The strongest soldier

Chapter 3046 Taking over command

The hot sun shrouded the camp, evaporating the blood stained on the sand. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood. It was hot, dry and irritating. There was a murderous aura of grief and anger in the camp. Everyone was not moved by the tragic defeat. Losing morale, and silently enduring the pain of losing his comrades, he transformed his endless anger into strength, slowly accumulating and brewing in his body, waiting for the moment to explode.

Luo Zheng's oath was loud and clear, making everyone around him look sideways. There was something inexplicable in his sad and angry eyes. Luo Zheng stood up, glanced around with cold eyes, his face became solemn, and he drank in a deep voice: "Brothers, this Let's remember the revenge first. It's not that we won't avenge it. The time has not come yet. I need you to take action immediately, spread out and patrol five kilometers away to prevent the enemy from sneak attacks and welcome reinforcements. In addition, all the wounded and dead bodies have been collected and prepared. Transport away.”

Everyone was silent and did not take action immediately. After all, Luo Zheng was still an outsider and had no right to directly issue orders to these troops. At this time, Jackson hurried over after making a phone call. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help shouting: "Brothers , we lost miserably in this battle, it doesn’t matter, as long as we fight back, everyone will obey my orders."

The voice was loud, sonorous and powerful, with a bit of killing and decisiveness. Everyone stood up quickly, straightened their chests, looked straight at Jackson, and pricked up their ears. At this time, they did not forget the military etiquette. This army is not simple, Jackson I am very satisfied with the performance of my own people. They cannot be defeated or smashed. They are indomitable and are elite soldiers.

"Brothers, we just received an order from the president." Jackson shouted in a deep voice.

When everyone heard that it was the president's order, their faces changed slightly and they looked at Jackson closely. Even Luo Zheng looked at Jackson curiously and pricked up his ears. He shouted: "Presidential decree, the rebels are a terrorist organization. This operation has been upgraded from rescue to counter-terrorism. It is under the unified command of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism. I hope you will obey the orders of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism, bring glory to the country, and boost the country's prestige."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice. No one raised any questions. The reputation of the Counter-Terrorism Administration has long been spread. Whether it is rescue or counter-terrorism, as long as it can save people and take revenge, the idea of ​​​​a soldier is that simple.

"Everyone listen to my order and salute the new commander." Jackson shouted in a deep voice, then turned to look at Luo Zheng, saluted solemnly, and shouted: "The Sam Country Secret Service Operations Force reported to the Counter-Terrorism Administration, please give instructions. "

This scene stunned everyone around them. They originally thought that Luo Zheng was a staff member, a friend invited by Jackson, or an army founding member sent by the country. They didn't know anything about Luo Zheng. They didn't expect that he was the head of the Anti-Terrorism Administration. However, , everyone knew that Jackson would not joke about this issue, so they quickly reacted and saluted.

Luo Zheng returned the salute solemnly and shouted: "Have a rest, brothers, you fought hard and well in this battle. With a force of a hundred men, you fought against the crazy attack of thousands of well-equipped camel cavalry. You fought to the death without retreating." , defeating the enemy, singing and crying, it is all a good job, I will take credit from you in the name of the Anti-Terrorism Administration, and thank you on behalf of all peace lovers."

"We don't want to take credit, we want revenge." A wounded soldier shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, we want revenge, avenge our brothers." More people agreed.

"Revenge, revenge." Soon, everyone shouted in unison, with a neat rhythm and a strong murderous intent. All the wounded struggled to get up and joined the shouting team. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng, their eyes The expression on his face was full of determination as he regarded death as home.

"Revenge!" Luo Zheng roared, his voice roaring like a tiger, covering everyone's voices, his eyes became stern, everyone stopped roaring and stared at Luo Zheng, even Jackson looked at Luo Zheng Silently, he waited quietly for Luo Zheng to make his decision.

At this time, Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset: "We found a hiding place in a sand valley. A troop disappeared after entering. There should be a cave."

Luo Zheng was overjoyed. It was easy to deal with the target. He looked around at the crowd and continued to shout: "Brothers, we have locked down a group of enemies. As soon as the reinforcements arrive, we will attack them. Here, I swear on the honor of a soldier. , we will never withdraw our troops until we kill the rebels.”

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" everyone roared, waving their fists.

Luo Zheng did not stop everyone from venting. People who are extremely angry must vent and shout out their desires. This is conducive to the unity of the team. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng made a downward gesture, vaguely feeling the strength of this team. The cohesion was higher, and I couldn't help but secretly, the military morale was available, and I couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice: "The Jarhead team will go to four teams to patrol five kilometers away in four directions."

"Yes." An officer responded in a deep voice and quickly ordered four teams. The team leader led his team to patrol in different directions. Everyone needs to welcome reinforcements here and make sure there are no enemies around.

"Everyone will gather all the wounded and corpses together." Luo Zheng continued to order.

"Yes." Everyone took action. Everyone was silent in response to the same order just now because it was unclear about Luo Zheng's identity. Now the situation is different. Jackson handed over power openly and Luo Zheng became the supreme commander of the team. Soldiers must obey orders. As it is my duty, I will naturally not object.

After everyone took action, Luo Zheng looked at Jackson and said solemnly: "Thank you very much."

"Thank me for handing over the power?" Jackson shook his head with a wry smile and said, "This is what the president meant. I told you earlier that the command power was originally given to you, but it was not said publicly and no one knew about it. Now it is all handed over to you. I I feel that the pressure on my shoulders has suddenly lessened a lot. It seems that I am not suitable to be a leader. By the way, a group of helicopters will be prepared in the country and we will wait for the action from the Counter-Terrorism Administration."

"No problem, I will contact the command center immediately and send an invitation letter to your country in the name of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism, inviting your country to send troops to fight against terrorism. It is justifiable to send troops." Luo Zheng whispered knowingly, waiting for Jackson to nod in agreement. Then he quickly shouted through the headset: "Command center?"

"I know the situation through the headset. Don't worry, I know what to do. You have to be careful. This rebel army is not simple. Just now, Hong Meihua sent me a message saying that she had received wind and the rebel army was still recruiting troops. , the number of troops is probably more than 10,000, the details are unknown, do you want to investigate?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"No need, let's finish what she is doing first. In addition, let our action team assemble. Everyone will cancel their vacation and return to the team, waiting for my order to go out at any time." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, an invisible murderous aura burst out, his eyes He looked sharply into the distance and clenched his fists.

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