The strongest soldier

Chapter 3000 Retreat Plan

Twenty minutes later, a heavily armed team descended from the vast night sky. It was Luo Zheng and others. Also airdropped were two boxes containing ten machine guns and machine gun ammunition. The machine gun ammunition was also 12.7 The caliber can be used by everyone's sniper rifles, so naturally I brought some spares.

Luo Zheng heard about the rescue process on the plane and praised Guishou's ability to make quick decisions. After landing, he immediately found Red Plum Blossom and Guishou. Shandiao led the team to set up defenses, although there was no danger around them. , but had to be prepared just in case.

"How are you?" Guishou came to Hongmeihua with concern and asked.

"I'm feeling much better after eating something. However, my body is still a little weak and I can't march in a hurry. I'm afraid it will drag down the brothers." Hong Meihua replied apologetically.

"It's good that everyone is fine." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and then looked around. The calm lake surface was sparkling, and the surrounding area was gray. Nothing could be seen. Farther away, there were undulating black sand dunes, and the night sky The moon hanging high in the sky hid behind the dark clouds at some point.

The windless desert was still very cold. Seeing that Hong Meihua was wearing thin clothes, Luo Zheng took off his combat uniform and put it on Hong Meihua. He said in a deep voice: "The enemy's pursuers are already on the road. It seems that our whereabouts have been exposed." , there are people from the Dark Church monitoring us through satellites, it will take several days to leave the desert on foot, and what follows will be a dangerous march."

"Don't worry, I know it well. If you are not afraid of death, why are you afraid of marching?" Hong Meihua said knowingly, with a firm tone. It is already a miracle that he can escape from the tiger's mouth alive. With brothers risking their lives to save and accompany them, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult it is, ? Red Plum Blossom doesn’t care what the future holds.

"This is a flat plain, not suitable for camping. We have to go east. There is a grassland over there. It will be easy as long as we enter the grassland. Our old friend Balu is there. The command center has arranged for Balu to contact him. I believe Balu will pick him up. When news comes, we will bring troops to respond." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"How long does it take to walk to the grassland?" Guishou asked in a deep voice.

"It will take at least a week to walk." Luo Zheng whispered without any concealment. Guishou's face was full of solemnity, and he smiled bitterly with understanding: "We have no better choice. Anywhere in the south, west or north is only a short distance from the city. It will take three or four days, but these three areas are all areas controlled by the rebels. A large number of pursuers are coming from three directions. Moreover, even if they break out, they will encounter even more crazy counterattacks, because they are in all three places. In the controlled area, the terrain is more familiar to us, making it more difficult to escape, which is not advisable."

"Then let's go east." Guishou nodded in understanding and agreed. He glanced around and lowered his voice and suggested: "You can arrange for a few brothers to lead red plum blossoms from any of the three areas and go from any direction first. We will lure the enemy away." Just open it, they should be able to escape."

"No." Luo Zheng rejected the suggestion without hesitation. Jingguishou looked at him curiously and explained: "The three areas are all controlled by the rebels and have a mass base. Once they are invaded by the people in the desert, If you meet someone, you will be exposed. What will you do then? Let’s go together.”

"But?" Guishou said worriedly, but hesitated to speak.

"But my body is weak and I may not be able to keep up with the marching speed of the large army. It is a good idea to divide the troops." Hong Meihua said first.

"No." Luo Zheng vetoed with a firm tone. Seeing both of them looking at him with embarrassed expressions, he explained: "Dividing the troops is too dangerous and is not advisable. We are not allowed to talk about it again in the future. In addition, the speed of Hong Meihua cannot keep up. It’s a fact, but it’s not something that can’t be solved.”

"What do you mean?" Guishou asked curiously.

"The enemy pursuers have transportation, and they can march faster than us in the desert. We can't defeat them on foot. We have to steal their transportation to move around. Let's retreat first and find a place to ambush." ​​Luo Zheng said solemnly. He said, his eyes shining brightly in the night.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Gui Shou saw that Luo Zheng had made up his mind and it was reasonable, so he said nothing more.

The troops quickly moved into action. Everyone smashed open the box and distributed the weapons inside. The machine guns were assigned to ten brothers to carry, and other ammunition was assigned to another ten brothers to carry. In this way, in addition to their own weapons and ammunition, everyone had You still need to carry an extra ten kilograms of weight. Fortunately, everyone is well-trained and has excellent physical strength, so it is not a problem in a short time. Luo Zheng asked Gui Shou to lead the six brothers responsible for the rescue to explore the road ahead, and the troops headed east.

Everyone wore tactical goggles, and it was not difficult to see in the dark night sky. An hour later, everyone came to a sand dune area. The troops were panting from exhaustion. The extra weight became extremely heavy after marching for a long time. They wanted to throw it away, but Everyone gritted their teeth and persisted, and no one complained at all.

On the battlefield, guns are the guarantee of life. Everyone walked silently. Luo Zheng saw everyone's hard work. If he continued walking, his body would be dragged down by the extra weight. He stopped and quickly checked the surrounding terrain. Suddenly his eyes lit up and shouted Said: "Stop moving forward."

The troops stopped and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, their ears pricked up to listen to further orders. Guishou and Hongmeihua came to Luo Zheng curiously. They saw Luo Zheng observing the surroundings with surprise on his face, and they were also curious. Looking around, Luo Zheng couldn't figure out what he saw.

Soon, Luo Zheng pointed to the surrounding terrain and said in a deep voice: "Look at the surrounding hills. Three of them are the highest. Do they look like an inverted triangle? If we ambush at three commanding heights and form an inverted triangle ambush formation, the middle of the triangle will be open. The zone becomes an area with no dead ends.”

"Hiss? You want to set up an ambush here?" Guishou quickly reacted and saw Luo Zheng nodding. He looked at the surrounding sand dunes seriously again and soon saw the clues. He smiled in surprise and said: "The three sand dunes are separated from each other. About two thousand meters, and the effective range of our machine gun is 1,500 meters. It fires in three places at the same time. There are no blind spots or blind spots in the area, making it a very good ambush point."

"Mountain Eagle, what do you think?" Luo Zheng asked when he saw the Mountain Eagle trotting up with a sniper rifle in his arms.

Everyone was wearing headsets, and the content of the conversation could be transmitted to all the brothers present through the headsets. The mountain eagle also heard the conversation between the two people, ran up and looked around and said in a deep voice: "I think it's okay. We are two thousand meters apart. Who knows?" Can you imagine that there is an ambush in the sand dunes outside the open area two thousand meters away? We have a small number of people, but it is no problem to occupy three ambush points to form an inverted triangle ambush circle going forward, but the enemy may not come from here."

The enemy's march route is not controllable. Once the enemy does not go to this area, the ambush becomes a joke. The mountain eagle's reminder makes sense. Luo Zheng thought about it and smiled: "This is not difficult. If the enemy doesn't come, lure them away." Just come." There was a strong sense of confidence and murderous intent in his words.

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