The strongest soldier

Chapter 3255: Divide the troops and attack the camp

Those who are capable are respected on the battlefield, and whoever can lead everyone to win the battle will be listened to. Moreover, the most important thing is that everyone found that the Dark Guard could not be beaten to death. It was unheard of and they did not know how to deal with it. However, Xu Gang's people were able to kill them. These people were well-fed and experienced. Wu Jin didn't say anything, so everyone naturally obeyed.

Xuehu didn't insist anymore this time. He glanced at the darkness around him and found that people were constantly flashing sparks and electric lights. He estimated that it was caused by arrows. He quickly ordered his people to retreat about 20 meters behind and find a place to hide and fire. Cover everyone's evacuation.

With the firepower suppressed by Xuehu and others, Shadow quickly retreated with his people, while Xu Gang led his own people to retreat while fighting. Wu Jin and Xu Gang formed a group together, responsible for fire cover, to prevent anyone from sneaking into Xu Gang, so that Xu Gang could concentrate on dealing with the Dark Guard who suddenly rushed up in the darkness, but was also restrained by Xu Gang's terrifying combat power.

Others also quickly formed a team, one from Shadow and one from Xu Gang. The Shadow's person was responsible for suppressing the enemy with firepower and covering the retreat. Xu Gang's person was responsible for keeping an eye on the Dark Guard who suddenly burst out in the darkness. Everyone retreated while fighting. , unknowingly retreated to a position of 20 meters to join Xuehu's people, and the troops stopped to fight back.

The firepower of the three troops gathered together, and the counterattack force greatly increased, temporarily suppressing the enemy's offensive. Xuehu immediately led his own people to retreat about 20 meters again, spread out to seize the terrain, and came forward with fire support again to cover everyone's retreat again. , and so on, gradually retreating to a hillside.

The hillside was densely wooded, tall and sturdy, and the terrain was favorable. Xu Gang saw that the enemy was chasing closely, and he looked determined to never give up. He angrily approached Wu Jin and suggested, "Brother, I have a suggestion."

"You said it." Wu Jin said while shooting the enemy who was catching up in the distance. Although the enemy was twenty or thirty meters away and the night was heavy, the enemy could not be seen with the naked eye, but everyone was wearing night vision goggles and could Clearly lock the position of each enemy, and it is precisely because of these equipment advantages that everyone can block the enemy's offensive.

"I suggest that we select a team from the hostages and go back to the enemy's rear. The enemy has almost all caught up with us. We would never have thought that we would turn back." Xu Gang suggested immediately.

Wu Jin attached great importance to Xu Gang, and his opinions would naturally not be ignored. He just finished shooting a magazine, and Xu Gang began to think deeply while changing the magazine. After changing the magazine number, he made a decision in his heart, looked at Xu Gang and said in a deep voice: " You take command here, and be sure to block the enemy for about five minutes, while I lead people to the back."

"Okay, be careful." Xu Gang knew that there was a dark guard among the pursuers in front, and he could not leave. He agreed, and once again drew his bow and arrow to lock the dark place in front, held his breath, and concentrated on the theory of doctrine, and soon felt a place If there is a problem behind the bushes, shoot it without hesitation.

Soon, a large group of electric sparks flickered at a suspicious location in front, revealing a figure, who was a dark guard. The second team had fully dispersed, hiding in the woods looking for opportunities to sneak attack. From time to time, someone would take action, and the shadow The people with Xue Hu also dispersed in the woods to look for opportunities.

Seeing that the pursuers were about to rush down the hillside, Xu Gang snorted disdainfully and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, Brother Wu Jin has handed over the command here to me. Everyone listen to my orders."

"Yes." Everyone had heard what Wu Jin had just said through their headsets. They agreed without any hesitation, firing back at the enemy while listening to the order with their ears raised.

"Shadow, spread out within 20 meters on both sides. Don't run too far. Hold down the two wings just in case. Snow Fox, your people will face the enemy head-on. The second team will shoot the Dark Guard head-on. "Xu Gang shouted coldly.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice and quickly changed their formations.

After Xu Gang gave the order, he looked back and saw that Wu Jin had selected some brothers who were in good physical condition and could still fight and left quickly, taking a circuitous route to the village. The remaining brothers who were more seriously injured were waiting on the hillside without guns. Everyone can only watch from behind and cannot come forward to support.

There were more than 30 people in the three armies. They took advantage of the favorable terrain of the hillside to block the enemy at the foot of the hillside. The two sides opened up and fired at each other, fighting into a group. Wu Jin led his brothers to retreat quickly. Everyone did not have night vision goggles. Unable to see the road clearly and unable to walk fast, Wu Jin took one person's hand away, ordered the others to hold hands, and then led everyone to trot towards the village.

Wu Jin was wearing night vision goggles and could see the road clearly, so it didn't matter. Everyone quickly took a detour back to the outskirts of the village. Fires broke out in many parts of the village. Some people were putting out the fire. The shouts and shouts could be heard far away, and the bright light illuminated the village. The light was bright and the visibility greatly increased. Wu Jin signaled everyone to take cover.

There was no gun, not even a cold weapon. If he rushed up at random, he would be killed. Wu Jin quickly observed the terrain and gestured for everyone to follow. Unconsciously, he came to the vicinity of the river. The nearby tropical plants were very dense. From time to time, he could see things on the ground. There were one or two corpses and weapons that had not been confiscated.

Everyone quickly picked up their weapons. With guns in hand, their momentum changed drastically. Wu Jin did not immediately lead everyone to catch up and fight back. Instead, he walked deeper into the village and found more corpses and weapons along the way. Before long, almost all of the more than 30 people he brought out had weapons in hand.

Everyone came to hide near a wooden house. Wu Jin looked ahead and found that some armed personnel were putting out the fire. They were not innocent people. He felt certain in his heart. He looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the battle ahead should last for a few more minutes." , We don’t have night vision equipment, so rushing up can’t help much. Let’s attack the enemy’s lair, prevent fire from burning down the house, and force the enemy to withdraw their troops.”

"Yes." Everyone agreed with understanding. Each and every frightened *** after being captured held a breath in their hearts. This order was exactly what they wanted. Under Wu Jin's order, everyone was divided into three teams, one for each team. The team of ten people advanced forward in a Z-shaped formation and charged forward.

"Kill - da da da -" everyone roared and kept firing to vent their anger. They rushed forward and killed more than a dozen enemies at once. They picked up the burning wood and threw it around, trying to prevent fire everywhere. When they saw the enemy, they immediately After chasing him, there weren't many enemies left, and he didn't expect anyone to turn around, so he was stunned.

The remaining enemies were quickly eliminated by the angry brothers. More rooms were set on fire, raging fires shot up into the sky, and the light shone far away. When Wu Jin saw that they were almost done, he waved his hand and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, let's go, clean up." Let the other enemies go." As he said that, he led his brothers to retreat quickly and rushed to the outskirts of the village in a blink of an eye. Suddenly he saw a group of enemies approaching. He was startled and immediately ordered the troops to hide.

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