The strongest soldier

Chapter 3044 The camp was attacked

On the battlefield, there are calculations against each other. Whoever is good at calculations and has superior skills will be able to seize the opportunity and gain the upper hand. Luo Zheng lined up with his opponents at the airdrop point, avoiding the ambush of large troops, and at the same time secretly carried a large number of RPGs. , just in time to kill all the twenty helicopters rushing towards them, killing their opponents to death.

But the Dark Church is not a fool. When it discovered that Luo Zheng was leading troops to attack Tucheng, it made all the troops hide. Although Tucheng is very important and has high political significance, being attacked will cause the troops to become passive and have low morale, but they will definitely defend it. No, it couldn't stop the bombing of RPGs, so the Dark Church also feinted a shot and let Luo Zheng and others bomb the city. The troops suddenly rushed towards the camp from all directions. Once the camp was captured, a hundred SEALs were killed. , not only can make up for the side effects of Tucheng being bombed, but can also greatly damage the opponent.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but shudder at the thought that nearly a hundred SEALs in the camp might be surrounded and killed by thousands of camel cavalry. Not to mention the negative impact of defeat, Jackson alone would feel resentful and would not want to cooperate again in the future. The two hundred Jarhead special forces around him would also blame themselves for their poor command, and the siege of the rebels collapsed.

Jackson also thought of the importance of the consequences, did not dare to neglect, and quickly issued the order. After the troops learned that the camp had been attacked, they took action and quickly divided into two. One troop stayed behind, and the other troop fired rockets. Stay, carry the gun lightly, and run towards the camp.

Before walking five kilometers, intensive gunshots and explosions came from behind. The remaining troops reported to Jackson that a large number of enemies suddenly appeared under several sand dunes outside Tucheng. The two sides were exchanging fire. The enemy was fighting hard and the firepower was low. Very aggressive, but still blockable.

Luo Zheng saw that there were indeed pursuers. He didn't know the enemy's plan yet. Letting the troops attack the camp was a great move. If he didn't rescue them, all the hundreds of people in the camp would be eaten by the enemy. If he rescued them, , the enemy will cover up and kill from behind, slowing down the speed of rescue. If the troops are divided, it will be difficult to take care of the head and tail.

Jackson really wanted to bring his troops back to support him. Even if he sacrificed the people in the camp, he still had to kill the enemies in the direction of Tucheng and completely destroy Tucheng. From a political point of view, it would be considered a victory and a great draw, but Luo Zheng didn't think so. Winning or losing on the battlefield is not very important. There is no need to show off your anger. Are you worried about not having firewood if you keep the green hills?

In the end, Jackson followed Luo Zheng's suggestion and told the troops left behind not to defend and retreat while fighting. If the enemy pursues them, distract them and fight on the move. With Jarhead's combat effectiveness, he can cause great damage on the move. Enemies can even destroy enemies several times their size.

After giving the order to the remaining troops, the troops continued to run in the direction of the camp. While running, Jackson kept in touch with the troops through the earphones and arranged the troops. As a former senior commander of Jarhead, Jackson's tactical command His ability was not bad. Luo Zheng listened to a few words and saw that Jackson was well-organized. He felt relieved and quickly contacted the command center to understand the situation.

The distance of thirty kilometers is not close, and it will take some time to get there. Everyone is anxious, but there is no better way. We can only hope that the troops left behind can hold on. Fortunately, everyone is a well-trained elite warrior and the running speed is not slow. , marching non-stop.

When we were still about five kilometers away from the camp, the wreckage of the helicopter bombed by the Rockets was clearly visible in front of us. The fire had been extinguished. A notification from the troops left behind in the camp came through the headset. The attacking troops suddenly began to evacuate in different directions. Luo Zheng heard the news. He couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Jackson, who was also shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Suddenly Luo Zheng realized a problem. All this was planned by the enemy. If he did not withdraw, the camp would be captured. If he supported, the remaining troops would be bitten. When everyone arrived at the camp, the enemy suddenly withdrew without any losses. And when the troops are exhausted, their morale will be greatly affected.

"What a good plan." Luo Zheng secretly admired him, vaguely feeling that he had met a master of tactical command and this battle was not easy to win. "Is it Charlie from the Dark Church who is directly directing this battle?"

The troops rushed to the camp in one breath, and saw a mess in the distance. The camp had been turned into a sea of ​​flames, the tents were all set on fire, and corpses were everywhere on the ground. The wounded were being bandaged. Everyone was silent, and the uninjured ones continued to lurk high and low. Warning, there was a sad atmosphere in the camp, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene with shock on his face. He stopped rushing forward and watched the members of the Jarhead Special Forces rushing forward one by one. His heart became heavy and he asked in a low voice through the headset: "Where have all the enemies gone? , can you keep an eye on them? We must find their hiding place."

"I understand, I'm just staring at it." Lan Xing responded in a deep voice.

"What happened during the battle in the camp just now?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"It was very tragic. The enemy completely ignored sacrifices and charged from all directions. More than a thousand troops were fully deployed and the firepower was very fierce. If the troops left behind hadn't fought hard enough and resolutely, they wouldn't have been able to stop these camel cavalry. Charge and kill, the enemy is completely suicidal, regardless of sacrifice or cost, this battle is very painful and miserable." Blue Star said in a deep voice, with some respect for the troops left behind in his words.

"Suicide attack?" Luo Zheng was shocked. This tactic is the favorite of terrorist organizations. To put it simply, it means charging with bullets in front of you. When you rush forward, you will detonate the bomb and kill your opponent together. If you don't rush forward, you will gain time and opportunities for your companions behind. This style of play is very difficult.

"They were covered by camels, and they hid on the backs of the camels. The camels were probably blindfolded, so they rushed forward without fear of life or death. The formation was not chaotic. The opposing commander was very smart and had a deep understanding of the camel cavalry's tactics. You have to be careful when you encounter him later." Lan Xue's voice suddenly sounded in the headset.

"Bindfolded?" Luo Zheng was shocked. Camels are also animals, and animals will be afraid. But even if a blindfolded camel is scared, it will rush at the owner's urging. Because it can't see, it doesn't know if there is any danger ahead. , Luo Zheng's face changed drastically after he wanted to understand the reason. Looking at the messy camp, his brows furrowed and he pondered. It was difficult to deal with a person who was well versed in the tactics of the camel cavalry.

Camels running at full speed in the desert are very fast and have great endurance. They come and go like the wind. How can we fight against such an army? Unless there are enough heavy machine guns, Luo Zheng looked at the time and saw that the follow-up reinforcements should have arrived. The enemy launched an attack before the follow-up troops arrived. Is this just a contingency tactic because Tucheng was besieged? Or is it that the enemy knows the content of the reinforcements and rushes to attack before the reinforcements arrive?

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