The strongest soldier

Chapter 3102 Counterattack with all your strength

The enemy's serial killing moves were calculated step by step, and each move was fatal. Luo Zheng's words made Guishou's face darken, and he thought of something, and shouted murderously: "Hiss? The eastward bombardment attracts our attention. Once we attack, The enemy would retreat, leading us to pursue them. The camel cavalry from the south immediately dispatched, catching us off guard, and used the speed of the camels to disrupt our camp and create panic. Finally, thousands of ambush troops from the mountains to the north came out, killing us without any armor. Liu, it’s really easy to calculate, let’s fight.”

"Sure enough, it's a good plan." Liu Xun also reacted, looked at Luo Zheng with fighting intent and said: "Our sniper team has been at the rear and is full of energy. Let us go."

"You discovered thousands of ambushes?" Meng Zhu looked at Liu Xun in surprise. Seeing Liu Xun nodding with a murderous look on his face, his expression changed drastically. He looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Boss, these bastards are really calculating and arrogant. You actually want to decide the outcome in a battle, but luckily you saw it, otherwise it would have been a disaster, how about a fight? Our sniper brigade is willing to be the vanguard."

The captain of Shan Diao had to leave due to something, so the squadron leader below naturally refused to be outdone and took the initiative to fight. Seeing the brother troops fighting back desperately, everyone was already feeling itchy. Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, looked at everyone with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "The five hundred camel cavalry are not easy to fight. They are fast and maneuverable. Give me my order."

Upon hearing this, Guishou and others quickly straightened their chests and looked at Luo Zheng with cold eyes. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone with sharp eyes and said in a deep voice: "Brother Guishou, rush up with the helicopter and kill the enemy. Thousands of ambush soldiers, pay attention to the enemy's portable anti-aircraft missiles. That thing has a guidance function and is a nemesis for helicopters."

"Understood, brothers rush forward and drop graphite bombs first, destroying their electronic equipment. The guidance function will naturally fail, and then use alphabet bombs to counterattack. There are still two bombs left. If you drop two bombs, more than half of the enemy will be killed or injured. Use anti-aircraft cannons for the rest. Just shoot." Guishou said in a deep voice.

"Okay, go get ready." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent, his eyes fell on Meng Zhu, and continued to warn: "Notify Zhou Gang, and all the people in your brigade will come forward. I must eat those five hundred camels." Cavalry, you can’t let any of those bastards escape when they come, are you sure?”

"Promise to complete the mission." Meng Zhu was overjoyed and said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng nodded and looked at Liu Xun, and continued to warn: "Your team is following thousands of ambush soldiers. Go and notify Snow Leopard. Bring all the other reserve teams to me. You must eat these thousand people. Tell Snow Leopard, Fight quickly and be careful of enemy reinforcements."

"Yes." Liu Xun also agreed excitedly.

"So there's no one around you?" Guishou asked worriedly.

"Don't you still have your people?" Luo Zheng waved his hands and said indifferently. There were three major troops around him. The mountain eagle troops were left to Zhou Gang to chase the five hundred camel cavalry. The Snow Leopard men were to chase the thousands of ambush troops. The rest were The only people left were Guishou. Luo Zheng knew everyone's force structure very well. After thinking about it, he added: "Let your people assist the Snow Leopard operation. I'm afraid the people around him are not enough."

The Operations Division of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism is composed of special operations teams selected by various countries. There are already more than a thousand people. They are divided into two. Luo Zheng commands nearly half of the troops, plus the 300 people from the Secret Bureau. He can mobilize There are nearly a thousand troops in the army, and each of the ghost hands, snow leopards and mountain eagles command about 300 people.

Snow Leopard's troops have a hundred people stationed in the east defensive position, and there are only about two hundred people around them. It is difficult for two hundred people to deal with thousands of ambushes. Luo Zheng turned his mind to Gui Shou, who knew the composition of their respective forces very well. Without any hesitation, he immediately said: "In addition to the flight personnel and artillery personnel, I also need to leave some people to station at the camp headquarters. I can mobilize two hundred people there. I will let Niu Gang take them there."

Niu Gang is Guishou's deputy. He has a high position and strong strength. Like Shi Tao, he is a former bodyguard of Zhongnanhai and is good at defense. Luo Zheng knows that Snow Leopard is good at offense and is good at defense. His deputy Shi Tao is stationed in the outer position to the east. It was not a bad idea to have Niu Gang assist, so he nodded in agreement, looked at Liu Xun and warned: "Inform Snow Leopard that the troops will set off in three minutes. They must catch up with the enemy within ten minutes. The helicopter will attack in ten minutes. Wait for the helicopter to attack." The ground troops can rush up only after it is over, remember.”

"Yes." Liu Xun agreed quickly.

The military situation was urgent. Seeing that Luo Zheng had nothing else to explain, everyone left the deployment one after another. Soon, the large army took action and hurried on, disappearing into the night after a while. Luo Zheng saw that the large army had left, and there was only one person left around him. After being dismissed from the artillery and helicopter arms, I didn't care about safety. I continued to raise my telescope from the commanding heights of the mountains to observe the battle situation. Without communication equipment, everything could only be based on experience, feeling and intuition.

The troops have dispersed, and it is very difficult to change tactics. Everything can only rely on the abilities of the commanders of each unit. Fortunately, Zhou Gang, Niu Gang, Xue Bao, etc. are all veterans with rich combat experience, high positions, and strong strength. The prestige is very high, and there is no problem in commanding the troops, so there is no need to worry.

Ten minutes passed quickly. The helicopter took off again and headed straight for the enemy. The troops were under the command of ghost hands. Luo Zheng did not need to worry about the details. He continued to stand on the commanding heights of the mountain to observe the surrounding enemy situation. Unfortunately, the surrounding area was completely dark and the visibility was very low. It’s not that the telescope has night vision function, you can’t see anything at all.

The troops to the west were a little far away and could not be seen through the telescope. Jackson had to handle everything by himself. The defensive position 2,000 meters away to the east was quiet and nothing was going on. Luo Zheng estimated that the enemy had withdrawn and the battle would be over. Run, the abacus was good, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth with hatred, but he could not go to the battlefield in person, he could only stay in the mountains and command remotely. Everything that should be done has been done, and the final result will be seen next.

Time passed by, and dense gunfire came from the distance. The battle between the brothers and the enemy began. It was still unclear who would win. Luo Zheng returned to the camp, picked up his sniper rifle, and loaded the bullets. He walked out of the camp again and set up an ambush in a dark place near the commanding heights of the mountain, with vigilant searchers all around to prevent enemies from taking the opportunity to infiltrate.

The enemy has an electronic invisibility cloak, and it is easy to infiltrate. The enemy and we are fighting fiercely on the battlefield. This is the most suitable time to infiltrate. Luo Zheng kept searching the surroundings through the sniper scope. His face was solemn as frost, and he saw that there was no suspicious person around. I can't help but think of countermeasures. The situation is unfavorable. How can we turn defeat into victory? How can we complete the tasks assigned by the country? How can we defeat the Dark Church?

Thoughts came to mind one after another, my mind became groggy, and my reaction became sluggish. Suddenly I felt a figure flashing in the tent in front of me. I was stunned for a moment, my face changed drastically, and I observed carefully.

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