The strongest soldier

Chapter 3192 Weird Reinforcements

In the early morning two days later, the Karachi Stone Bridge was repaired and opened to traffic. A large number of tanks rumbled forward, crossing the Karachi Stone Bridge, and headed north with murderous intent. There were armed personnel sitting on each tank, and there were many The armed men walked with the help of tanks. Behind the tanks were transport trucks filled with fuel needed for the tanks. Behind the transport trucks were a large number of camel cavalry, each of them rushing on in silence.

Thousands of troops slowly passed through the Karachi Stone Bridge. An hour later, another mechanized unit hurried over. Five Humvees cleared the way. Anti-aircraft machine guns were mounted on the Humvees. Behind them were all large trucks transporting troops. Long Team, no one knows how many troops are in the car.

On a mountain ridge three kilometers away from the Karachi Stone Bridge, Shandiao led a team of troops to lurk and observe. Last night, they won a complete victory in the battle. No enemy was let go, and the seizures were also very rich. After receiving the order from the headquarters, Everyone left their weapons with the Balu troops who came to receive them, and continued to fight towards the Karachi Stone Bridge.

Shan Diao looked at the troops following behind and his face became ugly, and he immediately reported the situation to the headquarters. The sudden appearance of another troop surprised Lan Xue at the headquarters, and immediately asked the Red Plum Blossom Detective to send people to investigate the situation. Notify other combat units on the front line.

The mountain eagle observed for a while, and then waved to the back. The ten team captains quickly came over and lay down next to the mountain eagle. They looked ahead vigilantly and said nothing while pricking up their ears. The mountain eagle put down the telescope and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the enemy seems to have reinforced another team. We have to find a way to hold this team back."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Gang asked in a deep voice.

"Divide the troops, use the squad as a combat unit, fight individually, pounce on the enemy, and keep biting the enemy. With everyone's ability, it will be no problem even if they can't fight and run away. The only thing we have to guard against is the helicopter. However, the enemy doesn't know what we are doing. This unit has anti-aircraft missiles. We have shot down a few of them, so we probably won’t dare to pursue them. Even if they do, we won’t be afraid. Just find a hiding place in advance.” Mountain Eagle warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a deep voice. Fighting in small groups has strong maneuverability, can come and go freely, and moves like the wind. It can fight when it wants to fight and run away when it doesn't want to fight. It can indeed delay the enemy.

"We have five portable anti-aircraft missile launchers and about a dozen anti-aircraft missiles. Let's just split them up? It's always better to have weapons." Zhou Gang suggested in a deep voice.

"Okay, you can allocate it." The mountain eagle agreed in a deep voice.

A few minutes later, a small team left under the leadership of the team leader. After Shan Diao reported his deployment to the headquarters, he also quickly left with a small team. Half an hour later, Shan Diao led the team to a mountain forest to ambush. It was an open plain, with a dirt road 200 meters away. The enemy was slowly advancing on the road. The mountain eagle quickly aimed ahead and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, prepare to fight."

Everyone pulled the bolts of their guns and aimed forward. After waiting for a while, the mountain eagle saw the large troop transport truck approaching, quickly aimed at it, and shouted in a deep voice: "Aim at the enemy troop transport truck." After saying that, he decisively pulled the trigger. .

The others agreed, and they also aimed at the tires of the big trucks and pulled the triggers. A row of sniper rifles rang out, and several big trucks stopped. Their tires were blown out. Many armed men jumped out of the trucks. At the officer's order, he chased after him with a howl.

Seeing that the mountain eagle had successfully attracted the enemy's pursuit, there was a touch of disdain in the cold eyes. He emptied the magazine in one breath and shouted in a deep voice: "Withdraw." He held up his hands, quickly got up and ran towards the back. When the other brothers heard the order, they turned around and retreated without hesitation, while changing their magazines.

After running for a certain distance, everyone stopped and continued shooting. The mountain eagle saw that there were no less than a hundred pursuers, and he was overjoyed. There was no need to worry about this. After emptying the magazine, he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, let's go to our side." Fight while retreating, lead them by the nose, and kill them slowly." He turned around and retreated.

Others also followed the pace of the mountain eagle. Everyone retreated while fighting, constantly attracting enemies to pursue, and shooting enemies in motion. Before long, only half of the more than 100 people were left. The enemy was completely enraged and kept attacking. While pursuing, liaise with the main force and report the situation.

The main force also suffered several similar sneak attacks. When they knew they had encountered the enemy, they immediately sent troops to support them. When the mountain eagle saw that the enemy suddenly stopped chasing them desperately, but fell far behind, he was startled and suddenly realized that the enemy should be He was waiting for reinforcements and didn't care. He ordered the troops to stop and shoot at the enemy.


"Ta-ta-ta--" The enemy fired angrily, like a rain of bullets, but the coverage was too wide and the accuracy was not enough, so it posed little threat to everyone.

The enemy and we were just hiding in the forest and shooting at each other. After a while, the enemy's firepower was reduced by half. The terrifying accuracy of shooting scared the enemy. The mountain eagle was about to rush forward to kill the remaining enemy when it suddenly heard a voice coming from behind the enemy. Hearing the sound of dense footsteps, he knew that reinforcements were coming, so he did not dare to be careless and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, we are here to buy and sell again, please retreat first."

"Yes." Everyone agreed excitedly, turned around and ran away. They were walking on flat ground in the mountains and forests at a very fast speed. After a while, they were far away from the enemies behind them.

We all came to a hillside and took advantage of the convenient location to ambush the enemy. During the battle, the mountain eagle found that there were two hundred enemies. The attack was fierce and the fighting style was tenacious. Knowing that they were elite troops, they did not dare to be careless, so they quickly evacuated with the troops. A few rabbits went deep into the forest as soon as the falcons fell, and once again distanced themselves from the enemy.

Everyone was fighting and retreating, constantly destroying the enemy in the movement. Unknowingly, an hour passed. Although the enemy suffered heavy casualties, they refused to let go. This made the mountain eagle also get angry and chose a hill to stop. , condescendingly, once again hit the enemy with a sudden attack.

During the battle, the mountain eagle found that there were only about a hundred enemies, and was ready to fight the enemy on the spot. Suddenly, a troop of nearly a hundred people came out of the diagonal stab, catching the mountain eagle by surprise. I was about to order the troops to evacuate, but suddenly I noticed something strange behind the enemy in front of me, and I couldn't help but raise my binoculars in surprise.

What's more, the mountain eagle found that someone was attacking behind the enemy. The gunshots were intensive. He couldn't help being frightened. He pricked up his ears and looked carefully. If it didn't look like a sniper rifle, it couldn't be his own troops. Could it be Snow Leopards and the others? It shouldn't be, they don't move around in this area, and the weapons are the same, how can they be so messy? Who is the one?

No matter who came, the enemy of the enemy must be a friend. Thinking of this mountain eagle, his face lit up and he shouted murderously: "Brothers, reinforcements are coming, kill me——"

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