The strongest soldier

Chapter 2840 Reaching Cooperation

The dense forest on the island is a bit sultry at noon. The sea breeze gently shakes the leaves, and the rustling sound is like a lover whispering. The sun shines through the branches and falls on the bushes, speckled and reflected in the trickling stream. It emits a touch of brilliance, and the charming beam of light is colorful and extremely charming.

In the woods, Luo Zheng stared closely at the security manager of the cruise company who was running towards him. He couldn't understand why the other party didn't hide his figure. Wasn't this a pursuit? Behind a big tree, Shi Qian, who was about to take action, was frightened by the sudden appearance of a cobra and did not dare to move. He stared at the cobra, his whole body tensed and prepared for emergencies.

"Hiss-" The cobra suddenly lunged forward like lightning and sprayed out a stream of venom from its mouth. Shi Qian did not dare to be careless and quickly dodged to avoid the venom. In this way, he was exposed to the manager's sight. The manager saw A man wearing camouflage combat uniform did not recognize Shi Qian and quickly hid in panic.

Shi Qian realized that he had missed the opportunity to capture the manager alive by being exposed. He flew up angrily and kicked the cobra far away. It fell into the bushes and disappeared. When he looked at the manager again, he had disappeared. Shi Qian's face was angry. Tie Qing quickly took cover and looked in the direction of Luo Zheng. He was surprised to find that Luo Zheng also walked out of the bunker and exposed himself to the gun. He was shocked and quickly raised his gun and aimed forward to search for the manager.

Luo Zheng had a vague feeling that something was wrong with the manager. There were no other pursuers behind him. There must be something else going on here. So he took the initiative to show his sincerity and talk to the other party to see what was going on. Secondly, he would attract firepower and create an opening for Shi Qian. If there is a chance to shoot, as long as the opponent fires, Luo Zheng believes that Shi Qian can pull the trigger first.

"It's me, it's the manager who's here. I'm flattered that you've come all the way to see me off. The manager must be here to ask me something, so why don't we come out and meet him." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, with a strong fighting spirit. The sound carried far away.

"Don't shoot." Hearing the familiar voice, the manager immediately replied eagerly: "It's indeed me, I came to you specially. Please don't shoot. I don't have any ill intentions."

"Oh? Then come out." Luo Zheng said coldly, putting his hands behind his back and giving Shi Qian a gentle gesture to wait and see what the other party said before deciding.

Soon, the manager hesitantly leaned out from behind a big tree. After making sure that no one was shooting, he took a few steps forward and exposed himself to the gun. He looked at Luo Zheng eagerly, only to find that there was someone standing in front of him. After confirming the words, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Rong, I didn't expect you to be a master, but I was mistaken. How about we make a deal?"

"Oh? Tell me." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"You provide me with protection and take me out of this island, and I will give you the information you want." The manager said.

"The information I want?" Luo Zheng was startled, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the other party in surprise, but he quickly realized that the other party did not recognize his true identity, but was making a deal to survive. He couldn't help but He said coldly: "What information can you give me? Besides, why do you want me to take you out of the island? It's not easy to get out of the island with your identity. Were you abandoned by them and escaped?"

"Mr. Rong has good eyesight. I can't hide anything from you. If you kill someone, someone must bear the responsibility. Someone asked me to be a scapegoat. I found an opportunity to escape. How about it? Let's make a deal. You are very strong. , but I can’t leave here without enough information, and I know some of the information you need. In order to survive, I need your help, so the information provided will definitely be detailed. One more of you means more power, and My condition is very simple, how about you take me out of this damn place?" the manager said in a deep voice.

"I can promise to take you away with me, but I can't guarantee your life." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, okay." When the manager heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as everyone doesn't kill himself, it will be easy. As for those who die in the subsequent battles, that's life. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You can't even protect yourselves. Think about it." It's so easy to save my life, as long as you take me away, it depends on fate whether I can survive."

"Okay, deal is done, tell me your information." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Thank you very much. I can't fully trust you yet. I can only provide you with the information you need right now." The manager said seriously, his eyes passing over Luo Zheng and heading deeper into the woods. His eyes were full of worry, and he fell silent for a while. On Luo Zheng, he continued: "Further ahead is the Cobra training base."

"Cobra training base?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that there was something strange here. No wonder the cobras here were not afraid of people and actually dared to initiate provocations.

"That's right, the front is a secret base for training cobras. There should be a lot of cobras running around here. These cobras are different. Not only are they more poisonous, but they are not afraid of creatures. They will take the initiative to attack. There is no antidote for three minutes. You will die if you are guilty, so you have to be careful." The manager said quickly.

"Who raises cobras?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I told you that you don't know, so why ask this? Besides, it's not important. What's important is how to get out of here." The manager said in a deep voice with some hesitation.

"It seems that your sincerity in cooperation is not high." Luo Zheng said angrily and coldly: "Is it the Dark Church?"

"You actually know about the Dark Church?" the manager blurted out, his face full of shock.

Seeing that he had guessed correctly, Luo Zheng felt no joy. Instead, his heart sank, and his face became even colder. This was actually a secret base used by the Dark Church to raise cobras. There was no doubt that the cruise ship kidnapping case was planned by the Dark Church. Yes, he couldn't help but asked in a deep voice: "What is the relationship between the cruise company and the Dark Church?"

The manager looked at Luo Zheng with a shocked face. He felt that Luo Zheng was not simple. His eyes flickered. Seeing Luo Zheng's impatient expression, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "Aren't you Mr. Rong?"

"Why do you see it?" Luo Zheng asked.

"With Mr. Rong's background and experience, it is impossible to know the existence of the Dark Church." The manager said solemnly.

"It's interesting. You are an understanding person, but it's a pity that you understood it too late. You haven't answered my question yet. Also, what position do you hold in the Dark Church?" Luo Zheng asked coldly.

"As expected, what's your relationship with the ghost?" The manager's face suddenly changed and he asked, his tone became a little more urgent, and his eyes were staring at Luo Zheng, as if he had discovered something strange.

Luo Zheng was startled and asked impatiently: "There's so much nonsense, you actually started questioning me."

"Don't worry, this is very important to me." The manager quickly explained, looking at Luo Zheng with more expectant eyes, and even stepped forward. ! !

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