The strongest soldier

Chapter 3561 Test attack

The mountain breeze whistled, branches and leaves flew, and the rustling sounds sounded like countless people arguing about something. A huge team marched slowly, with a solemn expression in a battle formation. There was a small team walking in front, spreading out to explore. The road was like a hungry wolf looking for food in the woods, stopping from time to time to check it out. With a cold and fierce light in its eyes, it slowly walked towards a hillside, walking very slowly and cautiously.

Not long after, the team walked halfway up the mountain and saw a steep slope ahead. The trees on the steep slope had been cut down. A bonfire was still burning on the top of the mountain. Black smoke billowed into the sky. The team stopped. , hiding behind the big tree on the mountainside, looking around, perhaps feeling the faint murderous aura on the top of the mountain, and not daring to attack easily, a leader sent a warning signal to his companions behind him.

After waiting for a while, the follow-up army also climbed up the mountainside and did not take action immediately. Some leaders gathered and walked up to observe the situation on the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, the top of the mountain was steep and nothing could be seen above except the black smoke billowing into the sky. These leaders After discussing in low voices for a while, the troops did not spread out, but quickly advanced. The light machine guns were all concentrated in one place and aimed at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is only fifty meters high. Unfortunately, it is a steep slope. Otherwise, a charge would have gone up. The steep slope lacks anything to climb, so it is not easy to rush up. These people concentrated all their light machine guns and it was not enough. They moved their troops to both sides. Spread out about ten meters, all guns aimed upward.

Soon, someone took the empty backpack and searched for it one by one. They gathered all the grenades that everyone carried and handed them to more than a dozen strong men. Everything was ready. More than a dozen men picked up the grenades and fired at them desperately. Throwing it up from the top of the mountain, a height of fifty meters would not be able to stop these people at all.

"Swish, swish -" the grenades whizzed away, drawing black arcs in the void, and landed accurately on the top of the mountain. Then, "Boom, boom, boom -" grenades exploded on the top of the mountain. , the red light of the explosion rose into the sky, which was particularly dazzling, and kicked off the war.

On the top of the mountain, Luo Zheng did not expect that the enemy did not adopt the strategy of encirclement, but concentrated their forces to attack one spot. Could it be that they wanted to force him to retreat? Luo Zheng pondered curiously. As for the grenades thrown up, Luo Zheng turned a blind eye. The grenades could only explode outside the top of the mountain, and the troops were all lurking in individual trenches. Because they had enough time, everyone dug their trenches very deep. , unless it is thrown directly into the individual trenches, the explosion will not hurt anyone at all.

The difficulty of throwing directly into the individual trenches was so great that it was almost negligible. Everyone hid in the air-raid shelter dug at the bottom of the trench, looked up at the red light of the explosion outside the individual trenches, and looked at the small stones falling down, and everyone was sinking. Silently, waiting patiently.

Luo Zheng was somewhat impressed by the enemy commander who came up to attack with grenades and blow up the fortifications. If he hadn't been prepared early, everyone's individual trenches were dug deep enough, and they also dug anti-slope air-raid shelters. They would have suffered a loss, and the grenades were still there. It was like throwing money at the top of the mountain. Explosions came one after another, almost destroying the top of the mountain.

Sanji, who was staring at the dragon tooth shield, suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "Boss, aren't they doing this in vain? It's a waste of ammunition."

"Not necessarily, that's because the enemy doesn't know our deployment. Besides, using grenades to blow up the fortifications and apply pressure is a good tactic. The next step should be fire blockade to cover the others who are rushing up. There are also grenades This has the advantage that it can collapse the direction of the attack, and the soil will slide down, paving the steep slope of the road, which is conducive to charging. Unfortunately, they don't know that the soil on the top of the mountain is hard and cannot be blown down." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

At this time, Xu Gang hurried over and happened to hear Luo Zheng's words. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then what can we do? The enemies are all concentrated in the woods on the mountainside below. They push a few boulders and roll them down, which is enough for them to drink." Pot? As long as you give the order, I promise to complete the task."

"Don't be anxious yet." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He walked to a place where there was no fighting and looked up. The forest on the mountainside was dense and he couldn't see the enemy hidden inside. Luo Zheng sighed helplessly and stepped back to avoid being attacked. He took a cold shot and said to Xu Gang: "Let the brothers keep an eye on them and pay attention to your target."

"Don't worry." Xu Gang agreed. Seeing Luo Zheng's face full of contemplation, he continued: "Boss, what brothers are saying is that the battle has just started and the enemy's mysterious force will not be used yet. Can you let everyone Go back behind the enemy to cause a scene?"

"No, everyone should stick to their posts and don't be greedy for credit. If something happens, we will lose half the game." Luo Zheng rejected Xu Gang's proposal without hesitation. He stared at the grenade thrown up, feeling the enemy's attacking rhythm. There may be dangers lurking behind, so don't dare to be careless at all.

"Click, click, click -" Not long after, the light machine gun rang out, and the bullets hit the soil at the edge of the mountain top. The soil flew up, the grass and trees were scattered, and countless bullet holes appeared on the ground in the blink of an eye. Luo Zheng knew it without looking. The enemy launched an attack, and immediately roared loudly: "The enemy has begun to attack the mountain, fight!"

The voice was majestic and strong, and it spread far away, faintly overpowering the sound of bullets. The people lurking in the single trench heard Luo Zheng's roar. At this time, the signal for counterattack got up, and when they looked around, they saw, good guy, there are already More than 20 people started climbing the mountain, using their hands and feet in the sun, climbing fairly quickly.

Everyone's faces immediately darkened and they became angry, especially when they thought of the brothers who died tragically. Everyone's eyes were red, blood rushed to the top of their heads, fighting spirit was burning, and the guns in their hands kept firing out bullets. This shooting mode Not only can it save bullets, but it can also improve accuracy. No one knows what the next battle will be like. It has just begun. Everyone should remember Luo Zheng's instructions and save ammunition as much as possible.

With a roar, everyone angrily pulled the trigger. Staring at the dense rain of bullets fired by the enemy's light machine gun, they fired bullets accurately. Using their hands and feet together, the people who climbed quickly were killed on the spot. Several people were also killed. The head was blown open, and the red and white things flew away, looking so weird and charming in the sunlight.

From a high position, with a wide field of vision, and with everyone's accurate marksmanship, he fired a few quick shots, hitting those who climbed up and turned into corpses and rolled down. No one was spared. Seeing how sharp everyone's counterattack was, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought. If we can transfer some manpower from other places, the enemy can concentrate his forces on the attack, and there is no need for him to disperse his forces for defense.

"Boom -" Suddenly a huge explosion sounded. The sound suppressed the sound of bullets and grenade explosions. A powerful red light rose into the sky. Countless soil was blown up and flew all over the sky. It collapsed. Luo Zheng was shocked. , turned around to look, his expression slightly changed.

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