The strongest soldier

Chapter 3464 Sneaking into the camp

The camp defenses in the valley are not strong, perhaps because no outsiders come to Guxuan Island. Coupled with the powerful radar, anyone who lands on the island will be discovered immediately, so no defenses are built outside the camp, not even There are no walls or barbed wires. Come to think of it, all the beasts on the island have probably been wiped out. There is not a single one in sight. There is no point in having these.

The camp is full of rooms in an enclosed layout. There is a huge square in the center, surrounded by low barracks. The barracks are just ordinary wood and earth structures. The roofs are covered with thick layers of bark to protect them from rain. Some stone slabs were prevented from being blown away by strong winds. However, the terrain around the valley was high and it was difficult for the wind to blow in. Perhaps this was the main reason for choosing the valley as a campsite?

Someone was training in the square, and a lot of vegetable fields were cultivated in the outhouses of the camp. The vegetable fields were full of all kinds of green vegetables, and there were also some stone pig pens and sheep pens, in which many pigs and sheep were imprisoned. A shed was built above to protect them from wind and rain, and someone was feeding the pigs and sheep.

At the corner of the stone wall near a pig pen, Sora Ishii squatted on the ground and observed everything carefully. The situation in the camp was exactly as Luo Zheng said. What the man named Mailon said was basically credible. Sora Ishii was observing Looking at the surrounding terrain, he lowered his voice and reported what he saw to the tentacle monsters, and then the tentacle monsters compiled a layout map for use in future rescue operations.

After following the enemy team to the outskirts of the camp, Ishii Sora decisively broke away from the team and came to the breeding area to lurk and observe. There were many people here acting alone, all of them teenagers of sixteen or seventeen years old, which actually played a big role. A good camouflage effect, otherwise Sora Ishii would be easily detected by radar and suspected if he went to other places alone. There are many people acting alone here, so it is not a big problem.

After observing for a full ten minutes, Ishii Sora reported everything he saw. After confirming that nothing was missing, Ishii Sora said in a low voice: "Brother, I have done everything I can. Next, I have to find the child."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, be careful." The tentacle monster did not stop him and warned him with concern.

Sora Ishii agreed, took off his backpack and put it in an inconspicuous corner. He used the weeds and rocks next to it to hold it down so as not to be discovered. He had an invisibility suit on him that could conceal his body, but the backpack could not be concealed. Carrying it on his back would easily expose him. , the Japanese swords were left. Ishii Kong thought about it and decided to leave the Japanese swords as well. The camp was full of people, and they were all very vigilant. They had received special training and could not be careless, as they would easily be exposed.

Without his backpack and Japanese sword, Sora Ishii was completely hidden by the invisibility suit. It was difficult to detect any abnormality until he was in front of him. He immediately walked forward slowly with his body hunched over. If he walked too fast, it would be difficult for the invisibility suit on his body to transform into the surrounding colors, and he would not be able to detect any abnormality. With the effect of invisibility, Sora Ishii walked forward for more than 20 meters and passed through the breeding area. In front of him was an open area of ​​about ten meters, and beyond that were some rooms.

Time is everything. Sora Ishii was about to rush forward when he suddenly heard a shrill siren. He was startled and thought he had been exposed. After a closer look, he saw a large number of armed men gathering in the square. It didn't look like he had been discovered. , secretly relieved, and continued to lurk and observe.

Not long after, the assembled team was divided into four, and they chased each other in four different directions. After leaving the camp, they lined up in a line and launched a dragnet search. The number of people was close, so they were obviously intensifying the search efforts. Ishii Sora's disappearance made the camp tense. After the search team left for a while, Ishii Sora was about to touch it when he suddenly saw another team gathering in the square.

There were a lot of people this time. Ishii Sora estimated that there should be about a thousand people. He planned to wait until the team left. Unexpectedly, these people did not leave, but quickly spread out around the camp, forming an encirclement. The distance between you and others is only three to five meters, facing the outside, with your back to the camp, protecting the entire camp.

Seeing this scene, Ishii Sora was shocked. He thought he had been exposed. He was just about to leave, but found that these people did not move after taking their positions, but stood motionless, holding their guns like sentries, watching closely. Ahead, Sora Ishii was overjoyed, it’s good that he wasn’t exposed.

Not long after, Ishii Sora became worried again. With the enemy's defensive strength, he could not break through at all, unless he attacked hard, but that was not advisable. Should he wait here and wait until night? Ishii Sora immediately shook his head when he thought of this. Squatting alone in one place for a long time without moving would definitely arouse suspicion.

Thinking of this, Ishii Sora observed and soon discovered that a man with a similar body shape to himself was feeding the sheep. He had an idea and carefully touched it. The closer he got, the slower he moved, trying not to make any noise as much as possible. Noise, so as not to scare the other party away.

With the invisibility suit on, there was no need to worry about being exposed. This person didn't expect anyone to touch him, and there was no sound at all. He was concentrating on feeding and chatting privately, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck, and then his eyes went dark, and his body suddenly Soft, he collapsed to the ground motionless.

Sora Ishii knocked the opponent unconscious with a knife and quickly stabilized him, preventing him from falling down so as not to be noticed by others. He looked around vigilantly. Several teenagers were feeding pigs and sheep separately. No one noticed this. , then he breathed a sigh of relief, threw the man directly into the sheepfold, and climbed in himself.

The stone wall of the sheepfold is about 1.2 meters high. The person squatting underneath has no idea. Ishii Sora quickly took off all the equipment on the other person and put it on himself. He also took out a certificate from the other person and opened it. The photo could only be Even though they were barely similar, Ishii Sora smiled with satisfaction and quickly covered the opponent's body with some hay to avoid being discovered. The force Ishii Sora used in the blow just now was not small, and he couldn't wake up within three to five hours.

After doing all this, Ishii Sora touched the dirt on the ground and wiped it on his face. He wiped his face very dirty so that it would not be easy to recognize. Everything was ready. Ishii Sora once again confirmed that there were no omissions or flaws and quickly stood up. He looked around cautiously and saw that no one was paying attention. He was overjoyed and pretended to feed the sheep, intending to see what others around him did.

About ten minutes later, Sora Ishii fed a large amount of food to the sheep. When he saw others walking back with the boxes containing the test materials, he did not dare to neglect, and followed them with the boxes, quietly blending in with the crowd. , lowered his head and headed towards the camp, feeling nervous inside, praying that the infiltration would be successful and that he would see his son.

A dozen people in charge of feeding came to an entrance near the camp. A dozen people acted as sentries at this intersection, asking everyone to line up to check in. Ishii Sora saw that everyone was queuing consciously, so he did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly lined up. While secretly observing the surrounding situation.

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