The strongest soldier

Chapter 3421 Counterattack Plan

After returning to the headquarters, Luo Zheng was sent to the medical room as soon as possible. Wu Miao came to check in person. After a series of full-body examinations, he was arranged to the sanatorium. In order to recuperate and work, the living room of the sanatorium was decorated into a reception room. Luo Zheng could meet with the key personnel of various departments here, and it was the same this time. Everyone guessed that Luo Zheng had finished his physical examination and came to the infirmary to ask for a meeting.

Everyone chatted for a while and went back to work. Luo Zheng left the think tank alone. The think tank also knew Luo Zheng's intention and quickly came to the door. After making sure no one was there, he closed the door and locked it. Then he sat down on the sofa opposite Luo Zheng and whispered. Said: "Boss, when you came back from the island, you specifically told us to ask our staff office to come up with a counterattack plan. After this period of consideration, we have a preliminary idea."

"Oh, great, come on, tell me." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and asked, you know, the Dark Church's dragon has never seen its head and tail, and you don't know where it is hiding. How easy is it to fight back? Luo Zheng originally had no hope when he issued this order, but he didn't expect that the staff office would come up with a solution. Luo Zheng became more energetic, sat up straight and looked at the think tank.

"We don't even know where the enemy is, let alone what their weaknesses are, so we have no way to fight back. Some time ago we entered a misunderstanding, always thinking about where to find the enemy. Later Tang Tiantian reminded us that finding the enemy is the most important thing we care about. Something." The think tank said quickly.

"The thing you care about most?" Luo Zheng was startled.

"Yes, this reminder is too important. We don't know where our opponent is or what our weaknesses are, but we know what the enemy cares about most? Following this line of thinking, we thought of two things. One is you. Of course we I can’t risk you, I deny it; the other point is the biological bomb data. In order to obtain the data, the Dark Church did not hesitate to mobilize all the drug trafficking organizations on the border to fight against us, and also mobilized aircraft to blow up the hotel. You know this very well. We can do it here Let’s do something about it.” The think tank said in a deep voice.

"What is it specifically?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Every country in the world basically knows about the captured Dark Church biological bomb data. There is no need to hide it and let it out to the outside world. Just say that we are willing to share the data with scientists from all over the world and jointly study the unfinished parts. I have asked, What we got was data, but the materials were partially missing. In other words, even if we had the data, we couldn't develop the bomb because we didn't know what materials to use. The Dongfangling Organization of the Research Office studied it and found that all the materials were inappropriate. Dark People from the church will definitely come when they hear the news." The think tank suggested.

"Use data to lure the enemy into taking the bait?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise. Seeing the think tank nodding, he thought for a while and said uneasily: "The Dark Church will definitely come after hearing the news, but how can we defend against counterattack? Don't forget when the time comes Scientists from all over the world will be present. Once a fight breaks out, how can we ensure everyone's safety? Also, our superiors may not agree if we take the data."

"That's right, so we have to put on a play." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"How?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"We can hold this data sharing in a certain island hotel and inform them of the degree of risk. All scientists will sign up on their own and we will screen the people. But in fact no one will choose. Everything is fake and we will not announce our participation. The list of people, no one knows who is coming, and the hotel does not need too many people. Even if the Dark Church is suspicious, they will come, thinking that they need this data too much." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"Using data as bait to fish is all our people, and there is no need to worry about the data being lost. It is theoretically possible, but there is a problem. We cannot ignore the persistence and madness of scientists. Once they know about this, they will die even if they Come here, if you are not selected, the country will put pressure on us, and many countries will even put pressure on our country through diplomacy and ask to participate, which will be very troublesome." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"We have also thought about this issue. It is indeed very troublesome. Many scientists can indeed devote themselves to science and will come here even if they know they will die. Biological bombs, a technology that is ahead of its time, are so attractive. Those big countries will definitely send people over. This is really troublesome, so we must control the participants. Can we get our superiors to support us?" the think tank said helplessly.

"The superiors may not be able to withstand this pressure. Unless they don't bring it out, once it is made public, how can other countries refuse? It will cause trouble for diplomacy." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"That's right, let's do it cruelly." The think tank said in a deep voice. He had obviously thought of the shortcomings of the plan and the contingency plan. Seeing Luo Zheng looking at him curiously, he explained: "It is held in public and requires the world's top material application scientists. Come and discuss it together. Anyway, we really need to know what materials are most reasonable to use to make biological bombs. Other scientists will not be invited. Only materials application scientists will be invited, which makes it more realistic."

"How to solve the danger?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Why should we solve it?" the think tank asked.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly realized. He looked at the think tank with a shocked face. When he saw the think tank nodded calmly, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Sure enough, I have to think about it."

"You don't need to worry too much to do big things. The Dark Church has already begun to launch a planned counterattack against us. The attack on the stronghold is just the beginning. I believe there will be more counterattacks soon. We alone cannot survive alone. Why not take advantage of this time?" Will the incident drag other countries into trouble? As long as the Dark Church dares to attack the venue, and as long as scientists from various countries are killed, we can jump out and form an anti-terrorism alliance, skipping the United Nations, and gaining support from all countries will be of great help to us in our fight against the Dark Church." The think tank explained in a deep voice. road.

"You guys are afraid that I will worry about the plan behind it being too harsh. It was all foreshadowing at the beginning. The focus is on the back. You have already thought about this, right?" Luo Zheng looked at the think tank deeply and said.

The think tank did not hide anything, nodded calmly, and explained: "It is too difficult for us, the Secret Bureau, to fight the Dark Church alone. The Dark Church is the public enemy of the world, why are we the only one taking action? Pull more people onto the chariot, even if it is given to us It would be better to release the airspace support, and we can carry out strikes from the air."

When Luo Zheng heard this, he suddenly thought of that island with terrifying equipment. His eyes suddenly lit up and he said in a deep voice: "This can not only attract support from various countries, but also find materials for making biological bombs, and can also take the opportunity to fight back against the invading darkness. Church, kill three birds with one stone, come up with a detailed plan as you just said, and I will go to the superiors for approval."

"Yes." The think tank was overjoyed and agreed. This was the first time that the staff office had formally formulated a counterattack plan. Whether it could succeed was crucial, and the think tank was very concerned about it.

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