The strongest soldier

Chapter 3387 Ambush on the Bridge

The Polis River meanders from west to east, dividing the city into two. The Polis Bridge is about 30 meters long, a two-way two-lane rope bridge, with sidewalks about one meter wide on both sides, running through the north and south. It is the river The only place that both sides of the Taiwan Strait must pass, the bridge was still crowded this morning. Vehicles were driving slowly and pedestrians were passing by in a hurry. Under the gray sky, the poor people looked a little dull, full of helplessness and pain that could not change their destiny. .

On the bridge, a beggar with unkempt hair and tattered clothes sat on the ground. There was a chipped porcelain bowl in front of him. The porcelain bowl was dark and full of dirt. Passers-by were so poor that they couldn't even eat. Who would give alms to the beggar? The beggar’s long hair was disheveled and covered with thick dirt, as if it hadn’t been washed for decades. His clothes exuded a foul smell, forcing pedestrians to avoid him.

This beggar was leaning casually on the bridge guardrail, with a pair of cloudy eyes on his dark face looking at the passers-by calmly. His beard looked like it had not been groomed for a long time and was full of dust. This was a beggar. The streets are full of beggars who are so destitute that they will die at any time, and no one cares about them.

Pedestrians were in a hurry and the sky was gloomy. A flash of light suddenly flashed in the beggar's cloudy eyes. Unfortunately, no one noticed it. The beggar immediately covered his ears with his messy hair with his hands, lowered his head in pretending to be in pain, and lowered his voice and said: " Brother, stop talking nonsense and keep a close eye, the time is almost up."

It turned out that this beggar was disguised as an agent of the National Security Bureau, lurking here and waiting. The voice of another agent sounded in the headset: "Team leader, the enemy is not as simple as a dozen armed men. There will definitely be a long convoy when they arrive. , I believe you also know this, can you just rely on a dozen of them?"

"You won't know until you fight whether it's okay or not. Just obey the orders and do your duty, and don't think too much about anything else." The beggar warned, and suddenly heard the voice of another agent acting as an observation post in the distance coming from the headset: "Team leader, coming."

The agent was overjoyed and flipped the chipped porcelain bowl in front of him to the ground, sending a signal to the brothers hiding nearby. No one noticed that some men in robes in the crowd quickly dispersed. Before long, the beggar He slowly raised his head and looked to one side. Seeing the commotion of the crowd there, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He touched the micro-flush inside the robe with one hand, opened the safety, and was ready for battle.

Not long after, a motorcade came roaring by. Passers-by along the way gave way, as if they were encountering the god of plague. Many people even shouted in panic and panic. After a while, people on the bridge also noticed something unusual and started shouting. He sped away, fearing he would be implicated.

A long motorcade came roaring in. There were many men in fine clothes standing in the car, each holding an automatic rifle in their arms. They looked cold and murderous. They stared at the surroundings vigilantly. Seeing that the motorcade was about to reach the bridge entrance, the beggar pretended to be panicked. He stood up and rushed to the other side with the crowd. As he ran, some round things the size of buttons rolled down from his robes and rolled on the ground for a while before stopping.

The button-sized object was gray, very close to the color of the ground, and was very inconspicuous. It was the button that exploded. Because of its small size, no one noticed it when it was parked on the bridge. The beggar threw it away as he walked, leaving it everywhere on the road. Yes, it can be adjusted to remote detonation mode, so you don’t have to worry about it exploding if someone steps on it.

Soon, the beggar followed the crowd and rushed out of Polis Bridge. He ran forward for more than ten meters and stopped. When he looked back, he saw that the convoy had entered the bridge. The armed personnel on the bridge looked around vigilantly, and noticed that the button on the ground had exploded but did not take it seriously. The thing was too small and did not look threatening at all. The convoy continued to move forward at a constant speed.

The team leader looked around vigilantly and found a man in robes walking quickly from the diagonal stab. It was the captain of the action team, holding something in his hand. The beggar quickly packed it away. The captain nodded knowingly and calmly. Watching the approaching convoy, I waited for a few seconds and saw that the convoy was about to cross the bridge, so I calmly pressed the button.

"Boom -" Suddenly a huge explosion sounded. Hundreds of buttons blew up and detonated almost simultaneously. The powerful shock wave blew up all the vehicles on the bridge, flying several meters into the sky, rolling and falling down.

How could the murderous convoy think there was a bomb on the ground? They were caught off guard. Everyone crossing the bridge was killed on the spot. No one survived. Even the bridge was shaken loose and looked crumbling. The sudden explosion frightened everyone around and squatted down. He held his head and didn't dare to move.

The captain looked at this scene with satisfaction, and his face became more murderous. He rushed towards the bridge with his gun, firing in bursts as he rushed, just in case the enemy was not completely dead. The agent pretending to be a beggar also raised his gun. When I ran up, I saw the ground was full of body parts and minced meat, and many vehicles were blown to pieces. I couldn't help but take a breath. How come I had never heard of these small particles exploding so violently before?

Immediately, the agent became excited. After this battle, he could be transferred back to the country. He didn't have to worry about being exposed. He quickly rushed up with a gun and went up side by side with the captain. The path was full of corpses and minced meat, and he couldn't see it. The vehicles that had not had time to get on the bridge were forced to stop. Before these armed men could get out of the car, they were violently shot to death by the brothers who rushed up from all directions.

Seeing that everything was under control, the team leader was overjoyed. He roared angrily and rushed forward. He opened fire violently at the enemies who were still resisting. The agent team leader also showed no signs of weakness and rushed forward to kill him. There were not many left. How can the enemy withstand the fierce firepower attacking from all directions? Unable to organize any favorable resistance, they were all shot to death in no time.

"The one wearing the hat is their boss." The team leader pretending to be a beggar suddenly shouted excitedly.

The sound attracted the attention of the captain. The captain quickly found the target and was climbing out of the car to run away. A single shot hit the opponent and knocked him back. The target fell to the ground with a scream and rolled over. The captain quickly shouted through the headset: "The one wearing the hat." Leave alive, kill others without mercy, fight quickly." He said and rushed towards the target.

After receiving the order, the brothers moved their guns away, leaving the target alive. When the captain rushed forward, all the enemies were killed. The brothers quickly hid behind the car and built a circular fortification to stand by. The captain quickly came to kill the target. In front of him, he asked the agent team leader who followed him: "Can you confirm?"

"No problem, I'm sure." The agent team leader said with certainty.

The captain's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Ask him if he knows about the Dark Church?"

The agent team leader didn't know what was going on, but he still translated it in the local dialect. Suddenly, a cruel sneer flashed across the target's face, his neck tilted, and he died. The team leader was shocked. He opened the target's mouth to check and found that there were poisonous fangs in it. He sighed helplessly and shouted: "Brothers, retreat."

Everyone agreed, quickly evacuated the scene with the help of friendly agents, and disappeared into the crowd.

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