The strongest soldier

Chapter 2861 Infiltration

The cliff path is empty and unprotected. The faster you pass by, the better. If an enemy appears along the way, you will inevitably be exposed. This will be very detrimental to everyone. Luo Zheng naturally understands this truth and listened to Shi Qian's suggestion. He couldn't help but smile. As expected of a descendant of the stealing family, he thought more carefully. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Be specific?"

"It's very simple. Three people are dispatched at the same time. I am responsible for the bottom one, Stanley is responsible for the middle one, and Ji Wu is responsible for the first one. With our skills, we can definitely climb down the cliff without any accidents. Within ten minutes, the three of us can Everything is in place, you and Zhang Yang just need to rush down." Shi Qian suggested.

"That makes sense, how do you control the time?" Luo Zheng asked with a smile.

"You will set off in ten minutes. Cut off the first camera after three minutes, the second camera after five minutes, and the third camera after seven minutes. It will take three minutes to get to the intersection from here. Four minutes will be enough to rush down. As long as If everyone cooperates closely, there will be no problem at all, but your speed needs to be controlled," Shi Qian reminded.

"Four minutes to rush down?" Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and said: "This means that our speed must be guaranteed to be forty kilometers per hour, and it must be a constant speed. No problem, that's it. Let's take action."

"Yes." Shi Qian responded in a deep voice, and Stanley and Ji Wu hurried away after checking their watches.

Luo Zheng looked around. Everyone found a larger stone to use as a fortification to hide. They were ready for battle. They also found a place to hide. They stared at the front and waited patiently. The sea breeze blew by slowly, carrying A fishy sea smell blew on my face, making it sticky and extremely uncomfortable.

Waiting is a kind of torture. Ten minutes usually pass quickly, but on this silent cliff, it is as long as a century. Luo Zheng glances at his watch from time to time, and then looks at the direction where Shi Qian and others left. Somewhat They were worried. The cameras were installed on the cliff. I didn’t know if they could climb down? Can you arrive at the designated location on time?

Infiltrating into the underground base is very dangerous, but Luo Zheng has a reason to go. He must give the kidnapped hostages hope and let them know that someone is rescuing them. Once the Dark Church succeeds in extorting ransom and solves the financial problem, then he has all kinds of problems before. All efforts are in vain. Without the financial difficulties, the Dark Church will explode with amazing combat power, making it even more difficult to deal with.

The night became darker, and a few cold stars twinkled in the vast night sky. Instead, most of the moon stepped out of the dark clouds, casting a ray of silver light down, and the sky and earth became gray. Quack—a few seabirds screamed for some unknown reason. They could not see their shadows in the night, adding a bit of mystery to this silent cliff.

Luo Zheng took a deep breath, and the cold air with the smell of earth, grass and sea was poured into his body. His mind suddenly became clearer. Luo Zheng forced himself to calm down and stared at the surroundings coldly, while pricking up his ears. , Don't miss any movement, you are in a dangerous situation, any carelessness may cause disaster.

After a while, Luo Zheng saw that the time was up, quickly stood up, hunched his body and trotted forward towards the intersection. Zhang Yang also grabbed his weapon and followed closely. The two of them moved forward and back, about ten meters apart, as if they were two horses. The wild wolves foraging for food moved forward quietly, changing routes from time to time to avoid being targeted by enemy snipers.

The surroundings were quiet and the view was clear, but no one could guarantee that there were no enemies. You must be cautious at all times on the battlefield. The two jogged for about three minutes and arrived at the intersection. The road was indeed man-made and very simple. It was excavated directly on the cliff with tools without any reinforcement, and it was only accessible to one person.

"Speed ​​up." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, and rushed down at the lead. The intersection was surrounded by cameras. Luo Zheng believed that the brothers could complete the task within the specified time. All he needed to do was charge down at the predetermined speed. , rush down in a short time.

There is no obstruction on the path dug on the cliff, and everything is under camera surveillance. Once the enemy discovers it and sends troops to chase him, he has no choice but to retreat. After finally getting here, Luo Zheng does not want his plan to fail, and also wants to The brothers could do well and rushed forward with concentration.

Zhang Yang followed closely behind Luo Zheng, and the two of them ran all the way. Unknowingly, four minutes passed. The road ahead noticed changes. It was built by splitting a bunch of protruding cliffs in the middle. No wonder they couldn't see it during the daytime investigation. Luo Zheng glanced briefly at the protruding cliff and hurriedly turned down the path.

The front suddenly became open. At the end of the road was a large protruding stone. The surface of the large stone was flat and relatively clean. It looked like it was often stepped on. The large stone used to be sea water. On the left was a large cave. The depths of the cave were dark. It was filled with the crashing sound of waves rushing in. There was no light in sight, and there was no boat to ferry in.

Luo Zheng saw that the situation was basically consistent with what Orser described. Without any hesitation, he threw his weapon and several magazines into a dark corner nearby, walked directly to the stone, then jumped into the sea and swam quickly towards the depths of the cave. , Zhang Yang also threw the weapon and magazine into an inconspicuous dark corner, and jumped down.

The weapon cannot be used after being soaked in sea water for a long time. There is no point in taking it with you. It is better to leave it at the intersection for later use. Zhang Yang caught up with Luo Zheng in a few seconds. The two swam forward for a while and found that the cave was wider and a bit higher. The sea breeze blows in, making a whining sound, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, and the waves slap against the cave rock wall, making a roaring sound.

The noise covered up the sound of the two swimming. The two released their speed and paddled hard. Soon, the cave in front became much larger. The light illuminated the cave clearly. Three piers could be seen, and a cruise ship was parked beside it. On a pier, the pier used to be a huge open space, like a small square, and then there were some rooms. There were many small caves dug into the surrounding rock walls, and there were stone steps winding up. It looked like there were many people living there. people.

Luo Zheng and Zhang Yang hid in the shadows and swam forward slowly. Soon they came to the anchor dropped by the cruise ship. They grabbed the thick iron chain connected to the anchor and climbed up. They quickly drilled along the anchor channel. After entering, he quickly arrived on the deck and hid in the shadows. This time he had time to look around carefully.

The cave should be naturally formed. It was renovated in the later period. The protruding stones on the rock wall were blown up and many caves were expanded to serve as dormitories. The small square past the dock is made of stones. The ground is relatively flat and almost Two heavily armed personnel stood on guard on both sides, staring calmly in the direction of the cave exit.

The rooms past the square are all made of wood and stone. They are of different sizes and square. There are lights on in the rooms, and there are people standing guard at the door of some rooms. The whole cave is quiet and gives people a sense of depression. Luo Zheng seems to smell Seeing the cold murderous aura in the air, I couldn't help but frown in thought.

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