The strongest soldier

Chapter 2956 The iron sculpture is injured

Wizards are people who communicate with the gods. How can the Dark Church communicate with the gods if they kill the wizard? How to spread the doctrine? This is tantamount to pulling firepower from the bottom of the cauldron. A crazy counterattack is inevitable. Luo Zheng couldn't help but think of the enemy's crazy pursuit last night. He was somewhat aware of it, but he sneered indifferently: "We will not let go if we don't kill us. We are the enemy of life and death. Naturally, whatever is beneficial to you, what do you think?"

"Yes, it seems that what happened in the past three years is beyond my imagination. I think Tie Diao doesn't know much. What I know is not valuable, and there are many uncertainties. Now you can tell me." The think tank said in agreement. .

Luo Zheng thought for a moment and explained in detail the specific information he had about the Dark Church. This lasted for more than an hour. He finally finished explaining the situation and finally added: "That's the general situation, Twelve Elders. Above are the Four Holy Kings, and above that is the Holy Lord. Neither the Holy King nor the Holy Lord knows who they are, and they have no clues. As for the Twelve Elders, they have already mastered half of them, so there is no big problem."

"Holy King? This is the first time I have heard of this. It is really powerful. There is one more thing you missed. In addition to the Twelve Elders, there are seven major bases. Each base is their believer and military stronghold. There is the Holy Son. It is managed by the person in charge of the base. Now it seems that it should be under the direct management of a certain holy king. I heard that you basically destroyed the base? That’s good. Cutting off the enemy’s minions is beneficial to us." The think tank analyzed in a deep voice.

"Only part of it was destroyed, and it can easily reappear. The base is composed of ordinary believers. It is impossible to kill them all, and it is impossible to arrest and imprison them all. We can only capture the main criminals and armed personnel, but when believers pick up guns, they are armed personnel again. It's very troublesome to arrange a person in charge and continue the operation," Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Is there no solution?" the think tank asked in surprise.

"Yes, kill the Holy Son and take away the Sky Stone. The Sky Stone has radiation and only the Holy Son can control it. The Holy Son is the spiritual representative of the Dark Church's base. It is very difficult to cultivate. Without the Holy Son to spread the teachings with the Sky Stone, believers will quickly They will question, rebel, etc." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"So that's it. It's better to have a way than to have no way. However, I think you don't belong to these bases at all?" The think tank asked in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng with eyes full of curiosity.

"It's not that we don't care, it's because more terrifying and threatening people are waiting for us, so we have to make a choice. The base is not a big threat. It is just one of the sources of troops, materials and talents for the Dark Church. It is We destroyed it once, and it will take some time to recover. The most terrifying thing is that there are research teams at ruins like this, which must be destroyed as soon as possible. As for the people who control the troops of some countries you mentioned, it will be difficult to deal with them if they are not exposed. The matter is difficult, but we can only do it one by one." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

The battle with the Dark Church has been won and lost so far. Luo Zheng has learned very well that he cannot be impulsive or act on impulse. He can only play steadily and step by step, otherwise he will fall into passivity. The bloody night last time was enough to illustrate all this. The price is too high. Big, can't be repeated.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was preoccupied, the think tank didn't ask any more questions and went to digest the information Luo Zheng just said. In more than three years, the Dark Church has developed into a powerful terrorist organization that the think tank didn't know. It must be familiar with it as soon as possible. Luo Zheng looked at it The sky in the distance was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "When we entered the underground to look for you, we found a long passage, which led to another underground space. There was a dark guard guarding it. It should be an important base. Do you know this place? ?”

"Guarded by the Dark Guard?" The think tank was shocked and said in a deep voice: "The Dark Guard is the highest armed force of the Dark Church. The place they can guard must be unusual. Could it be that the Holy King is there? The Knights of the Round Table protect and supervise the Twelve Elder, it is entirely possible that the Dark Guards were sent by the Holy Lord to protect and supervise the Holy King. Didn’t you say that the Dark Guards are the Holy Lord’s personal guards?”

"What you said makes sense. At least they are all Holy Kings. They are indeed a big fish. They can't be the people you mentioned before, right? Even the bastard Galis is respectful. Apart from the Holy King, he is the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord should not Will come to this kind of place, so the possibility of the Holy King." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Boom -" Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the distance. Luo Zheng was startled and quickly turned his head forward, but the vast mountains were layered on top of each other and nothing could be seen. The sun was like fire, especially dazzling, and the mountain wind passed by slowly. With a bit of earthy smell, the sky above the vast wasteland was silent, and nothing could be seen.

"It sounds like an explosion." Zhitan whispered in surprise.

Luo Zheng responded and quickly turned on the headset. Soon, a shadowy roar came from the headset: "Retreat quickly, I am behind you, you bastard, you are indeed invulnerable, so fast."

"I'm fast and I can catch up with you. You take the iron eagle and retreat first." Scud's yellow voice sounded in the headset, with great anxiety.

"What happened?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked.

"The iron eagle's leg was injured." Shadow replied sadly and angrily.

"Quickly retreat, Shi Qian, I received the answer." Luo Zheng was shocked and shouted coldly.

"Copy that." Shi Qian's voice sounded in the headset.

"Rush to support as quickly as possible and make sure everyone evacuates." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes." Shi Qian shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, follow me."

"What happened?" The think tank didn't wear a headset and couldn't hear everyone talking, so he asked in surprise.

"The iron eagle was injured, the details are unknown." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking around. Everyone wore headsets, so they could naturally hear the call. Knowing the truth of the matter, they all stood up and looked at Luo Zheng with shining eyes. A cold murderous aura erupted from his whole body.

"Brothers, copycats, follow me." Luo Zheng responded in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone was overjoyed when they saw that Luo Zheng was going to the rescue. They agreed one by one, picked up their weapons, and pulled the gun bolt, making a clattering sound. The invisible fighting spirit burst out, cold and firm.

"The slowest brother leaves one or two to look after the think tank. You decide who it is. The others follow me." Luo Zheng roared in a deep voice, picked up his sniper rifle and rushed forward, rushing towards There were bullets in the gun, and he completely forgot that he was still a seriously injured person. As he ran, Luo Zheng felt the pain in the muscles and bones of his back, but when he thought that Tie Diao and others' lives were in danger at any time, he didn't care about anything.

"Brothers, the ghost is seriously injured. You should keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Don't let him get hurt again." Seeing Luo Zheng gritting his teeth and rushing away madly, the think tank knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so he quickly reminded him.

"Yes." The brothers around him shouted in a deep voice, looking at Luo Zheng with gratitude in their eyes.

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