The strongest soldier

Chapter 3165 Fighting to the death

"Boom, boom, boom -" Several more rockets roared over, knocking over the roofs of several adobe houses. Several brothers who had just jumped off the roof were hit by the overturned roof, and staggered to the ground. Fortunately, everyone Behind the internal strength, the body is strong and does not have much impact. The brothers who jumped down early rushed over to help, lifted up the earth wall, pulled out the brothers and left quickly. The enemy's attack was too fierce and they could not resist forcefully.

The enemy, who had fully reacted, counterattacked sharply. Hundreds of people hid in the wall to fight back. The enemies in the western barracks used guns and rockets to sneak attack on the roof of the eastern barracks. The enemies on the roof of the eastern barracks fiercely rushed out of the barracks and threw grenades on the roof. Then he quickly withdrew, and his strange howl resounded through the night sky and spread far and wide.

The brothers basically hid on the roof of the camp in the east. Facing the enemy's crazy counterattack, everyone could only jump outside. The firepower formed by hundreds of people was not something that the physical body could resist. The situation suddenly reversed. Xu Gang did not move and hid on an inconspicuous roof. Corner observed this scene calmly, secretly becoming anxious.

The battle started in advance. Our own firepower was obviously insufficient and the situation was unfavorable. Xu Gang's worried eyes crossed the night sky and looked to the west. He pricked up his ears and eavesdropped, hoping that Balu's large troops could arrive in advance. With a bang, a rocket The bomb exploded not far away, and a big crater was blown out of the roof. Xu Gang was outside the explosion range, so he quickly hugged his head and lay on the ground, not daring to move.

After the explosion, Xu Gang looked at the huge bullet hole and became more and more worried. If it was too late, the brothers would not be able to hold back their position. Once the enemy is strong, they can form an effective counterattack. If not, they must continue to create chaos and cannot create any effective counterattack for the enemy. The organization's counterattack firepower made Xu Gang's face shudder. He hunched his body and ran wildly to one side for a distance, and came to the edge of the explosion hole to hide.

According to the laws of the battlefield, the probability of being hit by artillery shells in the same place is very low. Therefore, experienced veterans will hide in the large pits blown up by artillery shells. After hiding, Xu Gang was preparing to fight with Luo Zheng After contacting and asking about the situation of the follow-up troops, Xu Gang suddenly heard the sound of intensive sniper fire. Immediately afterwards, Xu Gang saw a large number of enemy machine guns misfiring. He was overjoyed and found more snipers rushing over. He couldn't help but laugh.

The mountain eagle took the lead and rushed forward, firing as he ran. The enemy was hiding in the barracks. The room was dimly lit, but the location of the firepower was exposed. Under the powerful attack of sniper bullets, the adobe house could not be blocked, and the wall was directly penetrated. , the bullets flew irregularly after penetrating, forming stray bullets and hitting the target hiding in the room.

While running, the mountain eagle keenly noticed that an enemy rushed to the door carrying an RPG, aiming at him and preparing to fire. He was shocked. Faced with the danger, the mountain eagle did not jump off the roof from the other side, but slammed forward. Jump, the whole person rises from the ground, and rushes forward in a whoosh. In the air, the mountain eagle raises his hand, raises the gun, aims, and pulls the trigger.

"Boom——" The sniper bullet roared out of the barrel with the mountain eagle full of fighting spirit, tearing up the space and making a buzzing sonic boom sound. In an instant, it penetrated into the target's heart. The target's body was punched with a huge blood hole by the high-speed rotating bullet. The blood surged violently towards the back, and the RPG on the shoulder instinctively pulled the trigger.

"Boom -" The rocket exploded in the room, and the huge red light of the explosion swallowed up everything around it. Many rebels in the room had no time to shout, and were directly engulfed by the red light. The houses collapsed, burying the bodies.

