The strongest soldier

Chapter 285 Tactical Defense

There are four reinforcements in total, one each for the scholar, the gardener, the farmer and the monk. After returning from the last game, everyone has been reused to varying degrees after returning to the original army. They independently lead a special operations team. This time the brothers gathered together. In the face of a powerful enemy, he burst out with fanatical fighting spirit and unity. Luo Zheng didn't need to explain at all. He knew where to hide, how to cooperate with each other, how to cross fire with friendly forces, etc.

The four special operations teams rushed to the bottom of the hillside and each found a place to lay mines. For the special forces, the skill of laying mines was easy to master without any difficulty. Luo Zheng calmly looked at the busy people, and he felt a surge of pride for no reason. Full of confidence in the next battle.

"Brother, they don't look simple. Have you known each other before?" Shan Hu asked quietly from the side.

"Well, brothers who have gone through life and death together, do you still remember the game?" Luo Zheng said lightly.

Shan Hu was stunned, then realized and smiled. The contestants were all experts selected by each military region. They were the most powerful warriors in the entire group army. A team led by such a warrior would naturally have good combat effectiveness. Always pay attention to Luo Zheng's When Song Li heard about the competition, he immediately realized and guessed Luo Zheng's identity. His angry eyes were filled with resentment, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, but he remained silent.

Luo Zheng felt something weird behind his back. He felt very uncomfortable. He couldn't help but look back. Except for Song Li, the ground was white and covered with snowflakes. There was nothing there. He couldn't help but glance at Song Li in confusion, turned around and looked ahead, and estimated. After a while, he said: "Judging from the firepower and determination of the enemy's attack, it is expected that the sniper can last for five minutes."

Shan Hu looked ahead. The enemy five hundred meters away was shooting wildly at the mountain forest. The bullets were flying and had limited lethality. Most of them were blocked by the trees in the mountain forest, so they could not pose a threat to the people on the hillside. Everyone below the hillside They were quickly laying mines, and when they saw that they were almost done, the sniper lurking next to them was still shooting. The accuracy was limited, but the deterrent effect was very strong. The enemy did not dare to blindly enter, so he couldn't help but laugh: "This battle is difficult, but it is not impossible."

"It's very difficult. The main reason is that there are too many enemies, and our people can't take care of them if they disperse the attack. If you listen to the enemy's gunshots, there are only a hundred or so people firing. Where are the rest? I estimate that both sides have already There are enemies outflanking us, leaving us little time." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes." Shan Hu replied as he looked forward with some worry.

"Inform the forward ghost team and outposts to evacuate immediately." Luo Zheng said with a serious face, feeling that something was wrong. The enemy is a master, there is no reason to blindly waste money. Knowing that there is only one explanation for the random shooting in front, that is, in Confusing yourself, taking detours on both sides is the ultimate solution.

Shan Hu was a little surprised. This order came much earlier than the original plan, but he didn't ask any questions. He took the earphones handed over by Luo Zheng and put them on again. He conveyed the order through the earphones. Luo Zheng glanced at the ghost team that was quickly evacuating. His eyes fell on the map. The mountains ran east to west. The enemy was coming from the north. If he wanted to reach them quietly, he would have to make a large detour, which would take a long time.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look up at the mountains on both sides. The mountains were not too steep, but they were densely covered with woods and the snow on the mountainside was deep. If he wanted to avoid being discovered, he had to go as far away as possible. In less than half an hour Unable to get around it, my eyes fell on the map again. To the south were mountains stretching one after another. There was a canyon that could be passed through. The canyon connected more canyons. It was really difficult to get out without a map.

"Do you think the enemy will come up from behind?" Luo Zheng suddenly asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say. If the enemy is outflanking us from both sides, it would be better to block our retreat. As long as our retreat is blocked, there will be plenty of opportunities. If I were the enemy commander, my first choice would be to block our retreat and then find an opportunity to strike." Shan Hu looked worried. 's analysis.

"Well, you are thinking the same thing as me. The problem is that the brothers are very tired and don't have much energy to hurry. In order to get to the rendezvous point as soon as possible, the reinforcements must be marching in a hurry. You can tell this by looking at their haggard expressions. If If we retreat overnight, the team will not be able to bear it and it will be very troublesome." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Yeah, but you have to pay attention to one thing. We are like this, and the enemy is not like this. Now is the time to fight for willpower. Whoever can't hold on and falls first will lose." Shan Hu said seriously: "Your What’s the plan?”

"I'm ready to take a gamble." Luo Zheng looked ahead and said murderously.

"What are you betting on?" Shan Hu asked in surprise.

"Don't be in a hurry." Luo Zheng saw that the ghost team had withdrawn into the forest. The others had finished laying mines and were hiding in the woods, ready for battle. Luo Zheng motioned to the scholar and others to come over. After everyone surrounded the city, Luo Zheng continued. : "Brothers, you also know the situation, tell me what you think?"

"There's nothing to say. Just follow your plan and we'll retreat after the fight." The monk said nonchalantly.

"Things are not that simple. The enemy will definitely come up from both sides. We must fight quickly. If we retreat too slowly, we will be bitten." The gardener reminded us.

"Do you also think that the enemy will surround us from both sides?" Luo Zheng looked at the scholar and the farmer and asked.

"If I were the enemy commander, I would choose to leave some people to confuse with firepower, and others to surround them on both sides. Once an encirclement is formed, I will launch an attack. Of course, if the attack from the front goes well, I don't mind attacking directly to get more hits. Few, no pressure." The scholar analyzed with a serious face: "When our snipers withdraw, we will create a look of defeat and attract the enemy to pursue us. If we don't fire from 20 meters away, the enemy will definitely think that we have all withdrawn, and then suddenly launch a attack. Attack, fire one magazine and then retreat, with sniper cover, this battle can still be fought."

Luo Zheng looked at the farmer, who also expressed his approval, but Luo Zheng smiled and said: "It turns out that I think so too, even if I evacuate, I still have to bite the opponent. It will hurt them and make them scared. The bite will make them dare not pursue easily. , it was much safer when we retreated, I don’t think so now.”

"Oh? What do you mean?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, with curiosity on their faces.

"Since you all think that the enemy will outflank us on both sides, then this possibility is very high. Moreover, as long as we hold the hilltop and the enemy does not outflank us, it will be difficult for five hundred people to attack us. Outflanking is the only tactic to defeat us. Then, the enemy is directly in front It is expected that there will not be too many people left behind, judging from the sound of gunfire, there should be about a hundred." Luo Zheng analyzed coldly, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

Everyone vaguely felt that Luo Zheng was going to play something big, and everyone's expressions became fanatical, full of fighting spirit.

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