The strongest soldier

Chapter 3513 Arrival in the forest

The warm sunshine fell quietly on the canopy of the vast forest, as if the forest was covered with a golden dress, soft and gorgeous. Some birds were playing and chasing on the canopy, and occasionally a little monkey sprang out, The frightened birds flew away in panic, and the little monkey grinned proudly. The ooh sound spread far away, causing resonance with more little monkeys, bringing infinite vitality to this peaceful forest.

Rumble--the sound of the helicopter propeller resounded through the forest, and the frightened birds and beasts fled for cover. A transport helicopter roared over, flying a graceful arc in the void, and soon hovered over a mountain ridge. In the helicopter, someone threw down the two ropes used for rappelling, and Luo Zheng calmly looked down.

There is a relatively open space on the mountain ridge below, suitable for rappelling. The driver shouted loudly through the headset: "Brothers, the landing area is below. It has been scanned. There are no large beasts within a radius of five kilometers below, and there are no other abnormalities. Safety."

"Raise down." The driver was one of his own and worthy of trust. Luo Zheng gave the order decisively.

Xu Gang grabbed the rope with one hand and jumped directly. He was wearing tactical gloves. The friction between his palms and the rope was isolated by the gloves when he was descending at high speed. He felt no pain. Xu Gang didn't need to hold on to the rope with his feet to stabilize his center of gravity. He just stood up straight. Falling down, just when he was about to hit the ground, Xu Gang raised his hand and rolled around in the air, losing a lot of momentum. He landed firmly on the ground, fell to the ground and rolled around, offsetting the inertia. He was neat and tidy, half-kneeling on the ground, and observing his surroundings vigilantly.

Not long after, other brothers descended one after another, using different methods, but they were all very fast, and no one was injured. The transport helicopter put away the rope, circled in the void to greet everyone, and then fluttered its wings and left the primeval forest. After the tranquility was restored, various birds and beasts in the woods looked at this group of strange outsiders in surprise, chattering about something, but no one dared to come forward.

After landing safely, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, quickly observed the surrounding terrain, determined the location, looked at the map for a while, locked the direction and whispered: "Brothers, come here."

After hearing the news, everyone gathered around and looked at Luo Zheng with calm expressions. Luo Zheng pointed at the end position on the map, then pointed in another direction and said in a deep voice: "We need to go in that direction. The competition has started. We can go there at any time." Unexpected dangers will occur, so everyone should be careful.”

"Understood." Everyone said in a deep voice. Although no guns were used in this competition, everyone felt that it was more dangerous than using guns, and they did not dare to be careless at all.

"Brother Tie Diao, brother Ye Tong, you two are responsible for clearing the way and conducting reconnaissance alternately. The others keep a distance of twenty meters and move forward in search formation. Keep a distance of five meters from each other and move forward at a normal speed." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

The team quickly took action and walked in the predetermined direction. Tie Diao and Ye Tong quickly walked to the front to clear the way. Xu Gang and Luo Zheng walked together to ensure Luo Zheng's safety. Luo Zheng understood Xu Gang's intentions and did not refuse this move. With good intentions, the others dispersed freely and everyone moved forward slowly.

The forest is full of tall trees, lush and lush. The dense canopy blocks a lot of sunlight. Only a few beams of light fall through the gaps between the leaves and fall on the dead leaves on the ground, mottled. The beams of light are even more colorful and stunning. It looks good. Since the ground does not get enough sunlight all year round, there are no weeds.

There was a dense canopy of trees above, dry ground below, and dense trees all around. It was difficult for the air to circulate, and it was hot and smelly. After walking for a while, everyone started sweating. Not long after, a stream appeared in front, and the surrounding air became cool. After a while, Luo Zheng asked the team to stop and rest near the stream. He had plenty of time and was not in a hurry. Everyone washed their faces by the stream to relieve the heat and rested against the big tree.

Xu Gang's face was not very good all the way, as if he was thinking about something. He took advantage of this gap and whispered to Luo Zheng: "Boss, I remember you mentioned a problem before. You are worried that the competition team with ulterior motives will make arrangements in advance. The weapons are at the landing point. If this is the case, it is better to arrange a troop directly at our landing point and wait for the helicopters to join us. Only one rocket can solve us."

When everyone heard that it made sense, they all looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng smiled and said: "I have also considered this possibility, but it was rejected. The reason is very simple. The transport helicopter belongs to our country. First, they are worried that there are people on the helicopter. Weapons, it will be very troublesome if the rocket misses; secondly, the entire helicopter transportation process is monitored by satellite, once the fighting starts, the organizing committee will know immediately; thirdly, and most importantly, they are not sure to hit us directly ."

"It makes sense. It doesn't matter if you miss. Just ambush at the landing point and start fighting as soon as the helicopter leaves. We still have no power to fight back." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"If I had known this, we would have changed the landing point and wouldn't have to worry so much." Xu Gang suggested.

"It's easy to change the landing point. The helicopter is our own. We changed it when we said it should be changed. But the whole city is monitored by satellites. If we change it, the organizing committee will know immediately. Maybe they will wait for us to change the landing point so that we can be disqualified from the competition. As for the landing, Let’s talk about the ambush issue. The helicopter has an infrared scan that can detect danger. When landing, didn’t the pilot warn that there was nothing unusual within the five-kilometer range?” Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Yes, but I feel very uneasy." Xu Gang said worriedly.

After saying this, Xu Gang suddenly raised his eyebrows, his face changed drastically, and he immediately made a gesture of silence. Everyone became nervous and looked around vigilantly, searching for the source of danger. Luo Zheng also quickly observed the surroundings, and the woods were quiet. Quietly, only various unknown insects were chirping, and occasionally a few chirping birds were heard. Other than that, there was only the rustling of the branches and leaves on the tree crowns blown by the wind.

"What's wrong?" Luo Zheng looked at Xu Gang in surprise and asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't feel right, and I can't tell. Wait." Xu Gang said in a deep voice, his face serious.

Veterans on the battlefield have very keen intuition, especially for danger. Xu Gang is the strongest and has a keener intuition for danger than others. Everyone knows this and can't help but become nervous. Luo Zheng's eyes widened and he spoke in a deep voice. Said: "仡Puxing, summon your eagle to investigate the situation."

"Understood." Pu Xing quickly agreed, looked around, picked the tallest tree and climbed up quickly. The eagle had been let out that night, and Pu Xing believed that the eagle would watch where he went. He took a helicopter and chased after it. It should be nearby now.

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