The strongest soldier

Chapter 2976 Seeing through the enemy’s plan

War is cruel. Once surrounded, you will fall into a passive situation. Breaking out is the right way. The enemy's abnormal behavior made Lan Xue uncertain. Luo Zheng became confused after hearing this situation. After thinking for a while, he said uncertainly: "Maybe They don’t want to leave yet, and the reason why they don’t want to leave is not simple. They are waiting for an opportunity. It seems that there is not much time left for us, so we must hurry up.”

"You should hurry up, but you can't rush forward anymore. Stay in the command position. Cao Xi will keep an eye on him." Lan Xue's dissatisfied voice sounded in the headset, and the following sentence was directed at Cao Xi. Hi said.

"Yes." Cao Xi quickly agreed and looked in the direction of Luo Zheng with some embarrassment. With Luo Zheng's character, he really wanted to fight on the front line. No one could stop him unless Lan Xue came in person.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't do it, right?" Luo Zheng said with a smile. The pain all over his body was unstoppable, and his whole body was exhausted. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. After Luo Zheng finished speaking, he looked at Huang Can beside him and thought about it. After thinking about it, he warned: "Let the think tanks come here secretly. They must not be exposed. The command center will provide satellite support and guide a safe route."

"Understood." Lan Xing's voice sounded in the headset.

"I'll notify them right away." Huang Can promised, took out the headset from Luo Zheng's ear, put it on, and went to the side to communicate with the think tank.

When entering the cave, Luo Zheng put the signal transmitter and headset in his backpack. The backpack was still there. Luo Zheng shouted softly to a brother not far away: "Bring me the headset."

The brother agreed, took out the signal transmitter and headset from Luo Zheng's backpack, turned on the signal transmitter, and put the headset in Luo Zheng's ear. In this way, everyone's communication could be heard. Luo Zheng Zheng thought for a while and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Shadow, what's going on now?"

"Brother, are you awake now? Are you okay?" Shadow asked with concern, and after receiving Luo Zheng's reply, he continued: "These bastards are behaving strangely. It is said that they have enough troops and elite troops. As long as they attack suddenly and concentrate their troops, They were able to break through our blockade with a fierce attack, but they suddenly retreated at the critical moment, and it looked like they were looking for our loopholes through fighting."

"Testing attack?" Luo Zheng was startled and began to think deeply.

"It should be, it's too abnormal and completely unreasonable. I'm sure they are not in a hurry to evacuate. They should be waiting for an opportunity. The exploratory attacks during this period are just to learn more about us, find our flaws, and wait for a breakthrough. It's a good time to succeed in one fell swoop." Shadow said in a deep voice.

"Tell me about their tactical arrangements?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, feeling vaguely that this matter was not that simple.

"Tactical security is very simple. The guerrillas act as human shields in the front, followed by the holy warriors and perhaps the Knights of the Round Table. They look very powerful. If our dragon tooth bullets hadn't been able to restrain them, I'm afraid they would have suffered heavy losses. The Dark Guard would also Move out, but stay on both sides of the formation, focus on sneak attacks, attack when you have the chance, and never step forward into the range of bows and arrows. There is nothing we can do against these bastards with organic armor protection." Shadow said angrily.

"How far is the range of their laser cannon?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise, frowning and thinking deeply.

"I didn't see it. They used sniper rifles in every sneak attack. They used ammunition similar to dragon's tooth bullets, which can penetrate bullet-proof armor. A dozen of our brothers have been injured to varying degrees." Shadow said quickly.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng was shocked. The most powerful weapon of the Dark Guard should be the laser cannon. It has the attribute of annihilation. As long as it is hit, the whole person will disappear without leaving any residue. Why not use this more deterrent weapon? Could it be that the range is not enough because he is hiding behind?

"That's not right." Luo Zheng suddenly felt uneasy. After thinking about it carefully, an idea came to his mind. His expression changed drastically and he said in a deep voice, "No, the enemy is not attacking tentatively."

"It's not a tentative attack, what about them?" Shadow was confused. The other brothers also heard the conversation through their headsets and were also confused by Luo Zheng's words. They all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"I don't feel like it's a probing attack, because they don't have to do it every time. If it's a probing attack, they will have different sneak attacks, which will be different every time. This way they can thoroughly test our reality. But, I can't figure out what their purpose is, what do you mean?" The think tank's voice sounded deep in the headset, showing a solemn tone.

The invisible pressure suddenly became angry, making everyone alert. If it were not a tentative attack, then everyone would have been in the enemy's calculations. Luo Zheng's serious warning sounded in the headset: "The enemy wants to use this method. To kill us, the guerrillas are just human shields and cannon fodder. They can suppress them with firepower and cannot fight without fighting, but no matter how many enemies they die, they will not feel bad. The holy warriors are there to interfere with us, and the real killing move is the Dark Guard. They Cruise around on both sides looking for opportunities to strike.”

"These beasts." Shadow scolded angrily: "What you said is true. No wonder they hide behind each time and use sniper rifles to confront us. We can't kill them, but they can kill us. Then Although the strange holy warriors rushed up, they rushed left and right and didn't really resist. They mainly focused on avoiding and interfering, bastard, what should we do?"

"There are two ways." The think tank said in a deep voice: "First, let go of the guerrillas who serve as cannon fodder in the front, and focus on attacking the holy warriors in the back. Without the firepower of the guerrillas to suppress it, everyone's pressure will not be so great. The guerrillas must have realized that A disaster is imminent. If we let them go without fighting, they might break out of the encirclement and run away, which will help weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness. The second way is to wait until night."

What I meant to talk about in the evening was to look at this side of the cave. The think tank didn’t point it out, but Luo Zheng had already heard it. After thinking about it, he felt that the two methods of the think tank were both good. He was worthy of being a think tank, and he was able to find a solution in such a short time. The ability to adapt to situations is truly extraordinary, and I will be able to worry less in the future.

"Which one should I choose?" Shadow asked curiously.

"It depends on the ghost." The wise man said with a smile. He did not make decisions without authorization. Instead, he determined his position very accurately. He knew his new identity and what to say and do when.

Luo Zheng said solemnly: "If the enemy attacks, you can move the encirclement back a little and do not engage in direct confrontation with the enemy. When the enemy sees that the encirclement is getting bigger, they will worry that they cannot control the guerrillas and will not continue to pursue them until the enemy withdraws their troops. , you push the encirclement farther forward, do not engage in direct confrontation with the enemy, and wait until night."

"Understood." Shadow responded with a knowing voice. He vaguely felt that the night would be the time for a big counterattack. He was overjoyed and geared up. After suffering so much and seeing so many brothers injured, Shadow had been holding his breath for a long time. Just waiting for a big fight.

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