The strongest soldier

Chapter 2876 Secretly attend the appointment

The United Nations building is on the border of Sam country, and the person arrested is also a Sam nationality. It is more convenient for Jackson, the head of the Secret Service, to come forward than anyone else. According to the system of Sam country, whether it is the police or the security bureau and other law enforcement agencies, it is necessary You must cooperate with the Secret Service at all times. After Luo Zheng handed the task to Jackson, he looked at Hongmeihua and continued: "When will the party start?"

"One day later." Hong Meihua said quickly.

"One day?" Luo Zheng was surprised and doubtful. One day was too short to even prepare. Luo Zheng thought for a while, looked at Jackson and asked, "Can these people be arrested on charges?"

"It's difficult. They are all respectable people. According to the laws of Sam Country, they cannot be moved without an arrest warrant or a search warrant unless there is enough evidence in hand." Jackson explained helplessly.

"Are we just going to give up on this clue?" Hong Meihua asked in surprise.

"Can you kidnap them all at once?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Like the Dark Church kidnapping a cruise ship?" Jackson was shocked. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding with a fighting spirit, he trembled for no reason and said quickly: "No, unless we kill them all afterwards, but we can't do that Do it, even if it is proven after interrogation that they are all members of the Dark Church, they will still have to wait for the trial before they can be executed. Then the truth behind our actions will be exposed, no, we can’t do this.”

"Yes, we are an anti-terrorist organization, not a terrorist organization, and we cannot carry out terrorist acts." Fula, who was attending the meeting, said in a deep voice, shaking her head repeatedly. Seeing Luo Zheng's face with a wry smile, she also smiled wryly, and added: "I know Your starting point is good, and I want to arrest them immediately, but we are the forces of justice and cannot act recklessly, otherwise, the Anti-Terrorism Administration will be closed down as soon as it is established."

"Okay, I'm thinking of other ways." Luo Zheng said helplessly. The Anti-Terrorism Administration is a double-edged sword. It is extremely powerful when used well, but it also has restrictions. As a soldier, Luo Zheng acts without hesitation. The process only depends on the results, but as the head of the Anti-Terrorism Administration, Luo Zheng has to consider the consequences and influence.

"According to the tip, they rushed to Sean's private villa in the afternoon, where they will hold a closed-door meeting for two days. Except for those invited, no one else is allowed to participate in this meeting. Can we start first and secretly arrest some important people? Members, make their meeting unable to continue?" Hong Meihua suggested.

"Where's the evidence? We know they are members of the Dark Church, but there is no evidence." Jackson tried to dissuade him again. Seeing everyone looking at him with doubts on their faces, he couldn't help but explain with a wry smile: "Don't forget one person: Charlie , that old bastard is very shrewd. Since the three major families have announced the gathering in a high-profile manner, aren't they afraid that we will destroy it? There must be a purpose for doing so. Once we take action, we might just fall into their plan. "

"I have also considered this. Charlie is very cunning and suspicious. Maybe he knew that the matter would be exposed, so he just made it public. Maybe it was a suspicion trap that made us cautious, misjudged, and gave up in the end. I think it's time to take action. , You must not follow common sense when dealing with the Dark Church." Hong Meihua said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Jackson wanted to say more, Luo Zheng waved his hand, took over the topic and said, "Okay, I understand this matter, let me think about it, don't do anything yet, let's break up the meeting."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng inexplicably. They couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Luo Zheng was selling in this gourd. The meeting ended before the matter was agreed upon. Isn't this a phenomenon that has never happened before? But when everyone saw that Luo Zheng had already walked out with a sullen face, they all got up and left the conference room.

After Luo Zheng returned to the office, he changed into a black trench coat with a hat, and dressed himself up like a young man on the street. Ignoring Liu Qingqing's surprised eyes and curious questions, he left the United Nations office building alone and walked along the street. go.

After walking a certain distance, Luo Zheng saw that no one was following him, so he hailed a taxi and reported a distant address to leave. Along the way, the taxi driver kept complaining about various social injustices, and Luo Zheng pretended not to hear him. Look behind you from time to time to make sure no one is following you.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Luo Zheng got out of the car temporarily, then changed to another taxi and continued to circle. After repeating this twice, the taxi arrived at a club. There were several burly men in vests guarding the door. , with a dark head, dark complexion, and strong muscles, he was whispering something.

Luo Zheng walked up calmly, and a black young man who looked like a leader came up to stop him: "Hey! Hey! Hey - this is a private place. You can't go in without an invitation. Who are you?"

"Stealing the mouse's oil." Luo Zheng said calmly.

The other party was startled, and looked Luo Zheng up and down. His impatience was gone, his dark face was more serious, and he said in a respectful tone: "So you are a distinguished guest. Please come with me. The young master is waiting for you."

When Luo Zheng heard this, he laughed. That bastard Orser didn't lie. This was indeed his intensive base. These people were also core members of his family, trustworthy confidants, and "stealing the oil of rats" was indeed a secret code for contact. , a very strange code, shouldn't it be "rat stealing oil"? It's an inverted sentence, it's unexpected, how can ordinary people expect it? interesting.

The burly men around him looked at Luo Zheng curiously, but they didn't ask any questions. Instead, they quickly moved forward, spread out, and surrounded him in a circle. They looked around vigilantly and blocked Luo Zheng from entering.

The large iron door of the private club was closed tightly. The leader went up and smashed it a few times. Someone opened the lookout in the middle of the large iron door. The leader immediately said: "Young Master's guests are coming. Please notify Young Master immediately and open the door."

"Ah? Okay." The other party agreed and quickly opened the big iron door.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he didn't know that Orser had already explained what he was going to do. It showed that he attached great importance to cooperation. Luo Zheng felt relieved. He took a closer look and found that the entrance was a staircase going down, about five or six meters deep. As I turned a corner, I could faintly hear the roar of heavy metal speakers.

"Please go down directly. Someone will come to greet you below." The leader said politely.

Luo Zheng nodded and walked downstairs without a care. He had gone through mountains of swords and seas of fire, how could he care about a small club? Even if Orser had ulterior motives, he was not afraid. Luo Zheng took every step firmly, but secretly he was on guard, holding a dagger in his hand.

When they came to the corner, there was an explosion-proof door on the side. It looked very strong. Two sturdy men were guarding it. They looked at Luo Zheng warily, but without asking any questions. One of them slammed the explosion-proof door. Soon, someone opened it. He looked at the lookout, glanced at Luo Zheng and quickly opened the door from the inside. The moment the door opened, powerful heavy metal music blasted through, making people's hearts quicken, and the noisy sound was even more devastating.

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