The strongest soldier

Chapter 3014 Safe Withdrawal

The sudden retreat of the pursuers troubled Luo Zheng, and he felt uneasy not knowing the truth. He asked Hong Meihua to find the answer from the incident where Hong Meihua was kidnapped. Unfortunately, there was no clue. Where was Hong Meihua? He was arrested while chasing Dark Church agents. At that time, he captured two targets, three of whom were on his side. During the interrogation, the enemy rushed in, wearing bulletproof armor. In order for the brothers to survive, Hong Meihua chose to surrender temporarily.

Temporary surrender is not a real surrender, it is just a temporary compromise. This is nothing in the world of secret fronts. It is normal that confessions cannot be made after surrender. It will not be long before countries will secretly exchange prisoners through diplomatic channels, and they can still return to their countries to continue. Efficacy, this is an unwritten rule. It is not easy to train spies, and they cannot die in battle easily. Of course, if you really surrender, there will be another story. Someone will verify the truth.

However, after temporarily surrendering, Hongmeihua was knocked unconscious. When she woke up, she found that she was already on the plane. She had not been woken up during the flight, and she had not seen her companions or the person she captured. The person being escorted was very strange and she had not seen him before. However, these people didn't ask too many questions, they were just responsible for escorting them, and they were polite along the way.

After a detailed inquiry, nothing was found. Luo Zheng pondered depressedly. The Dark Church spent so much effort to catch Hong Meihua but did not interrogate him. It was in a hurry to run away and had no time to interrogate. This reason may make sense. People interrogated, why were they sent directly to the rebel base and not elsewhere? Is it just to give people to Luci of the rebels?

Lucy is important, but Red Plum Blossom is more important. The secrets she holds are crucial to the Dark Church. Why not send her over after the interrogation? Is it because he doesn’t like the information Hongmeihua has? Or is there another reason? Don't you want to send it to the rebels first and then interrogate it?

All kinds of doubts troubled Luo Zheng. He couldn't figure it out, so he simply closed his eyes and meditated. Time slipped by unknowingly. Three hours later, the fuel was exhausted. Everyone had to change to walk. Fortunately, there were no pursuing soldiers around, so it was difficult to go all the way. Safe, the team marched slowly under the moonlight, the shadows stretched very, very long.

Along the way, Luo Zheng was thinking about the reason why the enemy's pursuers retreated. This seemingly small matter was full of weirdness and involved too many truths. He felt uneasy if he didn't understand it clearly. In the end, he just hung at the end of the team with Red Plum Blossom. While discussing while walking, Hongmeihua also proposed various possibilities, but lacked evidence to support it and could not draw a conclusion.

One thing is certain, the pursuers withdrew their troops after receiving intelligence from the Dark Church. This means that the Dark Church knew the plan to dispatch armed helicopters for air strikes. Why they knew it is unknown. Luo Zheng signaled Lan Xue to inform Jackson to investigate. The gunship belongs to Jackson, and it would be more appropriate for him to come forward to track it down.

After a conversation, Luo Zheng suddenly realized an important issue. Since he came to the Anti-Terrorism Administration, many things on his side have no longer been kept secret. The Dark Church can always know its top-secret deployment. This is not normal. People are monolithic, and the problem should be with Jackson.

However, this kind of topic hurts feelings and affects cooperation. Luo Zheng can't blame Jackson. He can only be as careful as possible in the future. He told Hongmeihua to keep Jackson secret as much as possible about the secret front work in the future. After that, it will be over. After discussing this topic, we talked about intelligence work.

Hong Meihua has always been responsible for intelligence work. It is rare that she has time to make a detailed report to Luo Zheng. After listening to it, Luo Zheng was very satisfied and put forward some suggestions of his own, such as the problem of insufficient offensive, the secret front mainly focused on secret warfare, and lack of The offensive thinking of soldiers, and the intelligence work of the Dark Church is extremely offensive and confidential. After that, Luo Zheng encouraged Hong Meihua to let go and share the intelligence work for him.

The battle with the Dark Church was arduous and complicated. Luo Zheng felt a little overwhelmed and needed the assistance of various talents, especially intelligence work. Hong Meihua was a very capable person and trustworthy. The two talked and collided with each other along the way. There were a lot of sparks, and they were very inspiring to each other.

Unconsciously, it was late at night. The team found a leeward place to stop and rest. After arranging the secret sentry, Luo Zheng woke up and found that it was already dawn. The team ate some dry food and water and continued on their way. Another full day.

Two days later, the team arrived at the edge of the desert. Balu and his cavalry were waiting at the edge, preparing ma milk tea and various foods. They were all old friends, so they were welcome. Everyone started to eat with ease. Luo Zheng took the red Plum blossoms, mountain eagles and ghost hands found Balu, sat in a group, and talked about interesting stories about fighting side by side in the past, and they felt very emotional.

After chatting for a while, the topic unnaturally turned to the rebels. Balu had also heard of this armed force, but he didn’t know much about it. He only knew the name. After asking in detail, he found that having such a cruel neighbor was not a good thing after all. He couldn’t even sleep. No peace.

Luo Zheng did not show any concern, and explained what he knew in detail, emphasizing that the backbone of the rebel army should be the "Hand of God" mercenary group that was once the second in the world. Such people have rich combat experience, strong combat capabilities, and are well-equipped. Remind Balu that it is best to avoid such people and avoid direct confrontation.

Balu is not stupid, and naturally he will not clash head-on with the rebels. After all, there is a vast desert in between. The target of the rebels is not the grassland, but the local state power. They should not take the initiative to attack the grassland. As long as they are careful, Xiang Luo Zheng seriously asked for advice on how to deal with it.

The terrain on the grassland is flat, so the best way is to fight with cavalry. Luo Zheng didn't have a particularly good way, so he explained in detail the wolf pack tactics created by the all-powerful King of the Grassland by giving full play to the advantages of light cavalry. How could he defeat Balu? How helpful it is depends on your personal understanding.

Soldiers have no constant shape, and water has no constant potential. The beauty of using it lies in one mind!

After eating and drinking, everyone left on horseback. In order to ensure mobility, Balu brought a lot of horses to help everyone move around. The weapons and equipment were all tied to the horses. The whole person suddenly felt much more relaxed. The team was talking and laughing. Walking forward, Balu showed an unusual interest in the wolf pack's tactics and pulled Luo Zheng to continue the discussion.

Two days later, the team arrived at Balu's tribe. Everyone rested for two days and left on the third day. In order to express his gratitude, Luo Zheng left the heavy machine gun and bullets behind. With these machine guns, Balu's combat effectiveness will surely be improved. There were a lot of people. Balu was very excited about this. He was extremely grateful and sent a big truck to escort them.

Everyone left in a big truck. A car sent by the local embassy was waiting on the road. Everyone transferred to a car sent by the embassy and went straight to the airport. In the car, they changed into casual clothes brought by the embassy, ​​put all their weapons and equipment in their backpacks, and transformed into Tourists, take the fastest flight directly back.

The sudden withdrawal of the pursuers deeply troubled Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng believed that there must be something strange in it, and it was definitely not simple. It was definitely different from the previous leaks, and he was uneasy if he didn't understand it.

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