The strongest soldier

Chapter 3409 Brothers are coming

With a bang of the accelerator, the car roared fiercely, like an angry lion, flying past these people. These people wisely hid on both sides of the road and opened fire, otherwise Luo Zheng wouldn't mind directly It ran over the corpse, but the bullets were fired fiercely, basically hitting the middle and rear of the car. None of the bullets hit Luo Zheng, who was in the driving position at the front of the car.

"Are they trying to catch someone alive?" Luo Zheng was a little confused as to what these enemies wanted to do. With such close range and such intensive firepower, there was no reason why they couldn't hit him? Without any time to think, Luo Zheng drove the car forward. In a blink of an eye, the car reached halfway up the mountain. There was a sharp bend in front of it. Luo Zheng turned the steering wheel without hesitation.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng saw dozens of people in front of them dispersed to block the attack, and the dense bullets rushed towards them ferociously. The frightened Luo Zheng quickly lowered his head to avoid, controlled the steering wheel, and drove forward based on his memory.

The car rushed forward for about ten meters. Suddenly, the body of the car dwarfed and bumped. Luo Zheng knew that the tire was punctured. Without hesitation, he quickly raised his head and glanced at the route ahead, and continued to rush forward. He did not reduce the accelerator and blocked the front. The enemies were startled when they saw Luo Zheng being so fierce, and they all moved away, but the guns in their hands did not stop. If the speed of the car had not been too fast, the car would have been smashed into pieces.

At the moment of life and death, Luo Zheng became calmer and calmer. He glanced ahead from time to time to control the direction to prevent the car from rushing down the hillside. He rushed through the obstacles like lightning and continued to run forward. The tire burst, and the wheels of the car continued to choose at high speed. It left a deep mark on the ground, but the speed was obviously slower.

Without a vehicle, he couldn't escape. Fortunately, he had already crossed the mountainside and there weren't too many guards in front of him. Luo Zheng slowed down a bit to avoid overturning the car and continued to drive forward. Naturally, he wouldn't worry about grabbing him in an emergency. The car ran for more than 20 meters when he suddenly saw more guards standing on the road ahead. Luo Zheng was shocked, why were there so many guards here? Could it be that the enemy troops chasing the brothers have returned?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly braked. Fortunately, the car performed well and finally stopped. However, it was only about 20 meters away from the enemy. Under the strong light of the car's headlights, the blocking enemy was clearly distinguishable. Luo Zheng picked up the passenger With the automatic rifle on his back in the driving position, he quickly got out of the car, opened the rear door, dragged the hostage out, and rushed into the forest to run away. Time is life on the battlefield, and any hesitation will be paid in blood.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng heard intensive gunshots in front of him. He guessed that the enemy had opened fire. He felt anxious and knew that something was going to be bad. However, he was horrified to find that not a single bullet had been fired. He couldn't help but be startled and quickly looked around with a big expression on his face. Change.

Under the deep night sky, in the dark mountain forest, on a winding road, countless Guards soldiers aimed their guns ahead and prepared to fire. Suddenly, another team appeared behind them. These people rushed forward like tigers, holding their arms straight. The guns and bullets were fired forward like crazy. The guards who were hit fell to the ground one after another, like the wheat field blown down by the strong wind. They all fell to the ground with a crash and could not get up again.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene with shock on his face. He couldn't figure out who the team that suddenly appeared was. It was a bit far away. In addition, it was too dark and it was not within the range of the small car lights. He couldn't see clearly. Luo Zheng hugged him cautiously. Hiding in the back of the car with the hostage, he did not rush down the hillside, but stayed to observe the situation.

Soon, the team rushed to the guards, reloading their guns and collecting bullets at the corpses on the ground. They jumped and ran forward quickly. While running, one person shouted loudly: "Brother, is that you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Luo Zheng was shocked. He was stunned. He didn't expect it to be Wu Jin. He didn't expect Wu Jin to bring people to reinforce him at the critical moment. Wasn't he already evacuated? Another shout came, it was a drunkard, Luo Zheng woke up, rushed over with the hostage in his arms, and shouted excitedly: "It's me, why are you here?"

Soon, everyone gathered together. Wu Jin looked Luo Zheng up and down. After confirming that he was not injured, he took a long breath and said excitedly: "Brother, you don't have to worry about disobeying orders on the battlefield. When I go back, I will go to the military court to plead guilty. You can just do it." Okay, it’s okay.”

"Good brother." Luo Zheng excitedly punched Wu Jin on the shoulder. Although Wu Jin led the troops to resist orders, Luo Zheng was not angry. On the contrary, he felt warm in his heart. This is a true good brother, a comrade who can be trusted with his life. , Luo Zheng felt his nose was sore, and said gratefully: "Forget it, it's already here, I won't do it again."

"Thank you, brother." Wu Jin was overjoyed and said with a smile.

There were numerous military orders on the battlefield. Luo Zheng could definitely hold Wu Jin and others accountable for their disobedience. Disobedience on the battlefield was a serious crime, and it was possible to pull out the tiger skin from one's body. But Luo Zheng said lightly that this crime could be cancelled, and he would not have to go to a military court. Who wants to go? Wu Jin said happily: "Brother Drunkard, take this person over and prepare to evacuate. By the way, what is this guy's background?"

Luo Zheng reacted and said hurriedly: "Quick, evacuate immediately, and we'll talk about it when we get back."

Seeing Luo Zheng's anxious face, Wu Jin knew that something big was going on. He didn't have time to ask more questions. He immediately called for the troops to rush down the hillside and headed straight for the sewer pipe. On the way, the brothers saw that Luo Zheng was unharmed and they all breathed a sigh of relief. , everyone moved forward quickly, Luo Zheng also paid attention to it, and he was deeply moved when brothers from the five teams came.

On the battlefield, we are not afraid of difficulties or sacrifices, but we are most afraid of being abandoned. Although the troops were ordered to evacuate, the brothers risked the responsibility of disobedience and came back to help. Luo Zheng was still very moved in his heart. If his brothers hadn't appeared in time just now, he might have died. Your life is on the line here. Even if you escape, I'm afraid I won't be able to take away the hostages.

Thinking of the hostage Luo Zheng who glanced at the elder held by the drunkard, who was still in a coma, maybe because he was lying in the back seat. He was not hit by the bullets in the violent shooting just now, so he escaped. Thinking of the thrilling escape just now, A wave of fear surged up. It was really dangerous. There were so many enemies blocking them at close range. If the speed hadn't been fast enough, if the enemy's marksmanship hadn't been average, and if the brothers hadn't arrived at the critical moment, we would have been here tonight.

There are no ifs on the battlefield. Luo Zheng is very grateful for his good luck tonight. He also vaguely feels that the guards are a little restrained when they block the attack. Do they really want to capture the mouth? Unfortunately, there is no way to know the answer. There are also those guards of the elders. They are the Round Table. Knights, where have they gone? Do you have any other tasks? Or did the chasing brothers fail to return? Everything is unknown, but luckily we had a good harvest tonight and captured an elder.

After paying such a high price and narrowly escaping death, Luo Zheng finally got something in return. Luo Zheng was secretly grateful. The action just now was indeed too risky. He almost stepped on the Naihe Bridge with one foot. Thinking about it made his scalp numb. Fortunately, everything was worth it. Luo Zheng raised his head and glanced at the deep sky. The hazy half of the moon emerged from the dark clouds at some point, making it particularly dazzling in the vast night sky.

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