The strongest soldier

Chapter 3337 Chasing the Enemy

"Kill—bang! Bang! Bang!"

The snow leopard roared with excitement and kept pulling the trigger to fire at the visible target. The bullets were fired one after another without any pause. They were flowing smoothly, but each bullet that screamed out of the chamber was like it had eyes. Pounce on the target, bite the flesh with bullets, and kill with a gun.

The terrifying lethality of the snow leopard greatly aroused the fighting enthusiasm of the surrounding brothers, and each of them roared, just like a roaring lion showing off its bravery to the enemy. Everyone constantly changed their hiding positions, and alternated their firepower to support each other. Shooting round after round, ensuring consistent coverage of firepower, constantly harvesting every target in sight, playing very resolutely, no one took a step back.

Snow leopards and their men were attracting enemy firepower from the front, while mountain eagles and others were calmly and swiftly sniping targets from the canopy behind, causing horrific killings. In addition, trip mines were constantly detonating around them and bombs blown away by trip mines. The enemy was completely I was stunned, and when I regained my composure, I found that the command system was in chaos again, and the soldiers could not find their officers.

Most of the enemy's officers were sniped and killed immediately by Shan Diao and others. Without a command, the troops were in disarray. Not only were their combat effectiveness greatly reduced, their morale was low, and they were panicked and overwhelmed. The two sides exchanged fire for less than ten minutes, and nearly half of the enemy's casualties were lost. , the remaining enemies had no fighting spirit at all, and retreated in panic.

Snow Leopard was overjoyed when he saw it. How could he miss such a good opportunity? He quickly commanded his troops to pursue and fight fiercely, trying to expand the victory, but the enemy was completely frightened and ran around without discipline, making it difficult to pursue. Snow Leopard was so angry that he led his brothers to chase one Rush up in the direction.

The mountain eagle was worried that something might happen to the snow leopard. After all, there were still many enemies. Once he realized that he was cornered, he would definitely fight back. The dog jumped over the wall when he was anxious, and the rabbit bit when he was anxious. He couldn't be careless. He quickly led his brothers to catch up and help. The battle became How can an enemy who has no morale and can fight unilaterally still have fighting power? I just wished I had lost two legs and ran away in a hurry. Especially when I saw people being hunted around me, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to look back.

After chasing for a while, a cliff appeared in front of them. Below the cliff was a canyon, nearly a hundred meters deep, and inside the canyon was a river. The enemy had no way to escape, but instead aroused their ferocity. They quickly found a place to hide, and there were everywhere on the cliff. The piles of rocks are huge and hard. When bullets hit them, sparks fly out, forming a natural bunker.

With the pile of rocks as cover and no way to escape, the remaining dozens of enemies fought hard and fought extremely fiercely. The Snow Leopards and others, under heavy firepower, had to disperse and dodge, and started shooting at the enemies. There was nothing they could do for a while, especially The enemy's light machine gun was very effective. As long as someone was charging up, it would open fire and then stop. When no one was charging, it would stop. The next time it fired, it had already changed its position. It was obvious that it was a master.

With the enemy's superior strength and favorable terrain, the two sides were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other. At this time, Shandiao and his men hurriedly pursued him. Seeing this scene, he quickly let his brothers disperse and seize the favorable terrain. , the mountain eagle himself climbed a big tree.

The cliff is a slope, and the enemy is on top, condescending. Snow Leopard and others are attacking from below, very passively. Mountain Eagle glanced at the battlefield and felt confident. He was not in a hurry to open fire, but patiently observed the enemy's firepower, and soon discovered that That's a very flexible light machine gun.

If you are under the cliff slope, even if you find a light machine gun, you will not have an angle to shoot. However, the mountain eagle is on a tall tree, and its height is basically the same as the top of the cliff. The shooting range is very favorable. You can aim decisively and lock the target. The target is hiding behind There is no movement behind a stone, and there is no chance. The mountain eagle waits patiently.

After a while, the mountain eagle keenly noticed that a black shadow was moving quickly, and quickly moved the muzzle of the gun to lock the target. Seeing the target peeking out from behind a stone to observe, the mountain eagle did not hesitate to pull the trigger. It roared out of the chamber, making a buzzing sound in the void, and instantly engulfed the target's head.

In the sniper scope, the mountain eagle clearly saw that the target's head was exploded, the red and white things flew away, and the body slipped behind the stone and disappeared. Soon, the mountain eagle saw someone trying to rush up, and guessed that he wanted to. He picked up the light machine gun and opened fire quickly without hesitation, hunting down the opponent.

Perhaps realizing that the light machine gun was being targeted by snipers, no enemy dared to take risks. At this time, several more sniper rifle shots were fired, and several enemies who fought fiercely were shot in the head. The enemy's attack stalled, and the snow leopard knew that it was a mountain eagle belt. People came to help, and I was overjoyed. I keenly seized the opportunity and roared excitedly: "Brothers, our snipers are here to cover. Go ahead and kill -"

"Kill--" The people around Snow Leopard also noticed the sniper who had arrived. They were all excited, roaring, and followed Snow Leopard's roar and rushed forward to kill. Their morale was like a rainbow.

When the time came for the general attack, the enemies were frightened. They came out one after another, and were shot in the head by snipers before they could open fire. There was no way to fight back. Snow Leopard and his men rushed forward in one breath, charging at the enemies fiercely.

Soon, all the enemies on the cliff were wiped out. Everyone replenished their ammunition, but the enemies in other directions had already run far away. There was little point in pursuing them. The enemies were not bad at running in the jungle. Snow leopards and mountain eagles joined forces. Everyone was very excited. This battle not only killed the target, but also eliminated a large number of enemies, making them look majestic.

"Hahaha, brother, you did a great job." Snow Leopard looked at the mountain eagle and shouted excitedly. The unhappiness in his heart was wiped away. He has been chased and beaten by the enemy these days. He was so exhausted. Everyone was killed in the battle just now. Snow Leopard excitedly suggested: "Brother, how about we destroy the enemy's lair?"

"Lair?" The mountain eagle didn't know much about this terrorist organization. It was just here to support it. It couldn't help but look at the snow leopard in surprise and asked, "Are you sure?"

Snow Leopard was fully responsible for destroying this terrorist organization, and he knew a lot about it. He explained nonchalantly: "Don't worry, this terrorist organization is notorious and harmful to one party. In addition, it has a strong ability to survive in the jungle. It has gradually grown, but its total strength is not enough." There are more than 2,000 people. We have killed more than 1,000 in the past few days, and 500 have escaped. The ones who ran away have become frightened. There are more than 500 left to garrison the nest. With the help of dozens of your snipers, there will be no problem."

The mountain eagle weighed it, nodded and said: "It's really not a big deal if there are only a few hundred people left. However, we must tell the headquarters about this matter. What if the headquarters has other urgent matters waiting for us?"

"Okay!" Snow Leopard also understood the importance, and the two quickly reported it to the headquarters. The think tank had already studied this terrorist organization, carefully inquired about the fighting situation, estimated the strength of the troops, and decisively agreed.

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