The strongest soldier

Chapter 2978 Actuarial Ambush

The setting sun dispersed the last trace of its afterglow and hid in the west. Night began to fall, the sky became gray, and an open plain became quiet. The low withered grass was blown by the breeze and lowered its head, swaying, and suddenly left. Suddenly to the right, erratically, a few birds were flying and playing in the air, bringing some life and vitality to this quiet plain. On the plain, some protruding dark brown stones were silent and motionless, varying in size. Sparse and sparse, it looks a little lonely and desolate.

"Bang bang bang -" Suddenly, intensive gunshots came from the bend of the mountains in front of the plain. The frightened birds playing in the air quickly dispersed and flew away in panic, leaving only the sparse stones in silence. Unmoved.

After a while, two teams suddenly appeared. The twenty or so people in front were running quickly without looking back. They were fully armed and well-equipped, and they were running very fast. From time to time, they would turn around and shoot, and they could always knock down a pursuer. , not to be outdone, the pursuers behind them fought and charged fiercely, howling and howling like extremely hungry wolves.

It didn't take long for the two teams to rush up. The team in front went straight to the middle of the rubble pile area. It looked like they were going to use the rubble pile to cover a big counterattack. The pursuers behind seemed to have thought of this possibility as well. The gunfire in his hand became louder and louder, and a more well-equipped team appeared behind the chasing team. There were more than 30 people. They were cold-faced and silent, but accelerated the pursuit.

A team of about twenty people soon appeared behind this team, wearing silver mechas. The mechas exuded a suffocating cold air. The mechas wrapped the whole person, and even the eyes were blocked by bulletproof glass. , which is both bulletproof and able to see objects. It can be said that there is no flaw in the whole body. What is even weirder is the speed at which these people run. They can jump more than ten meters away.

The twenty or so people in mechas suddenly stopped and kept aiming and shooting in front, leaving no time for the people in front to dodge. The dense bullets hit the retreating team in front, smashing the rocks and smashing the soil into huge pieces. The craters were extremely ferocious, and an invisible murderous aura filled the air.

The evacuating team in front did not hesitate at all, and continued to rush forward, passing through the middle of the rubble area in a hurry, and continued to run forward without looking back, as if they did not dare to fight.

On one side of the rock pile area, behind a huge black stone exposed on the ground, a pair of black and white eyes were observing the scene vigilantly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. It was Shi Qian, and the enemy in front was naturally a sniper. Brothers, and those who were attracted later were the enemies of the Dark Church.

"Brother, what's going on now?" Shadow's anxious voice sounded in the headset.

"Everything is going according to plan." Shi Qian said in a deep voice: "The guerrillas pursuing in front have entered the ambush range and are passing through. Continue to pursue. The holy warriors are still 200 meters away, and the dark guards behind are only 300 meters away. Brothers, get ready for battle, the success of this battle depends on your brothers."

"Yes." The members of Team Arrow who were ambushing behind the rocks on both sides responded in a low voice.

The open plain was clear at a glance, and the pursuers were put to good use. Shadow mobilized the sniper brothers from the north and south lurking points to surround them from both sides, and formed a three-sided attack with the brothers on the east. They looked like they were fighting to the end and killed most of the guerrillas. More than half of the Holy Warriors were killed. Although the Dark Guards suffered no casualties, they all fired real fire.

Everything was going according to the established plan. After Shadow saw that the enemy had moved the main attack direction to both sides, he decisively ordered the brothers on the north and south sides to secretly withdraw from the battlefield one by one, creating the illusion of being killed, leaving only the brothers on the east side to resist desperately. , when the heat is up, let the brothers in the east be responsible for luring the enemy.

Everything went smoothly. The guerrillas passed through the rocky area. The Arrow Team lurking on both sides did not take action and watched everything silently. Soon, the holy warriors also began to pass through the ambush area. Shi Qian knew that it was not possible at this time. Take action, there are too many holy warriors, and you may be the one who suffers in the fight.

The Holy Warriors might be worried that the guerrillas in front would take the opportunity to run away, or they might want to catch up and kill their opponents. They pursued quickly, and soon passed through the ambush area, and continued to rush forward. The Dark Guards also caught up, maybe. Because someone was passing by in front, there was no movement, and the Dark Guard's vigilance was obviously relaxed.

Seeing the Dark Guard entering the ambush area, Shi Qian's heart was beating excitedly, and he wished he could take action immediately. With his eyes like a torch, he locked on the Dark Guard who was just a stone's throw away in front of him. His endless fighting spirit began to surge, and his face changed. Rin quickly unfurled his bow and arrow, aimed forward and said coldly: "Everyone listen to my order and prepare."

The lurking members of the archery team unfurled their bows and nocked arrows, getting ready to shoot. Shi Qian estimated that his brothers were ready and shouted in a deep voice: "Kill the lurking sniper!"

The three snipers lurking nearby had long been impatient. After hearing the order, they pulled the trigger without hesitation. The dragon's tooth bullet roared out of the chamber and pounced with endless fighting intent, drawing streaks in the void. The terrifying energy shock wave, the bullet hit the target, and sparks flew everywhere, but the Dark Guard just staggered and was unscathed.

Dragon tooth bullets could not penetrate the mecha at all, but the sudden sound of gunshots startled the Dark Guards. People often instinctively dodge when they encounter danger. The same goes for these Dark Guards, who pounced quickly one by one. Falling to the ground, if the Dark Guard continues to charge forward, with the speed of the Dark Guard, even a skilled sniper will have difficulty aiming and shooting, let alone arrows.

However, the situation is different when these dark guards instinctively fall to the ground. Shi Qian's purpose of letting the snipers take action in the first place is very simple, which is to prevent these dark guards from charging, even for a second or two. The stopped dark guards are alive. At least the probability of hitting the target can be greatly improved. After spending so long with Luo Zheng, Shi Qian has also learned to make precise calculations, not sparing every detail.

Everything was under Shi Qian's plan. The Dark Guard stopped charging and hid as if facing a formidable enemy, which gave everyone hope. Shi Qian even shouted angrily: "Kill--" The body rose up and spread like a full moon. On the side of the compound bow, the arrow whizzed away, with a cold murderous aura, drawing a black light in the void.

"Whoosh whoosh-" More arrows were shot out, buzzing in the void with a terrifying sound.

Shi Qian knew that the Dark Guard was fast and reacted quickly. After shooting the arrow in his hand, he did not stop. Instead, he quickly took out another arrow, opened the bow and roared: "Brothers, charge forward and kill--" As he spoke, his body rose up and he rushed forward, letting go of the tiger descending from the mountain. The arrows headed towards the target like meteors.

"Kill!" The members of the Archery Team let out a roar that shook the sky. They rushed forward one by one with bows and arrows drawn, shooting arrows continuously while running, their eyes as cold as knives and as sharp as any.

I recommend a friend's new work "My Wife is a Bandit". It is about the Anti-Japanese War in the Republic of China. It is passionate and beautiful. Friends who like Anti-Japanese War themes can check it out.

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