The strongest soldier

Chapter 3041 Attack Target

"Yi" says: "If the ruler is not secretive, his ministers will lose; if the minister is not secretive, he will lose his virginity; if a few things are not secretive, it will cause harm. Therefore, a gentleman is careful and does not leave." Simply put, if the leader is not secretive, he will lose his confidence. The support of subordinates; if subordinates do not keep secrets, they will lose their jobs and even their lives; if things in progress are not kept secret, they will not be successful. Therefore, a gentleman is very cautious and does not speak easily.

The country has secrets, companies have secrets, individuals have privacy, and the battlefield has secrets. It is impossible and unnecessary to be completely open or closed. We can only strive to find the right balance between keeping secrets and exchanging information. As an individual, then You need to consider whether your words are sincere and appropriate. If you are not sure, you would rather not say anything.

Whether to say it or not, and when to say it, there is a degree. Luo Zheng has always had a good grasp on this issue, but Jackson has always been an outsider. It is difficult to grasp this scale. In previous cooperation, Luo Zheng tried his best to Tell Jackson the situation in detail to avoid causing misunderstandings and affecting cooperation. Luo Zheng began to have reservations after realizing that Jackson could not ensure secrets.

Without this big victory, Jackson might have been a little emotional, but after experiencing this victory, Jackson realized a lot of things, and it became much easier to accept. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Jackson's words, and smiled sincerely. He said gratefully: "We have the same goal on the matter of counter-terrorism. As the old saying goes, sincere cooperation will make a golden stone open."

"No problem, I understand the powerful relationship inside, what should we do next?" Jackson said understandingly.

"The Dark Church has suffered a big loss and has no support. Naturally, it does not dare to attack easily, but it has to guard against it. Wait a moment." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, made a silent gesture and then asked into the headset: " Command center, is there anything unusual at the original airdrop point?"

The original airdrop point was the position announced before boarding the plane. If Luo Zheng hadn't faked a shot at the last moment, everyone would have airborne there. Blue Star's voice soon came from the command center: "Why not? A large number of camel cavalry, probably There are thousands of them and they are being evacuated. Judging from the march route, the possibility of going to your place is very high."

"Understood, pay close attention to the surrounding situation and report to me at any time." Luo Zheng warned. Unexpectedly, there was an ambush at the original location. He immediately looked at Jackson and explained the situation in a low voice.

Jackson's face changed greatly. An ambush of thousands of people was no joke. If he attacked while everyone was airborne, no one would survive. It seemed that the level of leakage on his side was already very high. Looking at Luo Zheng's His eyes looked a little guiltier, and then he said fiercely: "You bastards, fortunately you changed the route temporarily. If the camel cavalry and the helicopter were dispatched together, none of us would be able to escape. What will happen next?"

Luo Zheng did not answer the question immediately, but looked at the busy troops setting up camp. The sun had completely risen, the weather had become hot, the wind blowing was dry and hot, and there were vast expanse of yellow sand and sand dunes in the distance. Ups and downs, no signs of life in sight.

Thousands of rebels are only one-tenth of the total number. They are hundreds of kilometers away. Even with camels, it will take a long time to arrive. It is not a big problem. It is only 30 kilometers away from Tucheng. Presumably they will go directly from Tucheng. The direction will mobilize troops to continue the encirclement and suppression, right? More importantly, do the rebels still have helicopters?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's face became stern and he said in a deep voice: "We need armed helicopters to be dispatched at any time. It's best to arrange them here. Is there any problem?"

"Armed helicopter?" Jackson pondered with some embarrassment.

Luo Zheng continued: "The rebels have plenty of troops. Five hundred of us alone are simply not enough. What's more important is that we don't have enough weapons to deter them. In addition, we don't know if the rebels still have helicopters. If so, we can take advantage of them." If we suddenly take action when the two sides are fighting fiercely, we will be very passive."

"It's not that there are no armed helicopters, but it's very troublesome to send them over. Firstly, fuel is a problem. Secondly, the international impact is not good. Thirdly, they have to pass through several countries on the way. These countries will not release their airspace unless the Counter-Terrorism Administration makes it public. To express his life, this operation became a unified action of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism, not an action by our country, but the name of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism operations has an impact on my mobilization of domestic troops and resources." Jackson said helplessly.

In this operation, Jackson was dispatched in the name of a rescue medical team. In the name of counter-terrorism and saving lives, it was regarded as a unilateral action. Naturally, there was no objection in the country. Once the name of the Anti-Terrorism Administration was revealed, the nature changed. Everything Troops, resources, etc. must come from the Counter-Terrorism Administration, not Sam State.

Luo Zheng was very aware of the relationship here. He pondered for a moment and said helplessly: "The name of the Anti-Terrorism Administration is not allowed, but not now. The whole world must be aware of the threat of this rebel army. Don't rush it yet." , the rebels will not send troops up in a short time, but we can rebel."

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked in surprise.

"The current situation is very clear. We have satellites and know the enemy's situation. The enemy also has satellites and knows our situation. One thing is more troublesome. We can't find the rebels if they hide tens of thousands of troops. Only when they come out can we find them. It can be discovered, in other words, the rebels may be hiding underground, but the specific location is unknown. The Dark Church is good at hiding its troops underground, so it has to be defended. It is unknown how many troops are in the Tucheng. I mean, we will not talk about it until the Tucheng is leveled. ." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

In the last battle, considering the safety of civilians, Luo Zheng did not mobilize missiles to directly flatten the entire Tucheng. There was only some partial damage, which did not affect the troops hidden inside. There are no desert aborigines in Tucheng now, they are all rebels. , the nature is different. Without the restraint, it will be much easier to take action.

Jackson was clear about it, thought about it, and asked: "According to your analysis, it is possible that there are no troops hiding in Tucheng at all, it is just a cover. With such a big target, they must be afraid of us bombing directly, so they might as well not hide any troops. Hiding the troops in some underground bases around, Tucheng is just a cover."

"It is entirely possible, but we do not rule out that there are enemies in Tucheng. Everything is our speculation. We need to confirm that attacking Tucheng has two benefits. One is to confirm whether there are any hidden soldiers in Tucheng, and the other is political. To the outside world, Tucheng is a base for the rebels. If the base is destroyed, it will also damage the morale of the rebels to some extent, and even affect the support of other forces for the rebels, including some people in some countries who want to join the darkness. Church, but for those who are still watching, what do you say?" Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Hey, that makes sense. I forgot about this. What are you going to do?" Jackson asked in a deep voice, his eyes bright and full of fighting spirit. After killing twenty enemy armed helicopters, Jackson's confidence greatly increased. .

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