The mountain eagle didn't even look at all this and continued to run wildly. Suddenly he felt someone on the roof in front of him. He looked closely but found nothing. He was frightened and somersaulted to the ground. He then got up from his knees and aimed his gun at the suspicious place. , suddenly heard Xu Gang's voice coming from the headset: "Brother, it's me, but you can't shoot."

"Brother Xu Gang?" Shandiao asked in surprise, suddenly thinking that Xu Gang was wearing an invisibility suit, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"It's not me. You're a ruthless kid. Were you a jumping sniper just now? You're the first person I've ever seen who can be so skilled at jumping sniper." Xu Gang's remaining words rang in the headset.

"What's this?" The mountain eagle quickly changed its position and hid, looking at the enemy below, while whispering: "The leader's jump sniper is much better than mine. It's 200 meters, and it's no problem to fire two shots. I'm the most Only one shot can be fired.”

Jump sniping is a person who aims at the target while jumping to kill. The jumping speed is very fast. It is very difficult to aim at the target and snipe. It all depends on the feeling. The person uses the time of jumping to the commanding heights and falling in the air to fire. The time is very short, almost undetectable, and it is basically impossible to do it without special training.

"So powerful?" Xu Gang didn't expect the mountain eagle to actually say that Luo Zheng could fire two shots, or two hundred meters. What kind of terrifying spear skills was this? It was simply unheard of. I had only heard that Luo Zheng's spear skills were very powerful. I didn't expect him to be so powerful. Xu Gang knew a little more about Luo Zheng's strength.

"The enemy is powerful, has ferocious firepower, and has a deadly fighting style. When will our reinforcements arrive?" Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"Almost." The mountain eagle continued to fire and harvest the enemy's lives without looking back.

Xu Gang knew that Snow Leopard and his men were attacking the sentries and patrols outside. It would take some time to deal with the 500 rebels with more than 100 people including himself, Shi Qian and Shandiao. Although the sneak attack was successful and caught the enemy by surprise, But the enemy is not good at fighting. After reacting, he is not afraid of death and fights very tenaciously. It is impossible to win in a short time.

"Brother Xu Gang, brother Shi Qian, how about your people fighting below and taking charge of the enemies in the barracks below, and my people fighting above and taking charge of the enemies on the opposite side?" Shandiao said in a deep voice.

"Okay, it's up to you." Xu Gang responded in a deep voice. Everyone had already jumped off the roof to avoid the enemy's heavy machine gun and rocket attacks. It would be troublesome to come up again. It is better to hide behind the ruins below and fight back. It can also form a three-dimensional firepower with the roof. , immediately shouted through the headset: "Brothers of the second team, find a place below to hide and counterattack."

"Understood." The brothers in the second team responded solemnly and went to fight with the enemies in the room below.

"First team, all go down and kill the remaining enemies in the room below." Shi Qian's voice sounded in the headset.

Shandiao was overjoyed when he saw that both Shi Qian and Xu Gang had followed his advice. Although he had the terrain advantage by standing on the roof, there were enemies in the room below. The enemies fired at the roof, and the bullets penetrated the roof and shot out. Everyone was hiding on the roof. It's not safe. Someone must go down and clean it up to avoid being attacked from both sides.

"What's going on?" A voice sounded in the headset.

"The situation is in a stalemate, and it will not be good for us as time goes by." Shandiao heard that it was Luo Zheng who was asking and quickly agreed.

"Snow leopard?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"It will take another five minutes. The enemies are too scattered to gather together and annihilate the patrol." Snow Leopard's angry voice sounded in the headset, with endless reluctance and helplessness.

The terrain of the Gobi Desert is vast, and the patrols are not stupid. They will definitely run away when they see someone attacking. It is almost impossible to annihilate them in a short time. The mountain eagle began to think in understanding, and looked to the west with worried eyes, where was the direction of the camel cavalry attacker, faintly visible. In the middle, the mountain eagle heard the thunderous footsteps, and his eyes lit up. He was overjoyed and roared: "Brothers, hold on, reinforcements are coming soon."

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