The strongest soldier

Chapter 2982 Succeeded

Under the misty sky, the mountains where the ruins are located are full of counterattack fire. Light and heavy machine guns kept roaring and fired at the surrounding mountains. The tongues of fire kept pouring bullets. Some armed men rushed out of the cave entrance and roared towards the east. From the beginning, there were sporadic gunshots everywhere in the surrounding mountains, but they accurately killed the enemies who rushed out, leaving no one behind.

On a hill, the shadow's cold eyes were fixed on the ruins of the mountain. He frowned when he saw the enemy's intensive firepower. If everyone hadn't been prepared and scattered around to block the enemy's support route, they might not have been able to stop the enemy from sending reinforcements. When we went up, the enemy fought very resolutely and went to the rescue regardless of casualties. This shows how much they attach importance to the mecha. The more so, the less Shadow can let the enemy succeed.

Mechas are high-tech equipment that cannot be penetrated by bullets. They are also the Dark Church's biggest reliance. Naturally, they do not want to fall into the hands of their opponents. Shadow knows the significance and value of mechas and is willing to risk them all, letting the brothers defend every corner, even if they are attacked. He doesn't flinch even when taking care of heavy machine guns.

There were casualties again. The enemy's counterattack was too fierce. More than twenty heavy machine guns were all taken out and they hid at the entrance of the cave and fired one on one. Once the sniper was exposed, it was difficult for the sniper to have a chance to fire a second shot. He was blocked by the fire. Damn it, it's a pity that there are no rockets anymore. If there were, now would be the best time to launch an attack.

More enemies rushed out of the hole. Shadow held a telescope to observe for a while. After these people rushed out, they quickly dispersed and ran towards the east. The enemies who rushed out before the rocket attack merged and were attacked by snipers from the north and south sides. Block, facing the enemy's heavy machine gun fixed-point fire suppression, the sniper can't block it for too long.

"Asshole, damn it, Shi Qian, I can't hold on anymore, what's going on over there?" Shadow shouted in a deep voice.

"Wait a little longer." Shi Qian shouted in a deep voice.

"You have to hurry up." Shadow shouted in a deep voice. He glanced around and saw that all those around him who could be sent out were sent out. There were no more soldiers to send out. Shadow grabbed the automatic rifle next to him angrily, stood up, roared, and headed towards The former madman rushed forward, but his own firepower was weak, so he could only attack forcefully.

Shadow rushed forward for a distance, and suddenly saw some enemies wearing mechas coming out of a hole. The silver-gray mechas were particularly dazzling under the bright light. These mecha warriors even jumped dozens of meters away, making it difficult for the naked eye to Locked, even if it is hit by a bullet, it will be useless.

In the blink of an eye, these dark guards wearing mechas rushed out for several hundred meters. They did not confront the snipers on the north and south sides at all, and rushed directly towards the open area. Obviously, the enemy saw that the armed men could not rush out, so they simply The Dark Guards were sent to rescue, it was inevitable.

"Shi Qian, I can't stand it anymore. The enemy has sent ten Dark Guards and are rushing over to support you. What's the situation on your side?" Shadow shouted eagerly, with worry on his face. The Dark Guards are different from the Holy Warriors in that they are fast. , if it weren't for a sneak attack, it would be difficult to have a chance to knock them down.

"Come on, it's just ten people, just kill them all." Shi Qian's murderous voice came from the headset, revealing a strong murderous aura of confidence.

"What happened to you?" Shadow asked in surprise.

"All the enemies have been eliminated. There are still some dragon tooth arrows. We can fight again and ambush on the battlefield. The enemy will never expect this." Shi Qian said in a deep voice.

"No, retreat immediately. Each person takes a few sets of mechas with him. Don't leave any accessories behind." Luo Zheng's serious instructions came from the headset.

"Why, there are only ten people, we can win." Shi Qian fought for it in surprise.

"Withdraw with the mecha and let the enemy think that our target is the mecha. Even if the confusion effect cannot be achieved, we must pretend to be defeated and retreat, making the enemy think that we have no strength to fight anymore. Be prepared for a sneak attack at night. Quickly , Shi Qian retreats first and heads toward the Duanpo Cave, where there is still some equipment that can be replenished."

"Understood." When Shi Qian heard this, he suddenly realized that it was not that Luo Zheng did not want to fight, but that he was setting up a bigger situation. The retreat was just to confuse the enemy and make them confused. It is best to think that everyone ran away at the end of their rope, so that it would be convenient for them to retreat. At night, he caught the enemy off guard and immediately shouted: "Each person has a mecha. Quick, peel them off and retreat immediately."

"Yes." Everyone in Team Arrow shouted in a deep voice, dropped their weapons, and started peeling off their mechas.

"What about us?" Shadow asked curiously.

"In three minutes, you will also withdraw, towards the Duanpo Cave, and join Shi Qian and the others. If the enemy pursues you, you will fight and retreat at the same time, assuming a posture of being unable to fight again. If they do not pursue you, you will rest in the cave for half a minute. Come to the cliff and meet me in an hour, and prepare for action at night." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset, revealing a strong fighting spirit.

"Understood." Shadow's eyes lit up and he shouted in surprise.

"Report, the enemy has escaped from the hunt and is frantically returning to support." A voice sounded in the headset. It was Wei Jun, the leader of the troops who led the team to divert the enemy. Nicknamed Saber, Luo Zheng personally selected a master from the military region.

"Saber, pounce on them and tear them into pieces. Kill as many as you can. After three minutes, you will quickly evacuate, get rid of the battlefield, and go to the Duanpo cave to meet up. Do you understand?" Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Wei Jun responded decisively.

On the cliff, Luo Zheng had already put on his clothes and was applying to direct the battle sternly through the headset. He was holding a mobile phone in his hand. On the mobile phone was a three-dimensional holographic terrain map of the ruins and a satellite aerial video. The latest ones sent by Blue Star can be viewed directly. Judging from the fighting conditions on various battlefields, Shadow's tactics of spreading in all directions were very dangerous. Fortunately, Shi Qian lived up to his expectations and killed the Holy Warriors and Dark Guards, and grabbed the mecha.

With this batch of mechas, Luo Zheng believes that Dongfang Ling and the others can find a way to crack it. Just like when they grabbed the bullet-proof armor, as long as there is a way to crack it, the Dark Guard will not have to worry about it. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but feel happy. He stood up and said in a deep voice through the headset: "Brothers of Team Arrow, you have made a great contribution this time. Move quickly. The enemy's reinforcements will arrive at any time. You must keep the fruits of your victory."

"Don't worry, it'll be okay." Shi Qian's stern reply sounded in the headset, with a strong sense of confidence.

"No, more enemies have come out of the cave." Shadow's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of doubt and worry, and even more curiosity. He couldn't figure out why the enemy was so desperate. Could it be that mechas are related to the life and death of the Dark Church? ?

"How much?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, it's not over yet." Shadow shouted anxiously.

"No matter how much we come out, even if it is endless, we have to hold on for three minutes and perform the whole act to make the enemy really think that we have given up the fight." Luo Zheng warned coldly.

"Understood." Shadow's cold laughter sounded in the headset, infecting every soldier.

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