The strongest soldier

Chapter 2863 Reinforcements arrive

The moonlight was hazy, and the sea breeze slowly passed over the cliffs and penetrated into the woods. The waves rolled with the wind and kept hitting the coastal cliffs, making a rumbling sound, as if thousands of horses were galloping and roaring. It spread far away, and the open mountains It was quiet on the hilltop, and the low grass and trees were swaying in the wind. In the dense forest on a hillside not far from the hillock, a man was standing quietly in the wind, looking at the vast sea in front of him, his eyes were cold, and the camouflage combat uniform on his body was wet. It was Luo Zheng who evacuated from the underground base.

After safely evacuating the base, Luo Zheng and his brothers reunited and moved to the hidden mountain forest. This infiltration gave Luo Zheng a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the underground base. He felt that it was impossible for everyone to win the base alone. To rescue all the hostages, we must contact the outside world. Fortunately, we found a lifebuoy on the cruise ship, allowing Zhang Yang, who was the strongest and most likely to escape, to leave.

If Zhang Yang couldn't escape with his strength, it would be impossible for others. Luo Zheng was not at all casual. He quietly looked at the sea in front of him and pondered, wondering what was going on in the underground base? It is understandable that the enemy's defense is lax. After all, there is satellite signal shielding equipment on this island. The outside world does not know the existence of this island at all. There is no need to worry about being attacked. However, why are there no hostages?

Time passed by minute by second. Luo Zheng thought for a while and couldn't figure it out. He simply found a place to sit down and adjusted his breath using the breathing method passed down from his family to avoid catching a cold. He didn't have any change of clothes. There was a lady present. Luo Zheng could only continue to wear the wet combat uniform. Fortunately, the breathing method taught at home could resist the wind and cold erosion to a certain extent. After a while, Luo Zheng entered an ethereal state, and everything around him became clear, as if he could vividly see it.

In the ethereal state, Luo Zheng's five senses and six senses are beyond ordinary. If there is danger, he can sense it in time, and he can also restore his physical strength and mental state. He kills two birds with one stone. On the battlefield, Luo Zheng will use this method to be on guard. After a while, Luo Zheng saw Shi Qian walking slowly and shouted in a low voice: "Boss, it's three o'clock in the morning. It's my turn to stand guard. You can take a rest."

Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally, continued to close his eyes and rest, and slowly fell asleep in an ethereal state. After an unknown amount of time, Luo Zheng was awakened by the sound of voices. When he opened his eyes, a bright light pierced his eyes. I felt my eyes blurred, and instinctively closed them quickly. Then I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the sky was already brightening.

After an uneventful night, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and motioned for everyone to share the small amount of food. The food was all brought out from the cruise ship. Besides water, it was biscuits. Liu Qingqing distributed the food to everyone and ate it slowly. Luo Zheng also got some and ate it slowly, chewing as much food as possible, swallowing it slowly while thinking deeply.

After a while, Shi Qian walked slowly to Luo Zheng and whispered: "If the enemy didn't find us yesterday, we will definitely increase the search scope and intensity. Should we continue to stay here?"

"It's a pity that there are no engineering shovels, otherwise we can dig trenches and fight defensive battles. It's okay to hold on until our people come over. You can't stay here for a long time. Evacuate immediately after eating. Go back along the original path. Which valley should you go to? Where are the iron boxes? It should be safe." Luo Zheng whispered.

"It makes sense. There is equipment there. Normally, if we find it there, we will definitely destroy the equipment. As long as the equipment continues to work, the enemy will only think that the equipment is not exposed. They will never think that we are hiding there. It's dark under the light. Fortunately, we didn't destroy the equipment, so we have an extra safe place." Shi Qian chuckled in surprise.

Not long after, everyone cleaned up the scene after eating and evacuated quickly. They did not encounter any enemies along the way, but they found a lot of footprints, which should have been left by the enemies. The more footprints there were, the more they were the same. I don’t know who it belongs to and where it went, but that’s a good thing.

Everyone came to the tin box and did not destroy the equipment inside. Instead, they quickly dispersed and hid in the woods to continue resting. The surrounding woods were relatively dense and the trees were much taller. It was a good hiding place. At noon, a search force He came over, walked around the iron box for a few times and then left. He didn't find any hidden targets nearby. Perhaps he didn't expect that Luo Zheng and others would choose not to destroy the equipment and call for help, right?

Normally, the first thing that people think of when they are trapped on an island is to contact the outside world, call for help, destroy the equipment in the tin box, and restore the communication signal to communicate with the outside world. There is no reason not to do this. The enemy sees that the tin box is still there. , and there didn’t seem to be anyone around, so he became careless and went to search elsewhere.

As soon as the enemy left, Luo Zheng lurked nearby with confidence. The island was very big. After searching once, it was impossible for the enemy to search again in a short time. It was relatively safe, so he led everyone to continue lurking and waiting.

Time passed by, and everyone had finished eating and drinking water. They were very hungry. Fortunately, there were grapevines in the surrounding woods, and the water in them was enough to sustain everyone's lives. Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Luo Zhengsong After taking a breath, he gathered everyone together and headed towards the previous hillside.

Ten minutes later, everyone encountered a search team. Wild wolves were looking for food one by one, sneaking quietly in the forest. Fortunately, the one who opened the way was Ji Wu, who was very familiar with nature and had profound skills. He discovered the sneaking enemy and quickly warned him. Luo Zheng led everyone to avoid it and continued on their way after the team passed by.

After a while, everyone came to the forest on the hillside where they were hiding. Luo Zheng walked a few steps quickly to the commanding heights of the hillside and looked forward. The open cliff was quiet and there was no human figure. The sea was pitch black and could not be seen. There was no sign of anyone, and reinforcements had not arrived. Luo Zheng saw other people coming one after another, with expectations in their eyes, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Wait patiently for a while, and then everyone will spread out and stay hidden."

"Yes." Everyone agreed reluctantly, dispersed one after another, and hid in the surrounding woods to rest.

The moonlight is like water, gently spreading the endless silver light, as if covering the earth with a layer of silver gauze. The surroundings are quiet, not even a single insect chirps, only the sea breeze rushes past, and the trees are shaken by the sea breeze. There was a roaring sound. Luo Zheng took a deep breath, letting the air full of earthy and fragrant smell flow into his trachea and into his body. He felt that his heavy brain sobered up a little. His eyes looking forward were slightly condensed and became Be sharp.

Faintly, Luo Zheng felt someone approaching, but he didn't know the exact location. He had a very strange intuition. Luo Zheng cautiously turned around and looked around, trying to find something. Unfortunately, the surroundings were quiet, with only the wind blowing the trees. A rustling sound.

"Cuckoo - Cuckoo!" Suddenly, there was a burst of nightingale cries, two short and three long, very regular. Luo Zheng was startled, then he was overjoyed, his eyes lit up, this was a familiar contact method, Only Luo Zheng and Lan Xue in the world knew that it was a specific communication code that they had agreed upon. When Luo Zheng thought that Lan Xue had come in person, he was overjoyed, energetic and excited.

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