The strongest soldier

Chapter 3355 Adding insult to injury

After dinner, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue did not go to the beach to make sea salt or catch fish as usual. Instead, they nestled against the stone mountain at the entrance of the cave and sat quietly, looking at the stars in the sky with a heavy heart. The moon did not know when it hid behind the dark clouds. In the middle, the waves rolled in with water, and the roaring sound resounded throughout the world, which was annoying.

Pregnancy is a great joy, but after experiencing the joy, Luo Zheng became heavy and had to face the reality. There is no modern civilization on the desert island. How to ensure that the child is born healthy? Perhaps experienced mature men and women know what to do, but Luo Zheng and Lan Xue are laymen in their early twenties and have no idea how to deal with it.

The two of them can handle it easily on the battlefield, but childbirth is an unfamiliar field, and they don't know what to do at all? Having no experience, this intensified the two people's determination to leave the desert island as soon as possible. In order not to put psychological pressure on the other, neither of them pointed out this problem. They just silently thought about their thoughts, but each other was clear-minded.

The wind picked up, and the sea breeze roared in, setting off waves more than one meter high. The two of them were not surprised, and they still sat quietly in the cave. They really hoped not to think about anything and not worry about anything. The reality is cruel, Luo Zheng knew that he was a man, and a man should straighten his spine and face all difficulties. He immediately held Lan Xue in his arms and said caringly: "Xue'er, being pregnant is a hard job. Thank you for your hard work."

"It doesn't matter if it's hard work, as long as the child is healthy." Lan Xue said with a wry smile.

Sure enough, in a modern civilized metropolis, the two of them don't have to worry about anything, live happily every day, but here is a desert island, and the joy of the child is diluted by reality. It's not that the two don't long for the child, on the contrary, the more they The more she cared about the desire, the more she was afraid of losing. Without medical conditions, Lan Xue became confused for the first time and had no idea what to do in the future.

As a iron-blooded warrior, Lan Xue is not afraid of death, but is afraid of losing his and his lover's child. This is the crystallization of love and the continuation of life. Forget it without it. Once pregnant, Lan Xue will not allow any reason to destroy her. This is a commitment to love, and it is the nature of a mother who is about to become a mother.

Luo Zheng didn't want his child to have any accidents. However, there was nothing on this deserted island, and the two of them were inexperienced. They didn't know what to do. The topic couldn't be continued, so Luo Zheng simply thought of countermeasures. Without communication tools, it is impossible to communicate directly with the outside world, and without external help, we can only rely on ourselves to save ourselves.

At present, there is a way to save oneself. The raft is basically formed and can be launched into the water in a week at most. However, Luo Zheng cannot guarantee how long he will drift on the sea and what dangers he will encounter. If he does not have children, Luo Zheng dares to fight Lan Xue. , the chance of success is at least 50%, and Luo Zheng doesn’t dare to take the risk anymore after having a child.

If a person is soaked in sea water for a long time, it will have serious effects on the body of pregnant women. The price is too high. The big Luo Zheng simply does not dare to take the risk. Lan Xue seems to feel the worry in Luo Zheng's heart and rests her head on Luo Zheng's shoulder. He whispered: "If it doesn't work out, just stay here for a long time and wait until the child is born."

"But ┅┅?" Luo Zheng said worriedly, but couldn't say anything else.

Lan Xue knew what Luo Zheng was worried about. After thinking about it, he smiled bitterly and said: "There is no other way. The cost of venturing out to sea is too high and we can't afford it. Besides, ancient primitive people did not have medical conditions, so they still took care of their children." After giving birth, it’s not like you don’t know my body, so childbirth won’t be too dangerous.”

Being physically strong is certainly helpful for fertility, but Luo Zheng has no experience in this area. He whispered worriedly: "That's what I say, but when that day comes, we don't know what to do at all?"

"I heard that natural childbirth is good for the child. The risk factor is not high. Just cut the umbilical cord when the time comes. It's not that difficult. In short, there will be a road to the mountain. I don't believe it is more difficult than fighting. Don't worry." Lan Xue comforted him with a smile, but this smile was a bit bitter no matter how you looked at it.

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue with guilt-filled eyes and said, "It's all my fault, I've caused you trouble."

"Don't say that." Lan Xue stretched out her hand, put it on Luo Zheng's mouth, and said with affectionate eyes: "This is all of my own free will. I am very happy to give birth to your child. As long as we are together, no matter how old you are, We are not afraid of any difficulties. We have gone through many ups and downs together. What does this difficulty mean? I believe we can do it."

"Yeah!" Luo Zheng nodded, his eyes became firm, and he looked at the undulating waves in the distance. After taking a deep breath, he continued: "There will always be a way, I have to think about it."

"Well, I'm a little tired. Let's go and sleep for a while. I heard that pregnant people tend to get sleepy easily. Don't think too much and don't worry about me." Lan Xue said softly.

Luo Zheng nodded, stood up and helped Lan Xue in, then helped Lan Xue lie down. Thinking that it was a bit cold at night, he pulled the parachute on Lan Xue. He looked in the direction of the bonfire and saw that the bonfire was a little small, so he walked up to add more. Gan Chai said with concern: "Xue'er, you rest first, I will collect it at the entrance of the cave."

Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng was under great pressure and could not sleep, so she agreed without saying anything. Luo Zheng came to the entrance of the cave and sat down and continued to watch the surging waves. He was lost in thought. Faced with a desperate situation, what should he do?

Unknowingly, time passed slowly, and Luo Zheng didn't know how long he had been sitting there. His ears were filled with the roar of the waves hitting the rocks and the roar of the sea wind. Suddenly he felt something falling, and he woke up from his deep meditation. , looked up and saw that it was raining.

At this moment, Luo Zheng realized that the waves were rushing over like crazy. Each wave was higher than the other, with the momentum of swallowing everything. The sound was terrifying. The sea wind howled, like a ghost crying, like a wolf howling. The sky and the earth were pitch black, and there was no rain. It was getting bigger and bigger. Luo Zheng was surprised when he saw this scene. He had been on this island for only a day or two. He had seen many kinds of strong winds and waves. This was the first time like this tonight.

The sea is like going crazy, huge waves are rolling in, the roar is like thousands of horses galloping, majestic, the waves hit the cliff, splashing countless waves, a flash of lightning suddenly appears on the horizon, followed by thunder With the roar, the world seemed to be collapsing, and Luo Zheng's face became serious.

With a loud sound of "Boom--", the waves hit the cliff hard, splashing water and falling in front of Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked around in surprise, and suddenly found that the waves were six or seven meters high, which was unprecedented, and the sea water was also rising. Halfway up the cliff, suddenly, a huge wave hit the raft hard. The raft started to shake and moved some distance with the receding force of the waves. Luo Zheng became nervous.

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