The strongest soldier

Chapter 2940 The war begins

The night was hazy, and the moon quietly poked out half of its head from behind the dark clouds. It quietly stared at the vast wilderness and mountains, and cast a layer of silver light on the ruins of the Kibaro tribe. The silent ruins were as peaceful as ever. The figure was silent, like a dead mountain, exuding a strange aura.

Behind an inconspicuous soil slope at the foot of the mountain, Luo Zheng and Tie Diao lay quietly, observing their surroundings patiently. After arriving here with the invisibility suit, Luo Zheng was not in a hurry to penetrate inside, but stopped to observe. Tie Diao pricked up his ears and listened carefully. After a while, he gave Luo Zheng a few gestures and pointed in several directions, telling Luo Zheng that there were many people in those places.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly and pointed to a point above. Tie Diao nodded knowingly, and the two quickly climbed up the hillside. No one was patrolling outside, and with the invisibility suits on them, the two of them didn't worry about being discovered at all. , climbed very fast, and reached the halfway point of the mountain before realizing it, and found a mound to hide.

The two of them observed again. The surroundings were quiet, not even a chirping insect. The gray moonlight gently fell on the hillside. Some withered short grass was gently swaying in the wind. The cave entrance not far away was dark. , like the open mouth of a wild beast, waiting for prey to come to the door, the cave exudes a strange and cold atmosphere.

At this time, Luo Zheng felt Tie Diao patting his shoulder. He couldn't help but look back and saw Tie Diao pointing at several locations in front of him and making several numerical gestures, telling Luo Zheng how many people were hiding in these places. Luo Zheng Nodding knowingly, seeing Tie Diao signaling to continue going up, Luo Zheng immediately pulled Tie Diao and shook his head.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound. The two people lay down on the spot vigilantly and searched carefully. Soon they found an armed man coming out of a hole, carrying an automatic rifle on his back, yawning, and walked to the entrance of the hole. Stop and unbutton your pants for convenience.

Not long after, two more armed men came out sleepily, yawning and cursing something. Luo Zheng smiled when he saw this scene and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This showed that the enemy did not raise their alert and did not know. It's a good thing that he's going to attack tonight.

After waiting for a while, these armed men returned to the cave, and everything returned to calm. Luo Zheng waited patiently for a while, and after making sure that no one came out, he immediately said through the headset: "Shi Qian, I heard the reply."

"I heard it." Shi Qian's excited voice came from the headset: "It's time to wait. Do you want us to take action? How to do it? The brothers are all holding their breath."

"Prevent the fire from burning the poppies, make the noise louder, and then quickly move forward to the canyon, find a place to ambush reinforcements, and pack up the reinforcements for me. The harder you fight, the more enemies will be dispatched, and the better I can do. , when the number of enemy reinforcements exceeds 200, evacuate immediately, running as far away as possible. You decide the retreat route according to the situation, keep in touch with the headquarters at any time, and you direct the battle." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed gratefully. This is an incomparable trust and a huge test. Once you are qualified, you will have more opportunities in the future.

After handing over the task, Luo Zheng continued to wait. Burning the poppy valley with fire prevention can not only destroy the drugs that are harmful to mankind, but also divert the tigers away from the mountains. More importantly, it can disrupt the enemy's deployment and make the enemy confused, so that he can take advantage of the opportunity. Penetrated inside.

Time passed slowly, and Luo Zheng waited patiently. After about half an hour, Luo Zheng saw a fire lighting up in the direction of Poppy Valley. The fire was not big, but it dispersed the surrounding night. You can see the flames shooting into the sky, which shows that the fire is already very big.

Not long after, Luo Zheng saw many armed men rushing out of the cave at the bottom of the mountain. These armed men had no time to organize their formation, so they rushed towards Poppy Valley with guns in hand, cursing loudly. Luo Zheng saw this. The scene smiled and made a rough estimate. It was only a hundred people. This number of people was definitely no match for his brother.

"It's already moving. Do you want to take action?" The iron eagle beside him asked excitedly in a low voice.

"Don't worry, the fun has just begun." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Just started?" Tie Diao asked with some doubts.

"Yes, if you were the enemy, what would you think if you suddenly heard that there was a fire in Poppy Valley?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"I will send people over to investigate, but at the same time I will strengthen internal vigilance to avoid falling into the trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain." Tie Diao suddenly laughed when he said this, reacted, thought about it, lowered his voice and laughed: "Brother, what a plan, now I'm afraid I'll hit their big net when I go in. We must dispel the enemy's doubts and make them think that we are setting up an ambush by burning the valley and are not targeting the ruins."

"There are only about a hundred people going to support. If we kill all these people, the enemy commander will definitely be furious. Thinking that we have a large force, he will send more people there, or even mobilize the Dark Guard and the Knights of the Round Table, and his attention will be completely distracted. Attract them, and it will be easy for us to go in." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Boss, don't worry, we will definitely eat this reinforcements." Shi Qian heard the conversation between Luo Zheng and Tie Diao through the headset, understood Luo Zheng's tactical purpose, and whispered vowedly.

"Well, the enemy's formation is very scattered. The canyon is the nearest road. They may go through the canyon. You only need to hold on to the top of the mountain, attack directly with RPGs, and kill them as quickly as possible. The greater the movement, the more the enemy will think they have encountered a big enemy. The more large-scale troops ambush, the more beneficial it is to us." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Shi Qian agreed wholeheartedly: "Each of the brothers brought an RPG. More than thirty brothers opened fire together. Killing them is not a problem. Just wait for our good news."

Luo Zheng smiled knowingly, and was glad that he asked the headquarters to arrange for everyone to bring RPGs over. The enemy was hiding underground, and it was impossible to attack without RPGs. He didn't expect to use it tonight, and it was used in ambush battles. Although it was a bit wasteful, it was worth it. As long as the illusion of a large-scale ambush is created, the enemy will not know who is coming or how many people there are, and will make wrong judgments and deployments, which will benefit itself.

"Brother, they had a good time fighting. What are we doing? Why don't we just wait here?" Tie Diao couldn't help but ask, his words filled with determination as he longed for a fight.

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng said coldly, restrained his breath, and lay motionless on the ground. He couldn't see anything in the night, as if he didn't exist at all.

When Tie Diao saw it, he immediately calmed down his excitement and blended into the night. The mountain breeze was gentle, the night was deep, and the mountains returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened, which was weird.

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