The strongest soldier

Chapter 3352 Hard logging

The wood of huanghuali is hard. With the strength of the tiger fang saber and the strong physical strength of Luo Zheng and Lan Xue, it actually took almost two hours to bring down the big tree. Looking at the falling tree, Luo Zheng was covered in sweat. There is a smile on his face. Although the wood of this tree is hard, it is just right for the main beam of the raft. Plus it is big enough, so it must be no problem when encountering waves on the sea, right?

After seeing waves of four to five meters high hitting the cliff, Luo Zheng did not dare to overestimate the feasibility of the raft, so he cut down the big tree that the two of them hugged together as the main beam, and thought about cutting down another tree of similar size. Two main beams are cushioned below, and a relatively smaller beam is laid on top to make the base. Another one is used as a mast. A parachute is tied to the mast. The parachute opens when the wind hits the wind, forming a pulling force, which is enough to take the raft away.

With a "Boom--", the huge huanghuali tree fell to the ground, and all the small branches on the treetop were broken, leaving only the trunk lying on the ground. Luo Zheng looked at the big tree and let out a long breath, and looked at Lan Xuexiao Said: "It's easier than expected. Fortunately, we carry the Tiger Tooth Saber with us at all times. Otherwise, we would be in trouble. Are you exhausted?"

"Well, it's almost noon. Let's work harder and cut off the big tree?" Lan Xue suggested.

The huanghuali tree was more than ten meters high, so the beams did not need to be that long. Luo Zheng nodded, came to the big tree and looked at it, cut a knife at the six-meter-long position, and said, "Is six meters enough?"

"That depends on what kind of raft you make." Lan Xue asked rhetorically.

"It's simpler. It's too complicated and inappropriate. I plan to put two beams below, about three meters apart from each other. They are too wide and bear great stress and cannot walk. They are six meters long and three meters wide. They are covered with a dozen centimeters in diameter. The wood forms a platform. The upper wood is about four meters long and longer than the width of the beam below. Five meters is enough to facilitate bundling. In other words, the upper movable platform is five meters long and four meters wide." Luo Zheng explained.

"The two lower beams are six meters long and three meters wide. They are covered with wood. The wood is five meters long, slightly shorter than the length of the beams, and four meters wide. It is slightly longer than the width between the two beams, which is convenient for bundling. I think Yes, but the wood we used is too big, and the weight of the raft may not be able to pull the parachute?" Lan Xue said to herself, with a thoughtful look on her face and a slight frown on her pretty eyebrows.

"If the wood is too large, it will increase its weight. For example, the weight will increase after being soaked in water, which is not conducive to walking. If it is too small, it will not be strong. For safety reasons, the wood cannot be too small, but it cannot be too large. Let's do this. The beam cannot be small. If it is too small, it will not have enough buoyancy. The wood on top can be smaller. Let's calculate the weight tonight to see how much wood is suitable. Anyway, there is a lot of wood here, so it won't be a big problem." Luo Zheng suggested.

"Okay, that's it. In addition, we have two parachutes. If necessary, we can tie them both up and use them. In this way, the wind will pull more force and the raft will sail faster. As long as they are tied firmly, it will be fine. , the parachute rope is fine, the main thing is that the mast needs to be strong, if it breaks and the parachute is blown away, then we will be in trouble." Lan Xue suggested in a deep voice.

"Yes, this is simple. When the parachute is made into a movable one, we will lower the mast and parachute during heavy rains. They can be used at the same time at ordinary times to increase the speed. The pulling force of two parachutes at the same time is very strong. Our raft is stable for the sake of stability. , we need to use bigger wood." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Okay, let's do some detailed calculations later." Lan Xue agreed.

"You go collect some bark, and I will be responsible for cutting down this big tree." Luo Zheng said with a smile, waving his tiger fang saber and chopped down the big tree six meters away. He raised the knife and dropped it, and sawdust flew around, but the wood was too woody. It was hard, and the cuts made each time were not big. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry and cut slowly.

Lan Xue agreed and ran to collect bark. An hour later, Lan Xue collected a large bundle of bark, tied it with vines, and threw it aside. Then she came to Luo Zheng and replaced Luo Zheng. Zheng rested for a while, then went to cut down some tree vines nearby, tied the big trees together, and made a noose that could be put on his shoulders.

The wood is too big. Although two people are strong, they cannot lift it. The best way is to use ropes to pull it. Tree vines are also a good substitute without ropes. This technique is easy for Luo Zheng. Do all this well. , Luo Zheng also stood on the other end of the big tree with the tiger fang saber, and joined hands with Lan Xue to chop down.

You slashed, I slashed, the two tiger-tooth sabers rose and fell in rhythm, and together they didn’t feel so tired anymore. The two of them were talking and laughing while chopping, and the time passed very quickly. By the time the tree was cut down halfway, At that time, the two teamed up to turn the big tree over and continued to chop it down.

Unknowingly, the two men joined forces to chop down the big tree. They rested for a while, then chopped a thick piece of wood to use as a pole, and put a noose made of tree vines on the pole. One on the left and the other on the pole. Right, put the pole on the shoulder, use strength on the waist, stand up straight slowly, lift up the intercepted huanghuali, the two exchanged glances, and walked together in the direction where they came from, the huanghuali wood was carried by the two people. Drag it forward.

The huanghuali tree held by the two of them was very heavy. Fortunately, it was only six meters long. The whole tree would not have been able to be dragged. Even though Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were physically strong, they had to stop and rest after walking for more than ten minutes. They continued to exert force. Cutting down, plus feeling empty inside, was really tiring.

Both of them were smart people. They didn't say anything discouraging. Instead, they encouraged each other and cheered each other up. After resting for a while, they continued to carry the wood and walked forward. They stopped and walked, and they actually walked half an hour away. After many hours, they finally reached the cliff, but the two of them were lying on the ground too tired to get up.

This time the two of them rested for a while before they regained their composure. Fortunately, they had already arrived at their destination. They were not in a hurry. Instead, they returned to the cave to cook some food. After resting for about half an hour, their physical strength was fully restored. Finally, the two took action again, slowly rolling the wood forward.

Finally, they slipped down a gentle slope on the cliff and landed in the middle of the cliff. Considering that the waves were sometimes very big and would sweep the wood away, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue did not dare to slide the wood any further. Luo Zheng looked around. , thought for a while, and said: "Let's just move the rocks around here and make a platform for rafting. If you go further down, it will be easily carried away by the waves at night. It doesn't look like the waves have come up here, so it should be safe." ."

"Okay, let's just go here." Lan Xue could also see that the colors of the surrounding stones were different from those below that had been soaked by sea water, indicating that waves had never come up at this height, so it was relatively safe. Don't let the raft get hit by the waves halfway. If you run away, your work will be in vain.

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