The strongest soldier

Chapter 3479 Succeeded smoothly

The lights in the air-raid shelter were dim and the air was turbid. The light bulbs were connected to the batteries. The dim lights looked a little weak in the gray space, as if they would go out at any time. There were neat boxes stacked in the relatively open space, and the boxes were all marked. There was a pattern of cannonballs, and perhaps because he thought no one could come in, there was no one holding hands in the cave. Shi Qian easily penetrated after avoiding a few people who came out.

Seeing the artillery shells everywhere, Shi Qian was a little dumbfounded. If so many artillery shells were detonated, the entire mountain top would probably collapse. Thinking that detonating the bombs could destroy the artillery positions, Shi Qian couldn't help but get excited and quickly looked around. At this time, he suddenly heard There were footsteps coming from behind, and Shi Qian quickly dodged to one side, and soon found several people hurriedly coming in from outside, turning around and leaving with boxes on their shoulders.

After waiting for a while, these people all carried the boxes and left. Shi Qian quickly came to the place where the boxes were stacked and took out two grenades. The boxes in this place were exactly where the enemies moved them. They would move from here next. It was time to move. I looked around and came up with an idea. I saw the grenade stuck in the box. I took some thin wires from the side and broke off a section. One end was tied to the grenade ring and the other end was tied to the box.

Soon, Shi Qian set up both grenades, turned around and rushed out. As soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he saw someone coming in. He was startled and quickly moved away to hide. After these people entered, Shi Qian did not dare to stay and ran away. His legs rushed out, and the entrance of the hole was connected to the trench. Shi Qian rushed to the trench and saw several people walking towards one end. Without enough time to think about it, he turned around and rushed towards the other end.

Perhaps because of the fast running speed, the sound of footsteps was louder, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding enemies. However, the surrounding light was too dark and due to the stealth suit, everyone did not discover Shi Qian's location and could only roughly judge it. Everyone quickly raised their guns to search.

The surroundings were full of his own people, and the enemy did not dare to fire easily for fear of accidentally injuring his companions. Shi Qian took the opportunity to run out and ran along the trench for about two seconds. He jumped out of the trench and rushed into the woods like the wind. He didn't dare to stop at all. He just rushed out a hundred meters when an explosion sound came from behind him. Shi Qian judged from the sound that a grenade had exploded. He didn't dare to neglect and continued to rush out.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Suddenly, there was a loud bang behind him, like thunder at noon in summer. The sky was buzzing with shock, as if it was about to collapse. Explosions and flames shot up into the sky, covering the surrounding area. Illuminated, Shi Qian didn't dare to be careless when he heard this voice. He jumped out with a tiger leap and rolled quickly to the foot of a big tree. He huddled up and held his head with his hands, not daring to look up.

"Boom, boom -" The explosion continued, louder than the previous one, and the entire air raid shelter was overturned. Countless fragments of explosions were flying in the sky, swirling in the void, making a buzzing and terrifying sound, as if the god of death was grinning. , the explosion blasted away countless soldiers around them, and the flying soil fell one after another, filling the trenches and covering up many cannons.

The gray sky turned red in an instant, as if the air was burning, and a mushroom cloud rolled up in the sky. The black smoke could be seen from far away. In the woods in the distance, Shi Qian felt a strong The shock wave roared away from the surroundings. The strong wind was like a sharp knife, cutting off all the surrounding trees. The larger trees were also bent down by the shock. Like a kite in the strong wind, they would be torn into pieces at any time.

Shi Qian felt a burning pain all over his body, as if someone was cutting his own body with a knife. He hugged tightly and gritted his teeth to hold on. If it wasn't blocked by a big tree, the strong shock wave would definitely shock Shi Qian to death. Damn it, a mouthful of hot blood welled up from my heart.

Fortunately, there was still some distance from the explosion point. The shock wave of the explosion disappeared quickly. Shi Qian felt that his whole body was throbbing with pain. He couldn't move and didn't want to move. His chest was stuffy and it became difficult to breathe. He didn't dare to move. Slowly After waiting for his body to regain some feeling, he moved a little. His muscles and bones felt as if they were broken, and Shi Qian quickly stopped moving.

There were angry shouts and running sounds in his ears. Shi Qian knew that enemies from the periphery who had not been affected by the explosion were coming, so he did not dare to move. After waiting patiently for a while, he felt that his body felt much better, and then he struggled slowly. He stood up slowly, held his hands on the big tree and looked around. He saw that the explosion point had turned into a big pit, the air raid shelter had completely disappeared, and there were many enemies standing outside the pit talking about something.

Shi Qian saw that the artillery positions were basically destroyed. Many cannons were buried in the soil and could not be used anymore. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting patiently for a while, he felt that his breathing became much easier. After moving his body a little, he was not as uncomfortable as before. , then I figured out the direction and walked slowly towards the predetermined location.

In order to avoid being discovered by the enraged enemy, Shi Qian made a large circle and hid the tactical goggles elsewhere. He walked very slowly in the dark woods. After a while, Shi Qian detoured back to the place where he hid his things. , took out the backpack and weapons, put on the tactical goggles, and walked towards the meeting point.

Not long after walking, a troop appeared in front of him. Shi Qian was startled and hurriedly moved out of the way to hide. He waited until the troop passed by. When the troop got closer, he saw that they were child soldiers. Shi Qian was surprised. When I got up, I didn't expect this child soldier to turn around and come back, but it didn't matter anymore, as long as the artillery position was eliminated.

After waiting for a while, Shi Qian saw the team leaving and continued walking forward. Soon they arrived at the meeting point. Ishii Man was not seen at the meeting point. Shi Qian was surprised. He found a place to hide and looked around, but no one was there. Now, he shouted in a low voice: "Ishii-man, it's me."

Soon, a man emerged from the shadow not far ahead. It was Ishii Man. Shi Qian was overjoyed and shouted in a low voice: "I'm here, are you okay? Why did the enemy come back again?"

Ishii Man followed the sound and walked up to Shi Qian and asked excitedly: "We came here and tricked them into continuing to chase the murderer. Unexpectedly, there was an explosion not long after running. You moved too fast. Was the big explosion just now a success?"

"It's considered a success. However, the enemy still has a machine gun position halfway up the mountain. When the general attack is launched, we have to sneak attack from behind to kill their heavy machine guns. What do you think?" Shi Qian asked with a smile.

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Ishii Man agreed.

When Shi Qian saw that this guy really didn't look scared, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, follow me." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards Yifang. Ishii Man quickly followed, and the two of them quickly disappeared into the thick darkness of the night. In the woods.

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