The strongest soldier

Chapter 3540 The Mystery of the Chaotic War

"Head, I noticed someone coming." Sanji's words suddenly rang in the headset. Everyone heard clearly and looked at Sanji, only to see that Sanji was staring at the Dragon Tooth Shield screen, his brows furrowed, and he didn't notice everyone at all. Surprised, he continued to speak eagerly: "On the other side of the canyon, behind the attacking party, there are dozens of people. They should be a certain country's competition team."

"Oh, that's interesting. Let's just wait and see what happens." Luo Zheng didn't expect that a racing team would come over to help, and he immediately became interested. After giving the order, he looked around and selected a big tree. Using his hands and feet, he quickly climbed up and hid. He set up a sniper scope in the canopy and continued to observe. From a high position, he could see clearly.

Luo Zheng found that the side with more people not only fought very resolutely, but also cooperated very well. They advanced and retreated in a controlled manner, with cross firepower and personnel replacement tactics. They almost overwhelmed the opponent and advanced ten meters without realizing it. Being closer to the team, the team is in greater danger.

The team played very tenaciously. Perhaps they were determined to die. They did not take a step back at all and fought to the end with their opponents. They also cooperated very well. However, the other side had a large number of people and fierce firepower. The situation became precarious. Luo Zheng couldn't help but move to snipe. Jing looked further into the canyon and saw birds flying in the woods. Apparently someone was rushing over quickly.

"This is interesting, Sanji, keep an eye on it." Luo Zheng warned through the headset.

"Understood." Sanji agreed knowingly, expanded the search range of Dragon Tooth Shield, and soon found another team moving over. He was startled and shouted quickly: "Boss, another team is coming. Walking towards the canyon, there are only ten people on the right side of the canyon, moving very fast."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng moved the sniper scope in surprise and looked toward the rear. The canyon behind was lush with trees, blocking out the sky and the sun. It was impossible to see what was going on inside. No wonder the big eagle in Gupuxing couldn't detect the enemy, and his interest increased greatly. In this way, there are racing teams coming from both ends of the canyon. Let's see what these racing teams will choose.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng immediately moved the sniper scope and looked towards the battlefield. He found that the firepower of the violent bear team was a little less. Apparently someone was injured or killed. The opponent had moved forward some distance. The whole army was in danger of being annihilated. Even if Luo Zheng rescued him, it would be impossible. It was too late, not to mention that two teams came in a hurry and their positions were unclear. Luo Zheng planned to take a look at the situation before deciding. This competition is complicated and he must not act rashly until he understands the truth.

There are only three favorite teams to win this competition. Polar Bear and Britain each have supporters. Plus the team led by Luo Zheng, other teams dare not win the championship. They are more of a sparring partner, gaining knowledge and improving in the competition. Even if it wins the championship, it would not dare to serve as the leader of the alliance and seize command power, because the national status is not enough to convince the public, and it will not be able to command other countries in the future.

Now that the polar bear is trapped in the canyon, it will be destroyed at any time. The biggest remaining competitor is Britain. Luo Zheng is not in a hurry about the competition. He plans to understand the situation at hand first. After waiting for a few minutes, he sees that the unknown armed force is about to rush forward and eliminate it in one fell swoop. Suddenly, heavy gunshots rang out behind Baoxiong and the others. Luo Zheng's expression changed greatly when he heard the gunshots, and he quickly raised his sniper scope to search.

The woods in the canyon were too dense, and the place where the gunfire rang out was a little far away and blocked by the dense woods. Luo Zheng kept moving the sniper scope to try to find a target, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything. Instead, he saw the attacking violent bear. The team suddenly retreated, leaving Bao Xiong and others alone.

The team led by Bao Xiong realized that someone was coming to support them, and their morale immediately increased. In addition, they were eager for revenge and actually launched a counterattack. Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw that there were only five people charging, and half of their troops were lost. This battle was considered a polar bear. He was no longer able to compete for the championship. It was a bit regretful to lose such a tough opponent Luo Zheng, but he was more focused on finding the team that suddenly appeared behind him.

The sound of gunfire was like rain in the forest, and the fighting was fierce. Unfortunately, the distance was a bit far, and due to the angle, it was difficult to see clearly. Luo Zheng regretfully gave up the search and listened carefully to the sound of gunfire, trying to distinguish something. After passing After a while, another team rushed over from the top of the canyon, and Luo Zheng saw it clearly as they passed the battlefield.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng discovered that this team was well-equipped. It was not the equipment distributed uniformly during the competition, and the weapons were not uniform. Some were disguised and should be private weapons that they were used to. Many soldiers from special departments had exclusive weapons. , specially customized for me and in line with my personal usage habits.

Luo Zheng observed for a while, unable to determine the identity of each other. Although the thirty-six teams set off together, they were not very familiar with each other and could not recognize each other at all. Luo Zheng watched the team carefully and saw them rushing over. Join the battle group and fight together.

At this time, an urgent voice from Pu Xing suddenly sounded in the headset: "Boss, it's not good. Eagle Eagle noticed that a large group of people were coming towards us on the way here. They are large in number and far away."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked and thought he heard wrong. He asked, and after receiving a positive reply from Ji Puxing, he began to ponder. The search radius of Dragon Tooth Shield is ten kilometers, which means that the person found by Eagle Eagle is ten kilometers away. If it was the pursuer from before, with the strength of the pursuer, it wouldn't take too long to arrive at ten kilometers.

"Boss, what if the pursuers and that unknown armed force are together?" Shi Qian's voice sounded.

Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he frowned and said: "If this is the case, it means that someone wants to annihilate all participating teams. All our previous speculations are all wrong. Maybe a certain country wants to cheat and smuggle some weapons to improve the success of the competition. It is even possible to kill us, but there are still people who want to kill all the teams, and the latter is more terrifying than the former."

"Yes, the former is just internal fighting, which is a normal behavior in the game. In the game, you kill me, I kill you, it is normal, getting more weapons and cheating is nothing, but the latter is different, it is to annihilate them all All the teams, who has such a big appetite?" Xu Gang whispered angrily.

"Taking advantage of the conflicts and struggles within the team to stab them in the back, these bastards are very smart in their calculations, and they possess the number of people. It seems that the plan of these bastards is going to succeed." Tie Diao analyzed angrily.

"Not necessarily." The mountain eagle's voice suddenly sounded.

Usually the mountain eagle is accustomed to being silent, observing more than speaking, and likes to use sniper bullets to talk, but he can get to the essence with just one word. Luo Zheng has always attached great importance to the opinions of the mountain eagle, and asked curiously: "Brother, you What do you think? Tell me and let others be careful."

"Yes, let's talk about it? It's already very obvious. They came armed inexplicably, with a large number of people, and it was a sneak attack. They also had electronic equipment that blocked the signal. They can even interfere with satellites. The power is very strong. Why do you think they Can't succeed?" Tie Diao also asked curiously.

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