The strongest soldier

Chapter 2960 Summary after the war

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood, and the western sky is dyed blood red by the sunset. The mountain wind blows past the barren hills, carrying a bit of the smell of soil and grass. A group of birds are flying freely in the sky. After chasing and playing, they suddenly disappeared into a patch of short grass on the hillside. High in the sky, a large eagle soared freely, looking down at the earth with a domineering momentum.

At the commanding heights of a hillside, there are heavily armed armed men lurking. They are watching the surroundings calmly with a solemn expression. One of them holds a piece of weed in his mouth. From time to time, he raises his head to glance at the large eagle flying in the sky. A trace of trust flashes in his eyes. It is none other than 绡Pu Xing.

In the cave under the broken slope of the mountain, Luo Zheng led a large group of troops to rest inside. After retreating from the battlefield, the enemy did not pursue them, so everyone went directly to the cave to rest. The weapons and ammunition buried in the cave had been distributed to everyone, and the food was also As the distribution continued, some people were arranged by Luo Zheng to lurk around and stand guard. The fact that the enemy did not pursue them did not mean that there was no danger. A high degree of alert must be maintained at all times on the battlefield and no carelessness could be allowed.

Tie Diao rested on his backpack, his body as strong as an ox became weak, his face turned pale, and it was difficult to breathe. The bullet had been taken out, and the wound had been bandaged again. He looked a little haggard. The little wolf was also lying on the ground. Rest and look better.

Although the high-voltage electricity was violent, the little wolf was only shocked for a tenth of a second. With his strong body and good recovery ability, there was nothing serious. Luo Zheng was lying on the ground, and the ground was covered with Withered grass, next to it sat Zhitan, Shi Qian and others.

"Brother, I didn't expect that three of us were injured at once. This battle was fought because of my command error." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice with regret.

"No, this has nothing to do with you. After all, it's all thanks to your adjustment of the plan. If you follow my plan and everyone goes up directly, you might be ambushed by the enemy and get eaten by the enemy." The think tank said in annoyance, his eyes falling. On Shadow, he continued: "Brother, thanks to you, can you tell me the situation again?"

"No problem." Shadow glanced at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "At that time, the three of us touched it. The iron eagle was in front and was not discovered by the enemy. Until we approached the helicopter, the enemy suddenly came out and hit the iron eagle with a bullet. Diao, Tiediao fought tooth and nail to kill the enemy helicopter, and a few of us rushed forward to cover the retreat."

"Let me tell you." Tie Diao knew the think tank very well and knew that there must be a reason for asking. He took the topic and said in a deep voice: "I touched all the way up and found no shadow of the enemy. They were probably hiding in caves until they reached the top of the mountain. After finding no enemy, I prepared to blow up the helicopter. Who knows, a group of people appeared out of nowhere, and one of them hit me with a gun. He was probably a sniper. Didn’t the Dark Church imitate the dragon tooth bullet?" He said and looked at it. Xiang Luozheng.

Luo Zheng nodded and said: "Yes, those bastards are indeed very powerful in technology. They copied it in a short time. The effect is as good as our dragon tooth bullets and can penetrate bullet-proof armor. No wonder you were injured. What happened next?"

"Yes, it must have been the enemy's sniper. It was really unlucky. Later? They were all next to the helicopter. Naturally, they couldn't give up. So they threw the prepared button bombs directly over, blew up the helicopter, and then shot at them. Only then did they realize There are many underground bunkers on the top of the mountain. They are usually camouflaged and cannot be seen. I had to evacuate, but my legs were injured and I couldn't get up quickly. Fortunately, the brothers Shadow and Huang Can rushed up to rescue me. Otherwise, this would have been impossible. Your fate is entrusted to you at the top of the mountain." Tie Diao said in a deep voice, a look of anger flashed in his eyes.

"There are fortifications on the top of the mountain? Are they disguised?" Luo Zheng and the think tank asked almost at the same time. Seeing that the iron eagle didn't look like a joke, Luo Zheng immediately thought of the last time he was almost attacked, and couldn't help asking in a deep voice: "The bunker Are there many? What are they like?"

"It's the entrance from the underground base to the top of the mountain. It's covered with soil. There are probably wooden boards behind the soil. There may be a lookout, and there are experts lurking there. Otherwise, it's impossible for me to be seen, and it's impossible for me not to be able to discover it." Diao said bitterly.

Luo Zheng knew the strength of the iron eagle. He was fast and experienced in infiltration. It was not difficult to reach the top of the mountain quietly. Even if there was danger, he could find it immediately. However, he was injured this time, which is enough to show that the defenses on the top of the mountain are complex. , there are masters among the enemies, Luo Zheng couldn't help but think deeply when he thought about it.

"In any case, this battle is not considered a defeat for us. It can be considered a tie at most. It is still a profit. At least we know a new way to deal with the Dark Guard. The Dragon Tooth Arrow is indeed a good thing. It can be used as a cold weapon in your hand. It can also be used as a hidden arrow. It is the nemesis of the Dark Guard and a great weapon in close combat." Shadow said beside him.

Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and continued to meditate. The think tank glanced at Shadow, thought for a while, and said: "What you said is not unreasonable. The Dark Guard is different from the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Warriors. It is more difficult to train. This time, we killed more than a dozen , we killed more than a dozen last time, which adds up to more than thirty Dark Guards. If this continues, the Dark Guards will no longer pose a threat. The Dragon Tooth Arrow is indeed a good thing." He looked at Luo Zheng.

"I have personally experienced it, and it is really useful. As long as we get close, as long as we are fast enough and our strikes are firm enough, the enemy will not be able to guard against it. At most, we will both die together. If we have insulating suits on us, or wear insulating gloves, and the boots under our feet are also insulated, Our combat effectiveness against the Dark Guard can be greatly improved." Shi Qian reminded from the side.

"That's true. If I hadn't been electrocuted, I wouldn't have been so miserable." Xiaolang said with lingering fear.

"You are just inexperienced. You are anxious when you see the tiger girl being injured. It's understandable, but your behavior is too reckless. As a reckless man calls it, be careful next time. Not only will you not be able to save others, but you will also get yourself involved. Do you understand?" Luo Zheng said angrily. Seeing Xiao Lang lowering his head in embarrassment, he thought for a while and continued: "Anyway, you performed pretty well and didn't embarrass me."

"Really?" When Xiaolang heard this, he immediately became excited and looked at Luo Zheng with eyes full of enthusiasm and joy.

"Don't be proud. Your performance is remarkable, but there are still many shortcomings. Learn more from other people. Shi Qian and Cao Xi are lovers. Have you lost your nature because of Cao Xi? Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu are also lovers. Relationships, are you as desperate as you? Calmness always comes first on the battlefield. Being hot-blooded and impulsive will only make you die faster, and it will not help anything else." Luo Zheng accused.

"Oh." Little Wolf lowered his head in shame.

"Hehe, I like this little wolf cub. It is right to fight for the one you love, but he is a little too reckless. I will teach you a few tricks later." Tie Diao said with a smile.

"Who said we are lovers?" Xiao Lang said shyly. After all, he was still a minor.

"Say it again?" Tiger Girl frowned and said dissatisfied.

"Hahaha——" Everyone laughed when they heard this, and the haze of losing the battle was swept away.

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