The strongest soldier

Chapter 3454 Enemy Conspiracy

The scientists invited to participate are all national treasures and industry elites. They enjoy special treatment in the country and are given special protection in terms of safety. These people will receive special care when they return home after attending the conference. The reason is very simple. Everyone has been exposed to top scientific and technological organisms. According to bomb research institute data, which country doesn’t want its own country to master such top-notch weapons? Even if you can't create it, you still have to know how to defend it, right? These scientists are naturally more precious.

However, these scientists disappeared not long after returning to their home countries. What's going on? Luo Zheng immediately thought of the Dark Church, stared at Blue Star with a shocked face and asked, "Quick, tell me, what exactly is going on?"

"Yes." Blue Star did not dare to neglect, and quickly explained: "The shared information that was just transmitted, not long after these scientists returned to their own country, they suddenly disappeared. By the time they were discovered, it was already too late, and nothing was left at the scene. No one knows where it went. Countries notified our diplomats of the situation, and this strategic information was transferred to us as soon as possible in accordance with the rules."

"Oh?" Everyone said in surprise, frowning in thought, feeling that the matter was not simple.

Luo Zheng immediately thought of a possibility, and this possibility was what Luo Zheng least wanted to see, but he had to face reality. This feeling made Luo Zheng crazy, and he glanced at everyone with angry eyes. Shen Sheng said: "We completely lost this counterattack. Our defeat was not unjust at all. We lost because of our strategic misjudgment."

"What do you mean?" The think tank also reacted and asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nodded with a livid face, he couldn't help but said bitterly: "This mistake was caused by our staff office, and I am willing to bear all the responsibilities. "

"No, I approved it. I am the main person in charge." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Don't talk about responsibility, you two. What's going on?" Hong Meihua asked in surprise.

"It's already obvious. The Dark Church was originally planning to rob us. When it learned that our convoy was rushing to Tianshan, it deliberately used an aircraft to make a tentative attack. Unexpectedly, we successfully counterattacked. The Dark Church immediately realized the impact of the aircraft on us. The threat was no longer very great, so they immediately evacuated the people who had infiltrated. Do you remember the killing of the grassland herdsmen? Those people should have evacuated out of the country, otherwise there is no reason not to be discovered, and the suspicious people lurking in the capital also Hiding in the embassy gave us no chance, and they quietly evacuated after the meeting was officially held." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Then they don't want data?" Dongfang Ling asked curiously.

"Because they knew that we were heavily guarded and had made detailed defense arrangements, they had no chance, so they gave up directly robbing them and instead kidnapped the scientists participating in the meeting. This is the real reason why the scientists suddenly disappeared." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice. He said, his face became increasingly ugly, he had wasted his energy for a long time and ended up working in vain, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"There is another possibility." The think tank suddenly said with a solemn expression. Seeing that everyone's attention was focused on him, he said bitterly: "There is also a possibility that the Dark Church did not know what materials to use to make biological bombs. , we just researched the relevant data, used this opportunity to find the application direction of the materials, and then kidnapped those scientists to understand the results. In other words, we invisibly helped the enemy."

"Hiss?" Everyone looked at the think tank with shocked faces. They couldn't believe this inference, and they were even less willing to believe that if this inference was true, it wouldn't be as simple as giving their help in vain, but they would become accomplices of the enemy, even if it was unintentional. However, it actually boosted the enemy's combat effectiveness. How do you accept this?

After hearing this inference, Luo Zheng's face was filled with tears, and his eyes were condensed into a slit. There was regret, self-blame, and mostly anger. If the inference was true, Luo Zheng knew the price and consequences afterwards, and thought about it for a while. , said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this inference must not be made public, as it will affect the morale of the military."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly, their faces extremely serious.

"This is unlikely." Dongfang Ling suddenly said in a deep voice. Seeing everyone looking at him in surprise, Dongfang Ling thought for a while, organized his words and explained seriously: "I am engaged in scientific research, and I don't care about war. Yes, I know very well the data about biological explosions. It cannot be made from ordinary materials. After the explosion of biological bombs, countless molecules are formed. These molecules have a devouring function and can swallow up a large amount of metal. The more devoured, the more molecules will be split. Generally, bombs will If it is made of metal, those molecules are very unstable and will eat up the metal used in making it. Therefore, biological bombs cannot be made of metal at all, but no one can be sure of what they will be used for."

"Isn't there any result from this meeting? Didn't it mean that there were two directions?" The think tank interrupted Dongfang Ling and asked in a deep voice, his eyes eager, and he was obviously frightened by his own inference.

"Yes, there is a direction, but the next conclusion of this research is still unknown. In other words, it is still unknown what materials the biological bomb will ultimately use. Moreover, the data we published is incomplete and has been modified in some places. However, those scientists don't know much, so catching them is of little significance. At least they won't be able to create a biological bomb in a short time. I have another inference." Dongfang Ling said in a deep voice.

"What inference?" Luo Zheng knew that Dongfang Ling was a rigorous person, maybe it had something to do with his scientific work, and he would never say anything he was unsure about. His heart sank, and a bad premonition came to his mind, and he quickly asked .

"Everyone knows that the Dark Church's technology is ahead of ours. The biggest reason is that they have mastered the use of advanced materials, which means they know many materials that we don't know about, such as bullet-proof armor and mechas. These equipment are theoretically not Complex, many science fiction movies have made similar bold imaginations, but they cannot be realized without materials, but the Dark Church has done it. The Dark Church is far ahead of other countries in the world in the use of materials. What I worry about is that they have mastered the method of biological bombs. The manufacturing materials are just because the data was taken away by us, so they can't manufacture them smoothly." Dongfang Ling analyzed in a deep voice.

"That is to say, after they kidnapped those scientists who had access to the data, it is entirely possible to recover the data and create a biological bomb. How long will this process take?" Luo Zhenghan asked with a face, his brows furrowed deeper.

"With the wisdom of those scientists, and having seen some data, they know the general principles. As long as there are sufficient funds and equipment, it can take as little as one year and as many as three years to research the data." Dongfang Ling said in a deep voice.

"One year?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice. When Dongfang Ling nodded affirmatively, Luo Zheng said angrily: "Damn, these bastards are really good at calculating. Dongfang Ling, this inference of yours is very possible. Please tell me. , how long will it take for you to develop a restrained weapon?"

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