The strongest soldier

Chapter 3345 Prepare to save yourself

It's late at night, and thick night fog fills the sky over the vast sea. No stars can be seen. Even the moon has hidden away. The sea wind roars with a scream, and the waves roll and hit the island hard. There was an earth-shattering rumble, and suddenly, with a bang, a huge lightning appeared in the sky. The lightning was like the big hand of the invincible god of war, tearing open the night without any hindrance, followed by another thunderous sound.

"Boom, boom, boom -" The thunders came one after another, as if the angry giant beast was roaring and venting. With lightning lighting up the sky from time to time, an invisible coercion of nature filled the world, making people shudder and intensify. The roar of the waves filled the night sky with overwhelming terror.

"Crash-" The heavy rain hit the vast sea and crashed into the ancient desert island, making people's hearts tremble. There is a naturally formed cave on the cliff of the island. The cave is triangular in shape, and there is light inside. The mouth of the cave is Luo Zheng. Sitting quietly, watching the anger of nature peacefully. I have been on this island for a few days. This is not the first time I have seen such a scene, so I am not worried.

The cliff cave is more than 200 meters above the sea, and it is a solid rock. There is no need to worry about danger. I accidentally discovered this place when I was patrolling the desert island, and I used it as a foothold. It is not only high above the sea level, but also surrounded by solid rocks. The beast does not come back, and more importantly, it faces the southeast, with very good lighting and ventilation.

The cave is about five or six meters deep. Luo Zheng has laid it with hay and two parachute bags on top. The parachute bags were dried and used as bedding. The cave is about three or four meters wide. There is a fire on one side and stacks of things on the other side. There was dry firewood on standby, and there was a faint smell of home. Although it was as simple as primitive people, the two of them were very satisfied.

"Honey, it's windy and rainy outside, be careful of catching a cold, come in." Lan Xue said softly in the cave.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed and stood up slowly. The cave was more than two meters high, enough for people to walk upright. Luo Zheng placed a fence made of wooden sticks at the entrance of the cave and blocked it with rocks. In this way, the wind and rain would be blocked. It can't be poured in. As the strongest soldier king, making this kind of fence can't stump Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng walked into the cave and sat on a simple bed made of parachutes. He glanced at Lan Xue who was leaning on the bed with his eyes closed and concentrating. He couldn't sleep, so he picked up a hardwood next to him as a cushion and pulled out the Tiger Tooth Army Dagger. When peeling, Luo Zheng couldn't name this kind of wood. There were many on desert islands. It was very tough and durable. Luo Zheng said while peeling: "Xue'er, I'll set some traps tomorrow to see if I can get some wild animals to make up for it." repair."

"Well, let me help you." Lan Xue sat up and said, "Now I understand a little bit about the boredom of ancient primitive people. There is nothing on this desert island and nothing can be done. The idle bones are rusty. By the way, we "Should we get some salt? I'm afraid it won't be possible if we don't eat salt for a long time. I thought I could leave right away and didn't consider this issue before. Now it seems that we have to be prepared for the long term."

"Okay, do you have any idea?" Luo Zheng asked casually.

"This is not difficult. Don't we have two helmets? They come in handy." Lan Xue smiled, with a calm look on his face, as if this matter was not difficult. When Luo Zheng looked over curiously, he explained : "Go back and prepare some dry firewood. Let's go to the beach and boil the seawater directly to make salt. The seawater here has no pollution and can be used directly without filtering. No problem."

"How?" Luo Zheng didn't know much about this and asked curiously.

"It's simple. Put seawater in one helmet and put it on a high fire. When the water is almost boiled, use another helmet to scoop in seawater and continue to boil it. Let it boil for a while. When you see the sea salt, continue boiling it on a low fire until the water is completely boiled. , the rest is sea salt. Sea salt is not very tasty, but it is better than nothing. We will get more later. The beasts that cannot be eaten can be marinated for later use. Since we have to plan for the long term, we have to think further and be more comprehensive. Some." Lan Xue explained seriously.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed: "My wife is the most capable."

"It's just that I have received more modern education than you. The hunting job is not as good as yours." Lan Xue said with a smile.

"Don't comfort me. It's a good thing that my wife is powerful. I won't feel inferior, hehe." Luo Zheng smiled and glanced at Lan Xue affectionately. Lan Xue just happened to smooth her hair with her hands and put her hair around her ears. His movements were like running water, light and natural, but full of charm. Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile. What more could a husband ask for when he has a wife like this?

"Husband, we don't know the exact location of this island. It took us more than half an hour to fly from the accident site to here. The military plane is fast. In other words, we are hundreds of kilometers away from the accident site. The brothers outside will definitely expand the search area. "We, but it's hard to say whether we can find this place. The magnetic field of this island is chaotic and satellites can't find it, so we can only save ourselves." Lan Xue said softly.

"Well, I will find a way, don't worry." Luo Zheng comforted.

"I know, that's not what I meant. I just want to remind you that we may have to live here for a few months, or even a few years, so we have to have a long-term plan." Lan Xue reminded Luo Zheng with bright eyes.

Luo Zheng was startled. He pondered and stopped moving his hands. This was indeed a problem. If no one came to rescue him, it would take several months to build a boat by himself. It would take even longer to build a strong raft. You have to consider the fresh water and food needed to drift at sea, all of which are problems.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng whispered: "You're right to remind us, we really have to think about it in the long term."

Outside the cave, the cold wind roared, like ghosts crying and wolves howling. Lightning dispersed the night from time to time, illuminating the entrance of the cave as brightly as day, but it soon disappeared. Heavy rain continued to hit the rocks. In such bad weather, if this cave hadn't existed, If it weren't for two people together, it would have collapsed.

Luo Zheng added some firewood to the bonfire and watched the sparks crackling and beating in the wind. He seemed to see a glimmer of hope. He couldn't help but smile. He looked deeply at Lan Xue and said, "With our ability, maybe we can It will take some time but it will be okay to leave, I firmly believe that.”

"Well, I also believe that you can do it. Let's work together. We have gone through so many bloody storms, and we are still afraid of this difficulty. Prepare in advance and take precautions. We will definitely be able to do it." Lan Xue also looked determined. said.

"Yes, there are still enemies outside waiting for us to eliminate, and there are many brothers waiting. We can't be lazy. From tomorrow on, we will start making various preparations. First, we will make sea salt, then prepare food, and after solving the problem of survival Only then can we spare time to build the raft, we can do it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes firm.

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