The strongest soldier

Chapter 3036 Decided to Send Troops

In the information age, the Internet is not safe. It is easy to leak secrets when encountering experts. Repeated failures made Luo Zheng realize that all the personnel information of the Anti-Terrorism Administration may be leaked. This means that when going to a hotel, taking a car, shopping, etc., his identity will be exposed, which is very dangerous. , even if there is no leak, for security reasons, everyone's identity information must be updated to ensure that it is foolproof. This is also a common practice of the intelligence system.

Lan Xue knew this convention very well and agreed wholeheartedly. Luo Zheng was about to tell Lan Xue the news that he had learned from Orser. Suddenly the phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Orser's. I called when I got back there. Something must have happened. I made a silent gesture to Lan Xue, quickly picked up the phone and asked, "It's me, what's the matter?"

"I just had a phone call with my boss, Mr. Bafield, and I explained the situation. He asked me to tell you the news. The family sent weapons more than once, and two more times, with a total of twenty armed helicopters. Ten transport helicopters. In addition, according to the information the family knows, there are other transport companies transporting materials to the rebels. The competitors in the business are also within the scope of our intelligence collection. For the first two secret transports, I was on the cruise ship at the time. Yes, I just don’t know." Orser quickly explained.

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked. So many helicopters were no joke. Are the rebels trying to gather strength to prepare for a war? If Jackson led a few hundred people to encircle and suppress them, wouldn't it be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth? Helicopters are the domain of infantry. Even if they are well-trained, they will not escape death. He couldn't help but ask: "Is there anything else besides helicopters?"

"The first two times were helicopters and there were no other weapons, so the third time was mainly about guns and ammunition. There were too many, and ordinary transportation companies couldn't take on this job, so they found us. Now it seems that it should be the Dark Church. The Holy Lord has other transportation channels, and this bastard has never really trusted anyone. As for the situation of other transportation companies, it is unknown." Orser explained.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng hung up the phone and told Lan Xue the situation in detail. Lan Xue's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he frowned in thought. Luo Zheng was also confused and upset by this unexpected information, and began to think of countermeasures. The room fell into silence, and even the slight ticking of the wall clock could be heard clearly.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, the lights outside the window were bright, the neon lights were flashing, and the cool breeze came in through the open window, blowing the work documents flying and making a sound, and the water in the teapot was boiling. The heat was rising, but Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were lost in thought, neither of them speaking.

After a while, Lan Xue suddenly raised his head and looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "Do you feel it? The Dark Church is escalating the battle. I am afraid that future battles will no longer be small-scale, regional battles, but will be upgraded to large-scale battles." It’s a war on a large scale, and that’s not our strength.”

"Yes, a battle involving tens of thousands of people is not a special war. The rebels are well-equipped and have sufficient weapons. They also have helicopters and maybe other weapons. This war is unfamiliar to us, and we are not prepared. , you quickly report this situation to your superiors and see what they mean. Grandpa has rich combat experience in this area and has commanded large-scale battles involving tens of thousands of people. We need his experience." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood. I'll contact you soon. What are you going to do about this?" Lan Xue asked with concern. In the past, the battles with the Dark Church were all small-scale. They would just run away after the fight. The number of opponents was also limited. This time it was different. The equipment was Not to mention sophisticated, the rebel army is composed of the backbone of the "Hand of God", the second-ranked mercenary group in the world. These mercenaries have rich combat experience and this battle is not easy to fight.

"Why didn't the enemy just send out helicopters to attack last time we rescued people?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"I'm afraid it's intentional. They're playing a long game to catch the big fish. They don't want us to know that they have equipped large-scale armed helicopters and catch us by surprise when the war starts." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

When Luo Zheng heard this, his expression changed drastically, and after a moment he said in a deep voice: "It's possible."

"I'm afraid the goal of the rebels is still the local government, to seize power and establish a country, and then threaten the countries in the surrounding areas. Once it grows stronger, the area will completely fall under the Dark Church. Then we will be in trouble. Therefore, this force must be wiped out. However, We don’t have enough manpower to fight." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"The manpower problem is not big. The key is not to use it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Seeing Lan Xue looking at him curiously, he explained: "The Anti-Terrorism General Administration has many combatants. Elite special operations teams sent by various countries. It adds up to more than a thousand, right? Xu Gang and the others are training, so their combat effectiveness is not a big problem, but the composition of these people is complicated, and there may be undercover agents of the Dark Church lurking, and once they are mobilized, they may be exposed."

"It's not a big problem to mobilize them properly. Just don't let them know the purpose and whereabouts of the battle." Lan Xue reminded.

"This is the only way. Our management is already very strict. How do these people send the message out?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice. Luo Zheng thought about this question for a long time, blocking signals, monitoring communications, secretly supervising, etc. All other methods have been used, but the problem has not been found.

"Could it be the positioning chip?" Lan Xue suddenly had an idea and reminded him.

The positioning chip caused Hongmeihua to suffer a lot. The chip the size of a fingernail is hidden in the body. The entrance is sewn up and even the scars are removed. No one can find it. This top-notch espionage tool is only used in top-secret missions. Luo Zheng After listening to Lan Xue's analysis, her expression changed slightly, and she said in a deep voice, "It makes sense. There is no need to leak the secret at all. Just let the Dark Church know where it is."

"That's right, the key point is that we don't know who has the positioning chip on their body. A large-scale investigation will arouse suspicion and should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary." Lan Xue reminded in a deep voice.

"It's simple. Inform Xu Gang and Snow Leopard and ask them to hold a training session in the near future. Bring equipment to conduct a secret search. Once you find the target, don't move. Report the list to me for help." Luo Zheng warned.

"Do you want to take advantage of these people?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Why not? Gather them and airdrop them somewhere to deceive the enemy's attention and cover the main airdrop to attack the enemy. What do you think?" Luo Zheng analyzed with a serious face.

"Okay, this is a good idea. Do you want to send troops to attack the rebels and use these enemy undercovers to distract the rebels' attention?" Lan Xue keenly grasped Luo Zheng's thoughts and asked curiously.

"Of course, this rebel army must be eliminated. I will let Jackson take the lead. The combatants of the Anti-Terrorism Administration will be used as surprise troops. The Dark Church will definitely target our combatants, so we need a suspect army, and they will lure away the darkness. A suspicious soldier who wants to pay attention to the church." Luo Zheng said murderously, clenching his fists.

"Understood, I'll prepare." Lan Xue agreed upon hearing this. Lan Xue never objected to what Luo Zheng had decided, and would only silently support him from behind.

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