The strongest soldier

Chapter 2837 Ambush the pursuers

On an isolated island in the vast sea, water mist curled over the rolling mountains, floating like white clouds. A few frightened birds flew around in the deep woods. Suddenly they went far away and disappeared into the woods. , on a mountainside, several people were running quickly in the dense woods, all wearing jungle digital camouflage, wearing bulletproof helmets, holding carbines in their hands, their faces smeared with thick oil paint, each of them looked solemn and vigilant Watching the surroundings, running very fast.

There were ten people in this team, but they had the momentum of a hundred or a thousand people. They roared forward like a pack of wolves. After running for a distance, the bushes in front became denser. The leader may have sensed something was wrong and stopped quickly. He came down, raised his fists above his head, and the follow-up troops quickly stopped, dispersed, and went on alert.

"Bang——!" A crisp gunshot sounded.

The man who looked like the leader was shot in the middle of his eyebrow, his body froze, and he fell straight back and landed in the bushes. Before the others could react, rapid gunshots rang out from several bushes around him almost at the same time, and they fired one after another. It was like the god of death was grinning, each bullet pounced forward with precision, sinking into the target's eyebrows.

In an instant, there were only five people left in the ten-man team, and they all lay down to take cover. At this time, several black shadows suddenly appeared around them, and they rushed towards them like cheetahs. The weapons in their hands did not stop shooting, and they were hidden under the bushes. People had to quickly change positions to avoid shooting, and there was no time to fire back.

All this happened so fast that the seemingly well-trained armed men had no chance to shoot back. In the blink of an eye, two more people were hit in the head and killed with one shot. The remaining three were shocked. A bullet jumped out of the bushes and rushed forward. He did not forget to change his route while running, and ran a standard bullet avoidance step.

"Bang bang bang -" The bullets roared, but they could only chase the backs of the remaining three people, making it difficult to hit them. The people behind them were divided into two, and the two continued to pursue, while the others stayed to clean up the battlefield.

The person responsible for the pursuit was as fast as lightning. The countless bushes in front of them seemed like they didn't exist. There was no way to stop the speed of the two of them. When they encountered a larger bush, the two of them jumped over and ran over without any lag in their movements. , the body undulates and runs out of a smooth wavy line.

Soon, the two men closed the distance between the three people fleeing in front. The guns in their hands rang out again. Two more people were hit in the back of the neck and fell to the ground dead. The remaining one was completely panicked and fell to the ground with a flying shovel. , turned his body over, prepared to fight for his life, and before raising his gun to fire, two bullets hit the opponent's forehead almost at the same time.

The remaining person stared angrily, his body froze, and the gun he held fell to the ground, his life force receded like a tide, and he refused to rest in silence. Two people came up, one of them picked up the carbine, and the other went up to search him, but there was nothing of value. Then he turned to the person who picked up the gun and whispered: "Zhitan, there is nothing."

It was Zhang Yang who was in charge of the body search, and it was Luo Zheng who picked up the carbine. With the speed of the two of them, ordinary people were no match for them. This ambush was also carefully designed by Luo Zheng. Stanley and Liu Qingqing were weaker and were a little further away. They laid an ambush at the designated place and provided firepower assistance. Luo Zheng led Shi Qian, Zhang Yang, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu to form a semi-encirclement ambush and hide in the bushes.

Everyone is a master of Kung Fu, knows how to restrain their aura, and is a master of jungle warfare. They know how to blend into the surrounding environment. Hiding in the bushes does not arouse suspicion at all, so that the pursuers did not notice anything unusual until they were four or five meters closer. However, By this time it was already too late.

Four or five meters does not put any pressure on everyone. According to Luo Zheng's calculation, one person per person can kill five with one strike. Stanley and Liu Qingqing are not included. The fact is the same as Luo Zheng's calculation. They can be killed with one strike. Five enemies, and then quickly fired to suppress the enemies, taking advantage of the chaos, and killed two enemies again.

It must be said that these enemies are also very powerful. In the face of Luo Zheng and others' rapid fire at close range, three people managed to escape the shooting and ran very fast. In order to cover up their whereabouts, Luo Zheng had to lead Zhang Yang to chase them and finally succeeded in hunting them down. Kill all the remaining enemies and wipe out the search team.

Luo Zheng picked up the magazine on the opponent's body and his face became serious. If the search team did not return for a long time, the enemy must know that something happened. A large number of enemies will be chasing them. They must leave this place as soon as possible. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Quick, get it Take away all the ammunition and put on their equipment." He said and turned back.

"Understood." Zhang Yang agreed, quickly stripping off a corpse's clothes and equipment.

Luo Zheng quickly met up with Shi Qian and others. Seeing that everyone had collected a large amount of ammunition, he quickly said: "Quick, take off their equipment and put on new ones." Everyone jumped into the sea to escape. Not to mention the suits and leather shoes they wore, they were still wet. It was very uncomfortable, and Liu Qingqing and Gongsun Wu were wearing high heels, which were not suitable for jungle combat at all.

After everyone reacted, they quickly picked out a corpse with a similar shape and pulled off all the clothes and pants of the other party. At the critical moment of life and death, Liu Qingqing and Gongsun Wu didn't care much. They quickly took off their equipment and picked a pair of relatively small ones. Small shoes, and then got into the bushes to change.

Luo Zheng also took off some equipment, and he, Shi Qian, and Ji Wu also got into another bush. There was a lady there, so everyone moved a little more cautiously. Soon, Zhang Yang hurried over, and just as everyone was fully dressed, they came out of the bush one after another. Cong came out and put on combat uniforms, and everyone suddenly felt like a battlefield.

Luo Zheng glanced at Liu Qingqing and Gongsun Wu, and saw that there was nothing wrong with them. He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the dense woods around him and said in a deep voice: "The enemy may not know our true identity, but they know that we are on the island." , so a ten-man team was sent to search. The battle just now has exposed our position. More enemies will attack soon. We must move before the enemies can react. Everyone, follow me." He picked a direction and left quickly.

There are satellite signal jammers and communication signal jammers on the island, which block all signals, which also brings trouble to the enemy's own communications. The search team did not carry communication tools such as headsets or walkie-talkies, and the enemy did not know the battle situation for the time being. But if you don't report back for a long time, the enemy will definitely know that something happened and will send someone to check.

Everyone understood this and sped up to evacuate the scene. As he ran, Luo Zheng secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, the enemy did not know his true identity. Otherwise, it would definitely not be a ten-man search team, but the entire army. He would definitely die. Now we are fine, we have guns and ammunition, and we can give it a try. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes became sharp when he looked around, full of fighting spirit! !

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