The strongest soldier

Chapter 333 Encountering a Camel Team

Everyone walked to the Haloxylon ammodendron forest and looked at the countless dead branches and leaves on the ground. Luo Zheng was overjoyed, put down his equipment, and immediately suggested: "Brothers, let's spend the night here tonight. There are so many dead branches and leaves, enough for us to use for one night." Come on, it’s going to be very cold tonight due to this damn weather. It’s nice to be sheltered from the wind and have a fire.”

Everyone has desert survival experience, and naturally knows that the temperature difference between morning and evening in the desert is huge, so we must prepare early. The snow leopard glanced at the nearby area and said: "You collect firewood, and I will dig a hiding hole." After saying that, he put down the supplies and equipment. He took out his engineering shovel and found a solid-looking hillside to dig into.

"I'm going to help." Guishou said, put down his things, took out his engineering shovel and went to work.

"I'm going to walk around and see if I can get some food." The mountain eagle said and left.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged glances. They smiled knowingly and put down their supplies and equipment to pick up dry firewood. Suddenly, Luo Zheng found Cistanche deserticola on the ground, which is a good thing known as desert ginseng. He couldn't help being surprised and said quickly: "Xue'er, come and see if this is Cistanche deserticola."

Cistanche deserticola was not familiar to Luo Zheng. He had met it once during training in the desert. When they met again, they were a little unsure. Lan Xue came over in surprise and took a look. He nodded affirmatively and said, "I didn't expect to meet a pure wild animal again." Cistanche deserticola, it’s a good thing, you can dry it and take it back with you as gifts for everyone.”

"Okay, these things don't weigh much after being dried. How can you see the pure wild ones?" Luo Zheng also laughed. Cistanche deserticola not only nourishes kidney yang, replenishes essence and blood, moisturizes the intestines and relieves constipation, but can also be used for impotence and infertility. , soreness of waist and knees, weakness of muscles and bones, dryness of intestines and constipation, etc. It has a certain beautifying effect and is also helpful in improving immunity. This pure wild desert ginseng is hard to find.

"Let's pick it tomorrow. It's cold now, so it's not suitable to pick it." Lan Xue reminded Luo Zheng when he saw that he was about to take action, while telling others about this discovery. Everyone was very happy to hear that there was such a good thing. .

Half an hour later, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue collected a lot of dry branches, enough for everyone to use for one night. Guishou and Snow Leopard were still digging a hiding hole. The soil was relatively loose and they dug it quickly. Luo Zheng took a look and hid. The entrance to the hole is small and hollowed out, and the two of them are expanding it, constantly shoveling out the soil.

After waiting for a while, the mountain eagle came back, holding three adult sand lizards in his hands. Each one had an arm, its neck was broken, and it was completely dead. Seeing the three sand lizards, Luo Zheng smiled and said, "This is It’s a good thing, but it makes me feel hot after eating it. However, I haven’t tasted meat for a few days and I can’t care about it, so I’ll start eating meat tonight.”

After several days of fighting, it was rare for everyone to relax. The surroundings looked very safe. The Wolf King and the racing team were fighting on the grassland. At this moment, everyone was the safest. The hiding hole had been dug and was enough to accommodate everyone. , collect the dry firewood and put it at the entrance, firstly to block the wind, and secondly to make it easier to take and burn.

The bonfire was quickly lit, and a shelf was made with thicker dry firewood. The lizards were placed on the fire and grilled. Everyone chatted casually and relaxed. It was rare to relax after days of intense fighting. After more than half an hour, the lizards were grilled. When it was almost done, everyone picked up their sabers, cut open the skin, and cut off the meat inside to eat.

There was no condiment, and the taste was bland, but it was much better than compressed biscuits. Everyone ate it happily. In about ten minutes, everyone took a bite of the three sand lizards, and the rest were taken outside and buried in a hole to prevent the food from being eaten. The smell spreads and attracts wild beasts such as jackals. You can't relax at any time on the battlefield.

After eating and drinking, everyone chatted about digging Cistanche deserticola tomorrow. The night got darker and the wind howled, bringing a cold current. Everyone sat around the bonfire and felt cold and shivering. Fortunately, they were sheltered from the wind and there was a fire, otherwise it would not be possible at all. There is no way to spend the long night.

Luo Zheng estimated that it was at least minus 30 degrees outside, just like the last time he was in the iceberg and snow fields. No one would come out in such a cold weather, not even wild animals dared to come out easily, and they were hiding in the hidden valleys. , there were too many similar valleys around, and it was impossible to be discovered, so one person was left to watch the fire and stand guard while the others took turns to sleep.

After sleeping until dawn, it was rare for everyone to have a peaceful sleep. After regaining their energy, we ate some dry food and drank some water, and then started picking Cistanche deserticola. The opportunity was rare and it was hard to miss. It took everyone ten minutes. We collected a bunch, put a little in each person's bag, and continued on our way.

As time goes by, the temperature becomes higher and higher. This kind of suffocation from the heat during the day and collapse from the cold at night is very unbearable. Everyone is determined and walks forward slowly, trying not to talk along the way, so as not to Hot air poured into the body, burning and uncomfortable.

After walking and walking, at noon, slowly yellow sand appeared in front of us. It was considered that we had truly entered the desert. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to stop and rest for a while. After eating and drinking, they continued on their way. Looking at the heat waves rolling on the yellow sand, Luo Zheng Zheng's scalp felt numb. The temperature here was much higher than the desert where everyone trained. Fortunately, a lot of water bottles were confiscated, which was enough for everyone for the time being, otherwise there would be no way to move forward.

The endless yellow sand, the blue sky, the white clouds piled up, floating leisurely, the ground was rolling with a suffocating heat wave, everyone continued to walk forward slowly, there was no one around, at least there was no need to worry about being attacked , which makes everyone less worried.

After walking for another two hours, the mountain eagle clearing the way suddenly came with news that a camel team appeared in front of them. Everyone was startled and hurriedly hid behind the nearest sand dune, checked their weapons aside, and waited seriously. A camel appeared in a deserted place. Team, this is definitely not good news.

"Boom!" There was a faint sound of propellers. Everyone was stunned. They looked up and found a helicopter rushing over, whizzing past the heads of the camel team. Everyone hid themselves, disguised in desert ghillie suits. , plus hiding behind the dunes, there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Looking at the helicopter whizzing by, Luo Zheng's expression changed and he whispered: "It's an armed combat helicopter. Could it be sent by the Wolf King to support it? If so, the competition teams from various countries are in trouble."

"I'm afraid the camel team is also a member of the Wolf King." Lan Xue agreed casually, raising a sniper scope to observe, his face darkened, and he said in surprise: "Look, the boxes transported by the camel team have weapons marks on them. Ammunition, could it be that the ammunition was blown up by us and the Wolf King sent a camel team to transport it?"

"If that's the case, we can't let this camel caravan pass. Twenty or so people can be dealt with." Luo Zheng suggested, after finally destroying the Wolf King's ammunition. If this batch of ammunition is sent up, wouldn't it be a huge blow to the competition between various countries? If the team is unfavorable, if the team is unfavorable in the competition, it will not be able to hold back the Wolf King's people, and it will be difficult for him to act. This batch of materials will be robbed.

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