The strongest soldier

Chapter 3335 Setting up a trap

A few hours later, a red light appeared in the eastern sky. The red light gradually spread and competed with the night for control of the vast sky. The sky gradually became brighter, and the vast forest became much more lively. Various birds left their nests. , began a day of foraging, various monkeys also jumped on the branches to chase and play, full of vitality.

In a densely wooded valley, a heavily armed army was walking slowly. The person leading the way stopped from time to time to observe for a while, and then continued to move forward after confirming that there was no danger. Unknowingly, they entered the valley, and there was a forest beyond. Mountains, there are also relatively high mountains on both sides.

The troops stopped and rested in place. Some people quickly surveyed the surrounding situation, while others stood guard in the distance. The two leaders of the team gathered together to discuss. It was the mountain eagle and the snow leopard. After defeating the pursuers, everyone did not stop. I drove all night and arrived here unknowingly.

The brothers were very tired from traveling all night. Neither the mountain eagle nor the snow leopard dared to ignore this problem. When fighting in the forest, you must ensure your best condition at all times, because dangers are everywhere and can break out at any time. You can only get enough rest. , the mountain eagle looked at the surrounding terrain and pondered.

After a while, Snow Leopard said in a deep voice: "The enemy should still be behind, and it won't take long to catch up. I have fought with them before, and I know that those bastards have strong tracking abilities and will not lose them. We only have two choices. Either a big fight or a quick retreat from this forest, I choose the former."

"Don't worry, I won't be timid." The mountain eagle said solemnly, but his eyes continued to glance at the surrounding terrain with a pensive look on his face.

Snow Leopard could see that the mountain eagle was thinking about counterattack tactics, and he also started thinking about it. After a while, Snow Leopard suddenly whispered: "We have built a fire here a long time ago, firstly to attract the enemy, and secondly, to confuse the enemy and make them think we are I ignored them, thinking they wouldn't catch up, and if I make some arrangements around them, I should be able to do it."

"We have come up with an idea. Can you tell us about your specific plan?" the mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"Oh? That's great. As long as we both think so, it means that the plan is feasible. I mean using fire to confuse the enemy. Besides, we also need fire to get some food. Trip mines are deployed around us. We won't get much this time. "Young Shao, it's just in use. As long as the enemy comes here and the battle starts, the enemy will definitely spread out and counterattack, and then they will hit the trip mine, what do you think?"

"Yes, it's best to put some bullets on the trip mines. Anyway, we captured a lot, enough to squander it once. That's it. Your people are responsible for setting traps and lighting fires. My people go look around and find a place to ambush. In addition, once the enemy discovers that they have entered the encirclement, they will definitely retreat back the same way. How about I arrange a separate force to cut off their retreat and try to wipe out all the enemies here?" Shan Diao suggested.

"Good idea. By the way, when will your people arrive?" Snow Leopard asked in agreement.

In order to get away from the battlefield, Shan Diao also led people to follow Snow Leopard and evacuated overnight, getting further and further away from the follow-up troops. After listening to Snow Leopard's words, Shan Diao immediately contacted the headquarters and learned that his troops were chasing him under the guidance of the headquarters, and they were not far away. Half an hour later, the mountain eagle was overjoyed. With the addition of new troops, the battle was more certain, and he immediately informed the snow leopard of the situation.

The Snow Leopard laughed excitedly when he heard this, and looked at the surrounding terrain and continued: "Brother, this valley is wide and the terrain is flat. It is not suitable for an ambush at all. The enemy can also see this, so we ambush here. On the contrary, you can surprise the enemy and have a greater chance of winning, so take action."

"Okay, be careful." Mountain Eagle agreed, and asked the brothers to leave the ammunition and grenades they carried to lay traps for Snow Leopard and others. He quickly left with his own weapons and spread around. The three troops happened to be in three directions, each On the defensive side, we don't have to worry about how the personnel will deploy the mountain eagles. The team leader will take care of it. The brothers also know what to do and how to do it, and they go towards the way they came from.

Ten minutes later, the mountain eagle came to a hillside and met up with the follow-up troops. After briefly explaining the situation, he led the follow-up troops to the entrance of the valley, pointed to a forest and said in a deep voice: "That's where the enemy must catch up." Passing through the road, you hide here first, wait for the enemy to pass by, and rush forward quickly to seize the favorable terrain to block the enemy's retreat. Is there any problem?"

The follow-up reinforcements consisted of five teams and fifty top snipers. With such a powerful force, it was almost impossible for the enemy to break through the defense line. The five team captains agreed without hesitation. Shan Diao looked at Zhou Gang, how could the reinforcements be so fast? It was all up to Zhou Gang to lead the team to catch up, and he warned: "The task of breaking up is left to you."

"Understood." The surrounding people solemnly agreed.

The mountain eagle said a few words and quickly walked towards the valley alone. Seeing the snow leopard lighting a fire, he stepped forward and briefly explained the situation of the reinforcements. As soon as the snow leopard heard that the reinforcements had arrived, his eyes suddenly lit up and he laughed excitedly. He threw a branch on the bonfire and said: "Fifty brothers are enough to give the enemy a headache. The traps here have been deployed, and half of the brothers are looking for food."

Just as he was talking, someone came over with a wild sheep on his shoulders. The snow leopard was overjoyed and shouted excitedly: "Haha, this sheep is enough for brothers to eat a lot. What a good thing. Well done."

The brother chuckled and blushed with embarrassment. As if he had been greatly praised, he threw the wild sheep on the ground and began to skin it. Barbecuing was not unfamiliar to everyone. The mountain eagle took a look. Wild Sheep said in a deep voice: "As soon as we roast here, the enemies will smell the smell and come. As soon as they come, the reinforcements ambushing in front will be able to find it. We have enough time to react, which is good."

"Of course, this is a tactic that we both came up with together. It's definitely not wrong." Snow Leopard said and walked up to help. Together with the brother who hunted the wild sheep, he peeled off the sheep's skin, disembowelled it, and then grilled it on the fire. Get up, there are no conditions, everything is simple, and the mountain eagle also goes up to help.

A few minutes later, more brothers came over with the hunted game and set up a new campfire to continue the barbecue. Ten minutes later, the wild lamb was cooked, the oil came out, squeaked, and looked golden. It was very appetizing, but it was a pity that there was a lack of condiments, otherwise it would be more delicious. However, everyone was not a fastidious person, so they all pulled out their military daggers to cut off the meat and eat it among themselves. The brothers from the three teams of mountain eagles also took turns to cut a piece of meat and continue to lurk.

Time passed by, everyone had enough to eat and drink, and continued to rest where they were. They were not in a hurry. How could it be wasted after finally deploying the trap? The mountain eagle and the snow leopard chatted for a while, but suddenly Zhou Gang's worried voice came from the headset: "Report, the enemy is coming. They are all over the mountains and plains. I'm afraid there are six to seven hundred people, or even more. The ambush plan made can Can’t you eat so many people?”

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