The strongest soldier

Chapter 3326 Unexpected News

The battle ended within three minutes. Nearly a hundred enemies were successfully ambushed by everyone. Guishou led his brothers and rushed to a bulletproof vehicle. There were two people sitting in the bulletproof vehicle, a driver and a middle-aged man with a beard. Being the target of a terrorist organization leader who was turned into a demon by the locals, the bulletproof vehicle was strong and the two men survived a violent ambush.

Guishou looked at the people in the bulletproof vehicle coldly and shouted in a deep voice: "Two minutes to clean the battlefield and prepare vehicles to evacuate the scene. Move quickly."

"Yes!" The three team captains who followed Luo Zheng responded solemnly and hurriedly gave instructions.

Three teams were used to ambush the ghosts this time. Thirty people killed nearly a hundred terrorists in just three minutes. This had to be attributed to the surrounding terrain and a surprise attack. The convoy gathered on a street, with both sides It's a building. There's no place to dodge. It's blocked in front and exploded in the back. The convoy can't move and they all become living targets. A single grenade can blow up a car and the people on it. The enemy can't bear such a sudden attack. .

Guishou looked at the target in the bulletproof car coldly. The target must not be left, otherwise the operation will fail. Although the bulletproof car is strong, there is nothing that can be done. Guishou found the oil refueling hole on the car, opened it, and took out a When the grenade came, he pointed to the gas hole and then the grenade to the people in the car.

The people inside clearly understood what Ghost Hand meant. If the grenade exploded in the mailbox, the entire car would burn, and even if he didn't die, he would be roasted to death by the fire. The driver was obviously panicked, and looked back at the demon in horror, his face pale. , the devil raised his hand coldly and shot the driver, killing him.

Immediately afterwards, the demon opened the car door, slowly raised his hands, and looked at the ghost hand with cold eyes. The ghost hand snorted disdainfully and knocked the demon unconscious to the ground with a gun butt. There is no need to be merciful to such a terrorist leader. Immediately he shouted to the brothers beside him: "A few people can help push the vehicle in front."

"Yes." Someone rushed over immediately and pushed the car that was blocking the front. He threw the devil in the trunk and hid it, closed it tightly, then opened the driver's door, grabbed the driver and threw it to the ground, and sat down Go up, start the car and quickly leave the convoy, turn around, and immediately shout to the brothers who have cleaned the battlefield: "Use all available cars and evacuate the scene immediately." He drove forward and rushed forward.

Others got into the cars that were still usable, and everyone drove after them. Not long after, several cars rushed out of the slum. On the way, Guishou asked through the headset: "Yuan Yong, report the situation."

Yuan Yong was the person in charge of leading the team to attack the target mansion. Soon, Yuan Yong's voice came from the headset: "Captain, the enemy has indeed rushed out of the mansion to support us. The mansion has been captured by our side and we are preparing to evacuate."

"There should be a car in the mansion. Use the car to evacuate. In addition, I will burn the mansion with fire. I will catch up with the supporting enemies and kill them all before gathering at the predetermined location." Guishou said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Yuan Yong agreed.

After cutting off the call, Guishou glanced behind him through the rearview mirror. Several cars followed him. Knowing that they were brothers, he breathed a sigh of relief and accelerated forward. About half an hour later, the cars came to the desert area and rushed to Stopping behind a sand dune, Guishou got out of the car and saw his brothers coming up one after another and parked the car.

The ghost hand opened the trunk, dragged the awakened target out of the trunk, threw it on the ground, kicked it twice, and signaled a brother to bring a camera to focus on the target, and then said coldly: "Devil, no Did you think that today would happen? You have done many evil things and brought harm to one party, what else do you have to say? "

"I'm curious, how did you sneak into the city without being exposed? See how you're dressed, pretending to be beggars?" the target asked angrily, with a fierce look in his eyes, without any awareness of being captured, and he glanced coldly Looking at the other people gathered around him, he continued: "At least half of the beggars in the slums are my eyes and ears. They are usually used to monitor the entire city. I didn't expect that you were tricked in. It's amazing. It's not unfair to lose to you. Who are you?" people?"

Guishou was secretly frightened. He didn't expect this bastard to be so cautious and actually let his subordinates pretend to be beggars and monitor the city. No wonder the local government couldn't do anything about it. Every encirclement and suppression campaign ended in failure. It turned out that the slum management was impregnable. If it hadn't been beaten There was a sudden ambush, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to succeed. Thinking of this, Ghost Hand said coldly: "We are from the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism."

"It turns out it's you. It's not unfair to lose to you." The target said coldly.

"You are lucky to die in my hands." Guishou said coldly. The reason why he captured the person alive was to record a video to prove the other party's identity. The slum was too dangerous to stay for a long time, so Guishou took the person alive and left. Record only when you stop at the scheduled meeting point.

With this video, we can prove that the target was eliminated by the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism. Otherwise, no one will believe it. When all the videos are compiled and submitted to the United Nations, it will definitely shock the whole world. Countries around the world will respond to the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism. They must be impressed by the combat effectiveness of the Secret Bureau, and the national prestige has been safeguarded.

"I'll tell you some important news. This news is definitely beneficial to you. Can you pay for it with your life?" The target said quickly as he was about to fire and kill him when he saw the ghost.

"That depends on the value of the information." Ghost Hand said coldly, without moving the muzzle aimed at the target's head, secretly becoming vigilant, and one party jumping over the wall in panic.

"I know a group of people. They don't look like a terrorist organization or bandits. They are well-trained and well-equipped, but they dress like bandits. They wander around this desert area and rob caravans everywhere. They once looked for me. I hope The conditions for recruiting us are very high, and I suspect that he is the person you are looking for." The target quickly explained.

"Who are we looking for?" Guishou asked coldly.

"The Anti-Terrorism Administration and the Dark Church are sworn enemies. This is no secret. The Dark Church bombed the Phoenix Hotel in China and hired killers to assassinate them. This news has been spread and is not a secret. You are attacking us just to make yourself angry. Between us, There is no hatred between us, we can cooperate, I will be responsible for providing information, and you will spare my life, how about it?" The target quickly suggested.

"Wrong, we are from the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism and represent justice. You are a terrorist organization and represent evil. Justice does not need a reason or hatred to eliminate evil. The clues provided are of little significance to us. Where are the erratic enemies? Cover it, so you can go and die." Guishou said and was about to take action.

"No, they should be deep in the desert. As long as I let out the wind, they will come to me." The target explained unwillingly, his face becoming flustered.

"Trouble!" Guishou spat out two words coldly, signaling the brother not to take pictures. After that, he opened fire. With a gunshot, the target's sinful body was punished. The blood quickly stained the ground red, which looked particularly charming in the sun. .

Guishou glanced at the corpse on the ground coldly, and quickly said in a deep voice through the headset: "Mastermind, unexpected news, there is an armed force operating in this desert, suspected to be the dark church force, I will go and investigate."

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