The strongest soldier

Chapter 2998 Explosion Plane Rescue

The cabin was in a mess, with bullet holes everywhere. The smoke released by the tear gas bombs was somewhat faded. A large amount of smoke drifted out from the window. A strong airflow swept in, blowing things in the cabin everywhere. The ground was covered with corpses and blood. The breath filled the air, and the ghost hand stared at the target holding Hong Meihua hostage. The palm of his hand holding the steel gun was full of cold sweat, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Hongmeihua also coughed desperately, but with a happy smile on her face, she shouted loudly: "Brothers, I didn't expect you to come to rescue me so quickly. In this scene, there is no regret in dying. Come on, shoot." Come on, don't let me fall into the hands of these bastards, it's worth it for you brothers to take revenge."

"Stop talking nonsense." The person holding Hong Meihua cursed angrily. He pressed the muzzle of the gun firmly against Hong Meihua's temple, locked the ghost hand with fierce eyes and shouted: "Throw me a parachute, and I will let her go."

Guishou could see that the opponent was a ruthless character. If he fired, he would be sure to kill the target, but the opponent would instinctively pull the trigger before death. A well-trained warrior has battle memory in his muscles and does not need brain command at all. , knows how to fight instinctively, and with just one shot, Hong Meihua will die.

However, the situation has reached a stalemate, and the opponent will definitely not give up unless they are given a parachute. The brothers outside cannot bear it for too long. Once their physical strength is exhausted, they will not be able to hold on to the electromagnet and fall. They must fight quickly, but if they are given a parachute, This bastard will definitely jump down with the red plum blossoms. Thinking of this ghost hand, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a bold plan came to his mind, and he shouted loudly: "I'll give you a parachute, don't get excited."

"Boss?" the brother behind him shouted unwillingly.

"Stop talking nonsense and find it quickly." Guishou shouted coldly.

"Yes." The military order was like a mountain, and the brothers behind him had to agree.

Strong air flow roared in, as if countless fierce ghosts were roaring and roaring. From time to time, something was overturned by the strong wind, and the air was filled with a nervous atmosphere. The ghost hands stared at the opponent, not daring to be careless in case the opponent suddenly made a move. , Hong Meihua will undoubtedly die, and Guishou will never allow such a thing to happen.

After a while, a parachute was handed over. Ghost Hand took it and slowly put down the gun. After confirming that the other party wanted to escape and would not shoot for the time being, Ghost Hand quickly took out a large number of button bombs and threw them into a pocket of the parachute bag. One of them pressed the two-second delay detonation button and threw it towards the bottom of the cabin.

The person holding the red plum blossom couldn't free his hands to catch it. After the parachute bag fell to the bottom of the cabin, he shouted coldly: "Don't move, you, follow me back." As he said this, he held the red plum blossom and backed away slowly, with a cold expression on his face. , his eyes were full of fierceness, and the arm holding Hong Meihua's neck tightened a little tighter.

With a loud "Boom--", a huge red cloud rose up from the rear of the cabin, and a powerful explosion shock wave raged away. The rear of the cabin suddenly cracked and could shatter at any time. If it was in a stationary state, it might be fine, but When an airplane is at high altitude and needs to withstand strong airflow, the situation is completely different.

As a qualified soldier, Guishou knew very well how many button bombs could blow open the tail of the aircraft. Considering that Hong Meihua was too close and would be shocked by the shock wave, he had to use two less bombs. He only blew up the tail of the cabin and kidnapped Hong Meihua. The person was shocked by the impact and rushed forward. There were red plum blossoms in front of them. The two of them hit a sofa hard and rolled to the ground. Both of them coughed loudly.

"Seeking death!" The person who kidnapped Hong Meihua was not knocked unconscious. He quickly realized that he was about to pull the trigger of the gun pressed against Hong Meihua's temple.

"Kakakaka—" Suddenly, a breaking sound sounded.

Guishou couldn't help but sneer when he saw that the fuselage was beginning to break. Everything was planned. The person who kidnapped Hong Meihua also saw the breakage of the fuselage. His face was horrified, he became panicked, and forgot to shoot. In this stunned moment, Strong airflow poured into the cabin, forming a terrifying air pressure. The fuselage could no longer bear it, and broke into two pieces with a loud cracking sound.

"Ah -" the kidnapper yelled in horror, and flew out into space along with countless debris.

"Huh huh..." The sofa in the cabin was also blown out by the strong airflow, which was extremely terrifying.

"Skydiving." Seeing that everything was planned, Gui Shou did not panic. He roared angrily, quickly untied the rope from his waist, rushed towards the tail of the plane in a few steps, jumped with all his strength, and soared into the air. Jumping towards the rapidly landing red plum blossom, the other brother behind him also reacted and jumped down quickly.

The person was in the air, his ghost hands locked on the sound of the red plum blossoms, twisting his body with all his strength, then tensing up his whole body, tightening his hands on both sides, the whole person rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string, seeing that the red plum blossoms were no longer in his hands. On the route, quickly raise your head and twist your body.

The angle of the body's fall slightly changed, and under the action of the air flow, the body's falling route also changed. Soon, the ghost hand was on the same line as the falling red plum blossom. He was immediately overjoyed and tightened his whole body again, straightening in a straight line. Rushed away like crazy.

Hongmeihua was weak, and after the explosion, she hit the sofa and couldn't catch her breath. She was completely unbalanced in the air and kept rolling. The blood supply to her brain was insufficient, and even breathing became difficult. She entered a semi-coma state, and the speed of decline was Compared with Ghost Hand, it is much slower.

Soon, the ghost hand caught up, grabbed the tumbling red plum blossom, and hugged her chest tightly to prevent the strong airflow from pouring into the red plum blossom's mouth and nose. She tried hard to keep her body balanced, and her ears were filled with the whistling sound of the airflow. , the descent speed was too fast. If it weren't for the windproof helmet, Guishou would not be able to open his eyes and observe the surroundings.

In his busy schedule, Gui Shou looked around. His brothers were thinking about him. An anxious voice of inquiry rang in his ears: "Gui Shou, what's going on now?" It was Lan Xue who was in charge of the rescue in the command center.

"I've already hugged the red plum blossom, there will be no problem, I promise." Ghost Hand shouted loudly, his ears filled with the whistling sound of airflow, as if countless ghosts were roaring, and his eardrums were in pain.

"Be careful." Lan Xue warned loudly. In order to avoid disturbing the ghost hand, Lan Xue decisively cut off the call.

"Huh huh..." The sound of the body falling rapidly rang in his ears. The ghost hand felt a sting from the rapid falling of the body and the friction with the air. If it were not for the bulletproof armor on the body, it is estimated that the clothes on the body would be directly hit by the strong air flow. Tear it apart, grit your teeth and hold on, holding the red plum blossom tightly with both hands, not daring to be careless at all.

Skydiving at a height of 10,000 meters is an extreme sport. It is difficult for people without professional training to do it. It is not only a problem of hypoxia, but also a problem of knife-like airflow, superimposed momentum problems of falling speed, etc. Poor blood supply will lead to lack of oxygen. It will cause coma, and a person who is comatose in the air will definitely die.

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