The strongest soldier

Chapter 3153 Agree to Accept

The contact from the headquarters surprised Luo Zheng. It was definitely urgent at this time. He quickly agreed and waved his hands to signal the brothers around him to disperse. Soon, Lan Xing's urgent voice sounded in the headset: "Boss, there is something coming from the brain trust. The news says that there is something important to report, is it convenient for you? The think tank and Hongmeihua are waiting online."

"Cut it over." Luo Zheng quickly agreed when he heard that it was Zhitan and Hongmeihua who were looking for him.

Soon, the think tank's voice sounded in the headset. After a greeting, the think tank explained the plan to rescue Tang Tiantian in detail, and finally added: "This plan has been discussed with Hongmeihua and Jackson, and everyone agrees. The specific action report will be held Form it as soon as possible and listen to your opinions first.”

"Yes, I also think it is feasible, but the specific plan needs to be formulated based on the actual situation after investigation. It will take a day or two to form a report." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset.

"Wait a minute." Luo Zheng said casually and fell into deep thought. He was deducing everyone's rescue plan in his mind, trying to find flaws and shortcomings. After a while, Luo Zheng felt that the rescue plan was feasible, so he Shen Sheng warned: "Complete a report and file it as soon as possible. Xue'er is expected to arrive at the headquarters in ten hours. You can discuss it together and act as soon as possible."

"Understood." Seeing that Luo Zheng basically agreed to the action plan, the think tank was overjoyed and agreed. After all, this was the first official operation, and the think tank was very concerned about the success of this rescue operation.

Next, Hong Meihua reported Jackson's conditions and bargaining chips. When Luo Zheng heard that there was such important information, he naturally agreed, asking Hong Meihua and the think tank to seize the time to get the information as soon as possible, the sooner they get it one day The sooner the country uncovers all the hidden agents in Sam Country, the less danger there will be and the more hope the captured agents will have in rescuing them.

"Boss, Jackson wants to talk to you." Hong Meihua's voice sounded.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed without hesitation.

Soon, Jackson's voice came from the headset: "Old friend, you didn't expect that, did you?"

"No, I thought about it, but you didn't listen to the advice at that time, and you couldn't listen to the advice. Before the matter was completely clear, you wouldn't believe anything I said. It's understandable that soldiers have to obey orders as their bounden duty, but foolish loyalty is not It's appropriate. Soldiers should be loyal to the country, not to a certain person. You have got this essential issue wrong." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice without giving Jackson any face.

During the battle in the small town, the Counter-Terrorism Administration was forced to evacuate by Jackson. Luo Zheng was resentful about this incident, so he scolded Jackson. Before Jackson could react, he continued: "However, things are already like this, what can I say? It's too late. You are welcome to join us. I won't hide it from you. It's definitely not possible to lead the army openly. Your identity is special. Once exposed, it will be detrimental to us. I will give you a new identity. Then you can stay with me as a consultant. ."

"Advisor?" Jackson asked in surprise.

"That's right, the Dark Church has a staff group, all of which are top talents from various countries and industries. My intelligence alone cannot compete with their group, so I plan to set up a staff office. Come and help me when the time comes. With your ability The information we have and can definitely play a big role, I guarantee that the brothers will not reject you. In addition, you can leave whenever you want, but there is one thing." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What?" Jackson asked in surprise.

"You can't betray your brothers, otherwise, you know the consequences." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Jackson solemnly promised. As a soldier, Jackson knew the price of betrayal, which was death. Moreover, Jackson hated betrayal the most, so he could understand the meaning of Luo Zheng's words.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng cut off the call and looked at the deep night sky and meditated. The sound of the breeze blowing the leaves came to his ears. The moonlight fell like water and fell on Luo Zheng, lengthening his figure. , the surroundings were peaceful, no one in the lurking team was talking randomly, and invisible morale filled the night sky.

"Chirp--" Some unknown insects were chirping, breaking the tranquility of the mountain forest and adding some vitality to the barren mountains. A night bird flew over, perhaps sensing the troops lurking in the forest. Strange He screamed and flew away. A strange cry attracted all the sentries lurking in the dark. An invisible murderous aura burst out, scaring the night bird into flying faster.

A gust of cool wind blew over, and Luo Zheng felt a little chill. He woke up from his deep thoughts and slowly stood up. He saw Snow Leopard and his people installing radar not far away. The tentacle monster was debugging. Shi Qian and his brothers Watching around, more brothers were sleeping in the woods not far away. There was a faint sound of snoring. Luo Zheng came to a higher hillside and looked up towards the oil field. The sky was gray and he couldn't see anything. When he arrived, Luo Zheng raised the telescope and adjusted the focus. Suddenly, there was a bright light inside the telescope.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng stared into the distance in surprise. A convoy appeared in the high-power telescope. It was not a tanker truck, but a small convoy with five large trucks. The big trucks were covered with linoleum cloth. You couldn't see what was inside, but three or two Humvees were leading the way. Anti-aircraft machine guns were mounted on the Humvees, controlled by a shirtless strong man. The yellow bullets were particularly dazzling in the bright light.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise. He was not sure whether the enemy was sending more troops or a convoy to replenish supplies. He stared at it, his binoculars moving with the convoy, and unknowingly the convoy entered the camp. They are distributed in a zigzag shape, surrounded by densely packed barracks. I don’t know what is in the middle. The convoy is parked in the middle. Only the light of the car lights can be seen, and the vehicles are blocked by the buildings.

"Reinforcements?" A curious voice came from behind.

Luo Zheng turned around and saw that it was Xu Gang, put down the telescope, shook his head and said: "Not sure, three Hummers, five trucks, I don't know what is being transported in the trucks, don't worry if it's people, five trucks are transporting There aren’t many people, but if it’s supplies and ammunition, it will be a lot of trouble. You will have to figure out the situation after you infiltrate.”

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed.

"The enemy has suddenly arrived in a convoy. The camp will definitely not be peaceful for a short time, but the enemy's attention is on the convoy. You attack now, go up from the bottom of the canyon, climb up when you reach the place, and touch into the enemy camp. Then Bian is relatively safe right now and can easily be penetrated successfully." Luo Zheng suggested.

Xu Gang looked towards the direction of the canyon, thought for a while and said: "It makes sense. The enemies were all attracted by the convoy. There are already few patrols in the direction of the canyon, and the success rate is indeed higher. After a while, the enemy patrols will be able to patrol with peace of mind. On the contrary, If it’s not good for us, then I’ll go.”

"Go, be careful." Luo Zheng warned.

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