qian. He killed two birds with one stone and ended perfectly. After finishing the call, Luo Zheng called Lan Xue and explained it. Then he came to In the living room, seeing Stanley communicating with Shi Qian with a grateful look on his face, Liu Qingqing came out of the back room sleepily, walked up and said, "Qingqing, order some breakfast."

"Okay." Liu Qingqing agreed.

At this time, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu also came out of the back room. They were engaged, and no one would laugh at them if they lived together. Stanley himself took the initiative to tell the story of his lover being rescued, and kept thanking Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng smiled. , didn't take this matter to heart, turned on the phone and looked.

Liu Qingqing called for breakfast, then went in to freshen up, put on clothes and came out, just as breakfast was delivered, everyone gathered around to eat, Luo Zheng habitually used a silver knife to test each food, everyone had seen enough Weird, but Stanley was a little curious, but didn't ask any more questions.

There was nothing wrong with the food. Everyone started chatting while eating. Most of all, Liu Qingqing asked Stanley for some advice on gambling psychology. Luo Zheng listened while eating without interrupting. Gongsun Wu and Ji Wu also listened curiously, and were interested in this kind of problem. The unfamiliar industry was full of curiosity, but Shi Qian looked at the TV with an indifferent expression, as if he was not interested in this. Luo Zheng had communicated with Shi Qian on a regular basis and already knew some of the rules of burglary, among which gambling was a taboo and could only be done if he had to. If you touch them, you will be kicked out of the school.

After breakfast, everyone watched TV in the room and didn't go anywhere. When Stanley saw that his lover had been rescued, how could he risk stealing diamonds? With a relieved heart, I chatted with everyone in the room and waited for the cruise ship to land and leave. My mind had already flown away.

The rain became lighter and lighter. After a long whistle, the cruise ship began to move slowly and continued to sail as planned. Everyone had nothing to do. In order to avoid accidents, they all watched TV in the room and rested. They waited for the cruise ship to dock and left. , and the day passed before I knew it.

The next morning, Xu Gang returned to the capital of Sam Country with his people. Luo Zheng asked Stanley to video chat with his lover, which completely dispelled Stanley's concerns. Everyone continued to rest in the room. According to the plan, the cruise ship would dock early the next morning for supplies. Supplies, Luo Zheng plans to go ashore when the time comes, and then find a way to go back.

That night, everyone packed up, prepared for evacuation, and went to rest. It wasn't until early the next morning that Luo Zheng got up and saw that there was still a vast sea outside, with no coast at all. He couldn't help but be surprised, washed up, and got dressed. When I went outside to check the situation, I was shocked to find that the door was locked and could not be opened at all.

The door is an explosion-proof door with an electronic lock. It cannot be opened violently without tools. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. Others were chatting. Seeing Luo Zheng's ugly face, they all stopped and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. : "The door is locked. This is unreasonable. I'm afraid something has happened."

"It's not a bad point, is it? How about I call and ask the waiter?" Liu Qingqing asked in surprise. When Luo Zheng nodded, he immediately picked up the intercom phone in the room, only to find that there was only a busy tone, and there was no sound at all. There was no signal, so he couldn't help but be shocked. He quickly looked at Luo Zheng and said, "No signal, we can't get through."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly took out his cell phone and found that there was no signal on it. His face changed drastically and he said in a deep voice, "Something happened. The signal was blocked." He rushed towards the window.

The window is round, about one meter in diameter, and is blocked horizontally by four egg-thick steel bars. People can't get out at all, and they can't even put their heads out. Luo Zheng shook the steel bars vigorously. It was as stable as a rock and could not be shaken at all. Hu's eyes widened, he looked at Shi Qian and asked, "Is there any way to open the door?"

"I'll try." Shi Qian said in a deep voice, quickly took out a package, opened the package, and took out a small device. There was a metal card on the device. Shi Qian put the metal card close to the electronic door lock, and then After debugging the equipment, he quickly shook his head and smiled bitterly at Luo Zheng: "It's a remote network lock. Unless the computer is turned on, there is no way to open this door unless it is violently destroyed."

"Closed artificially?" Liu Qingqing asked in surprise. Seeing Shi Qian nodding, his face became solemn. After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "I didn't hear the gunfire or the noise. Something happened suddenly. It means that all tourists They were all locked up in the room, who did it?”

"It's impossible for outsiders to quietly rob this cruise ship. There are so many experienced security guards on the cruise ship. They will definitely sound the alarm. The problem is that we didn't hear the alarm sound. It's impossible if someone controls it remotely. People on the cruise ship If you find that the system is controlled remotely, you will definitely call the police and send someone to open the door. It is quiet outside and the signal is blocked. There is only one kind of person who can do this." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"You mean the cruise company?" Stanley shouted in surprise.

"Yes, I said there was something wrong with this cruise ship. It turned out that there was something wrong with them. They invited so many rich people over, and then locked them all in their rooms while they were sleeping at night. What a clever trick. They did it early in the morning when everyone happened to be there. Rest in the room, no one can escape, and after blocking the signal, no one can contact each other, no one knows what happened, it is a perfect plan." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Why did they do that?" Stanley asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's not good for the cruise company." Shi Qian also said in surprise.

"No, there are advantages. The cruise company can completely say that someone else did it and pass the blame completely. I estimate that all the people in the cruise company will put on masks and then implement their follow-up plan. After the plan is completed, they will evacuate. The cruise company can It is said that they were kidnapped and all the company employees were killed. Who will find out when the time comes?" Liu Qingqing analyzed in a deep voice: "What I don't know is their purpose."

"The purpose is very simple, kidnapping. Don't forget that the people invited are the world's richest people, who are most in need of money. It seems that this cruise ship is related to the Dark Church. In the name of the cruise ship's maiden voyage, the world's richest people are invited to come over, and then they are all served. Okay. With ruthless methods, one person can easily extort one billion or eighty yuan, and hundreds of billions will be made. This is enough for them to solve the shortage of capital chain." Luo Zheng said angrily.

"Then what should we do?" Liu Qingqing asked in surprise.

"It makes sense. First invite people over, block the signal, lock them all in the room while everyone is sleeping, so that no one can escape, and then blackmail them one by one. They are all people invited by the cruise company. They know everything. You are either rich or noble. Who dares not to pay in order to survive? The problem of insufficient funds is solved in one go. Without the funds, it will be more difficult to deal with in the future. These bastards can do such things. It seems that the capital chain is very short. Seriously, they are desperate." Shi Qian said bitterly.

"Wait, Dark Church? What are you talking about?" Stanley asked in surprise.

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