The strongest soldier

Chapter 2851 The poisonous snake opens the way

"Boom, boom, boom -" Three rockets roared in, making harsh sonic boom sounds in the void, as if the devil was roaring, roaring, drawing parabolas of death in the void, accurately hitting the human wall, and All the corpses piled up exploded, flying all over the sky.

The enemy's bombing method, which ignored the bodies of his comrades, gave Luo Zheng a headache. It turned out to be a cruel and ruthless Dark Church. They didn't care about the bodies of their own people at all. Luo Zheng originally thought that the enemy would be concerned, so he piled the corpses into a human wall. Now it looks like What should I do if I came here completely wrong, and so wrong?

At this time, Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian and others and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Quickly, bring the things up."

Shi Qian and others rushed forward knowingly. As soon as they ran a few meters away, they saw another rocket being launched in front of them. They were shocked and fell down one after another. The rockets exploded around them, and the powerful impact shattered them. It destroyed everything around it. Fortunately, it was far away and everyone lay on the ground motionless. They survived this time.

"Zhang Yang, Shi Qian, Ji Wu, take the cobra with me to lead the charge." Luo Zheng roared, stood up quickly, rushed to Liu Qingqing, took many snakeskin bags from Liu Qingqing, and held them in his hand Feeling heavy, he quickly rushed towards the enemy.

Zhang Yang rushed to the technician, grabbed the snakeskin bag and chased after Luo Zheng. Ji Wu took the snakeskin bag from Stanley and took a deep look at Gongsun Wu. Gongsun Wu nodded. The man's foot kicked hard, and he rushed forward like an arrow from the string.

In this way, only Stanley, Orser, Liu Qingqing and the technician were left in the rear. Stanley didn't care about the life and death of the technicians and shouted to Orser and Liu Qingqing: "They have something in their hands, so it's hard to open fire." , let’s rush up and cover them with firepower.”

"Let's go." Liu Qingqing was also worried about the safety of Luo Zheng and others, so she picked up her weapon and rushed forward without hesitation.

When Orser saw this formation, he was completely desperate, but if he stayed, he would be waiting for death. He gritted his teeth, picked up his carbine and chased after him. The technician did not go, but retreated and hid at the base. This time The battle has nothing to do with technicians. If you rush out, you will die, but if you hide in the base, you may still survive.

"Kill--" Luo Zheng, who was leading the charge, roared angrily, walking as fast as flying, constantly changing his running direction, not giving any enemy a chance to lock on to him, hanging the carbine around his neck, holding the snakeskin bag tightly with both hands, and ran towards the direction where the enemy was hiding. go.

Behind them, Shi Qian, Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu and Zhang Yang were silent with cold expressions and dispersed their fury. They desperately opened their mouths to breathe in the air to avoid running at such a high speed that their bodies would be deprived of oxygen. Their eyes were like torches and they stared straight ahead.

"Bang bang bang -" The enemy opened fire, and the dense bullets came like rain. Everyone ran fast enough, but the enemy's bullets were too dense, and many of them still hit the body, but they were protected by bullet-proof armor. The bullets could not penetrate everyone's bulletproof armor. At the critical moment of life and death, everyone tried their best to hold back the pain and continued to run.

Soon, everyone rushed to the enemy not far away. Luo Zheng, who was leading the way, roared: "Kill--" The snakeskin bag in his hand was thrown towards the enemy ambushing in front, and countless snakeskin bags drew a strange path in the air. The parabola soon reached its highest point, and countless cobras fell from the bags, all over the sky, like fairies scattering flowers, and black shadows swished down, which was extremely weird in the sunlight.

The enemy ambushing in the grass didn't know what Luo Zheng was throwing. They were stunned when they saw countless things falling. At this time, Zhang Yang, Shi Qian and others also hid the snakeskin bags in their hands towards the enemy. Throwing it hard from the sky, a large number of cobras fell from the bag, as if it was raining snakes.

After the cobra fell from the sky, it was in great pain and became ferocious. It quickly launched an attack on the enemies hidden in the surrounding grass. At this time, Luo Zheng and others, who had all invested in the snakeskin bag, lurked on the ground and raised their hands. The carbine was aimed forward, and endless fighting spirit burst out, as if it was going to burn everything around it.

Soon, a large number of hiding enemies got up from the grass and ran around in panic. Luo Zheng opened fire quickly, and the distance was only about twenty meters. At this distance, Luo Zheng could hit the running target's head carefully with every shot. There was a burst of rapid fire, and five or six targets fell to the ground.

More enemies got up from the grass and ran around, trying to change their hiding positions. Shi Qian and others also quickly pulled the trigger. At this time, Stanley and others also caught up, taking the opportunity to fire hard, constantly firing at the exposed targets. Luo Zheng saw a large number of enemies running in panic and a gap in the defense line. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and roared: "Charge out."

"Yes." Everyone roared in a deep voice, charging forward with guns and starting a fierce fight. The enemy knew that Luo Zheng and others were trying to break through, and wanted to fire back, but there were cobras everywhere in the hiding place. If they didn't get up, they would be killed. If you get bitten, you'll become a target if you get up and fire, so just scatter away and don't bother to fire back.

"Kill--" Luo Zheng roared angrily, charging ahead and firing continuously, hitting the exposed targets one after another.

"Puff puff -" Many bullets were fired at him, hitting his body. The pain was unstoppable, as if someone was pricking him with a sharp awl, and his internal organs were about to be broken. Luo Zheng knew very well that stopping meant death, and he had to take advantage of the opportunity. He rushed out and endured it with all his strength. His speed did not slow down at all, and he rushed over with all his strength.

Seeing the ferocity of Luo Zheng's killing, the others also rushed up with all their strength. Like a tiger descending from the mountain, the gun in his hand was like a sharp claw, tearing the enemy's defense line into pieces. No one looked back, no one stayed. Urged by Luo Zheng's angry voice, It swept away like a tornado, leaving behind a mess of enemies who were panicking to avoid being chased by cobras.

The venomous snake opened the way and caught the enemy by surprise. Everyone secretly rejoiced and started running faster. Without the help of the cobra, the hidden enemy was like a porcupine covered with thorns. It was impossible to break through. However, the ferocious cobra was in the grass. He was running around everywhere. The bullet-proof armor protected his body, but not his face. Once he was bitten, he would definitely die. When he got up from the grass, he became a living target. The enemy was in a dilemma, so he had to scatter in all directions, with no defense line. The attack was broken by itself, and coupled with Luo Zheng and others' desperate charge, the defense was almost gone.

After successfully breaking through the defense line, Luo Zheng and others did not dare to stop. They dived into the woods and ran towards the hillside. A few minutes later, everyone rushed up the hillside. Luo Zheng stopped in the open area and took a look. He was surprised to find that the enemy had already The chase came, and what was even more terrifying was that a large number of enemies had gathered inside the wall. Fortunately, I chose to break out from the front. If I broke out from the wall behind me, I would hit the enemy's gun. I let out a long sigh of relief. He shouted in a deep voice: "Let's go, bullfight tactics."

"Understood." Everyone said in a deep voice, rushing forward without fear and with high morale.

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