The strongest soldier

Chapter 3471 Prepare for action

Facing the heavily defended island, Luo Zheng adopted unconventional tactics to attack and gained everyone's approval. However, the think tank's words made everyone confused. The think tank didn't care so much. He looked at Luo Zheng solemnly and said: "Poisoning tactics are feasible. , but Shi Qian’s tactic of burning houses and releasing poisonous smoke may not work. I don’t doubt the effectiveness of this tactic if it succeeds, but with Shi Qian alone and no reinforcements, what if he is exposed?”

Yes, it is indeed difficult for Shi Qian to complete these tactics alone. Everyone looked at Shi Qian in confusion. Shi Qian looked at Luo Zheng, and when Luo Zheng nodded, he smiled and said: "This is not difficult. First of all, I There is also an invisibility cloak. As long as I can hack the enemy's radar for a period of time and allow me to reach the upwind position smoothly, I only need one incendiary bomb to light a wooden house, and then throw the poisonous smoke into the room and burn it into smoke, which will be blown by the wind. , you’re done.”

The think tank thought for a while, but the possibility of doing so was still very high, so he asked: "There is a question, how to protect yourself after success? How to avoid pursuit?"

"This is not a problem. Once the attack is launched, there is no need to worry about exposing the problem. Just destroy the enemy's radar system and buy time for Shi Qian's action." Shi Qian asked in a deep voice, glanced at the people around him with a firm gaze, and added : "Brothers, do you have any questions?"

Everyone was silently thinking, and no one raised any objection. Jackson thought for a while and said: "This plan should be able to achieve the tactical goal. The enemy will definitely conduct a large-scale search and alert next time. What should we do? How can our people be the first? Is there time to launch an attack on the enemy’s island?”

"Simple, arrange three nuclear submarines to transport troops around and stand by. Once the time shift is successful, quickly organize a landing and attack from the direction where there is no torpedo base. This needs to be determined by the tentacle monster. After landing, quickly occupy the commanding heights and cover the follow-up troops to continue landing. , the follow-up troops will take the freighter and wait at the predetermined location. The predetermined location is set by the tentacle monster. The freighter is concealed. As long as it is a little farther away, it will not arouse the enemy's suspicion. The specific staff office has calculated it." Luo Zheng looked at it. Everyone said murderously.

"Yes." Everyone stood up and responded, their eyes became eager.

Luo Zheng glanced at Sora Ishii, then looked at everyone and said solemnly: "This battle requires sincere cooperation and close cooperation from all departments. Everyone should be prepared for the battle and take action in two days."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice, and an invisible murderous aura filled the conference room.

"The meeting is dismissed." Luo Zheng said decisively.

Everyone walked outside one after another. Luo Zheng did not move. Instead, he sat on a chair and meditated, deducing possible loopholes in the plan. After a while, Luo Zheng got up and returned to the office to call Mr. Li. , then picked up the car keys and hurried out, when Sora Ishii came over and asked in surprise: "Going out?"

"Yeah." Luo Zheng agreed and threw the car keys to Sora Ishii.

Sora Ishii took the key knowingly and hurried out with Luo Zheng. The two drove away from the headquarters and arrived at a secret military base ten minutes later. Luo Zheng asked Sora Ishii to wait outside and walked inside on foot, and soon arrived at the courtyard. , the guard immediately saluted Luo Zheng when he saw him and did not come to stop him.

After Luo Zheng returned the gift, he hurried into the living room. Mr. Li was making tea and reading the newspaper. When he saw Luo Zheng coming, he took off his glasses and smiled happily: "Here you are? Sit down. Why are you free to come here today? Is there something urgent?"

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed and sat down, looked at Mr. Li and said solemnly: "Grandpa, we are preparing to launch an attack on the Unnamed Island. On the one hand, we will attack the arrogance of the Dark Church, and on the other hand, we will show our strength and help the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. I wonder if it is feasible to promote and establish the foundation?”

"What about this?" Mr. Li pondered, and did not rush to make a decision. Military operations are not trivial. A single move can affect the whole body. You need to be cautious and cautious. After a few minutes, Mr. Li said with a solemn face: "Your two reasons. We can stand and take action, but how sure are we? Isn't it said that the island is heavily defended?"

Luo Zheng gave an overview of the latest situation on the island and the outline of the battle plan, and finally added: "The specific implementation plan is still under preparation. It is expected to be reported before tomorrow morning. The success rate should be about 70%. If the action is delayed, the success rate will be Higher, but we have already alerted the enemy, and the enemy may hide again, so we must act as soon as possible, otherwise things will change if we are too late.”

"It makes sense. I didn't expect you to have thought it through so thoroughly. I think it's okay. You can report the battle plan as soon as possible and I'll organize everyone to make the final decision. It won't be a big problem." Mr. Li happily agreed.

Any big battle plan requires organizational discussion and collective decision-making. It is not easy for Mr. Li to be arbitrary on this issue, but Luo Zheng knew that as long as Mr. Li agreed, there would be no problem with this matter. He was immediately overjoyed and solemnly agreed. : "Yes, we must report the battle plan as soon as possible."

"This battle is an important battle for you when you return, and you must win." Mr. Li reminded seriously.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Luo Zheng stood up and solemnly saluted Mr. Li.

"Don't be so pretentious, sit down and talk." Mr. Li said with a smile.

Luo Zheng sat down again and continued: "There is another question. The KGB sent an agent to contact me secretly. They said that their leader discovered the mole and hoped to cooperate with us and let us cooperate with them to catch the mole. They also said this The mole may be someone from the Dark Church."

"Is there such a thing?" Mr. Li pondered. The KGB's reputation is not good and its credibility is not good. Mr. Li does not want to help. However, the anti-terrorist alliance is about to be established, which requires the cooperation of all countries, especially the polar bear, a superpower. If they refuse to help, , the KGB will definitely report it to the country, which will affect the establishment of the anti-terrorist alliance.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Li said with some embarrassment: "I don't like this kind of cooperation, but rejecting it will affect the establishment of the anti-terrorist alliance. At this critical moment, should this matter be carefully considered? Have they talked about specific cooperation? How and what?”

"Because the anti-terrorism alliance has not been formally established, I have not agreed to cooperate." Luo Zheng said solemnly.

"I understand." Mr. Li said thoughtfully: "I will inform the diplomatic side about this matter and let them use it as a bargaining chip to promote the anti-terrorism alliance. Maybe they can get some benefits. I think we will let the diplomatic side discuss it in detail. "

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Good idea. This country is too arrogant. It will definitely strive for benefits on the issue of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance, and even make it a stumbling block. It would be good to use this matter to force them to compromise. That's okay, just Let the diplomatic side deal with it, and I will concentrate on fighting the battle on Unnamed Island."

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