The strongest soldier

Chapter 3567 Retreat from the bloody battle

"Kill - chop them to death." Someone roared loudly, and the voice became sharp due to the fierce charge. It was difficult to tell who it was for a while, and no one paid attention to who was shouting. They all started shouting excitedly. Venting the fighting spirit rolling in his chest, he strangled himself into a ball with the oncoming enemy.

After several months of cutting down trees on the Unnamed Island, Luo Zheng's sword skills improved by leaps and bounds. At this moment, he fully displayed his skills. The dragon's tooth bullets flew up and down in his hand, like a poisonous snake striking out, like a fierce dragon like water, like a tiger roaring, wherever it passed, There was a bloody storm, blood arrows flew wildly, and corpses rolled.

The red-eyed Luo Zheng had only one thought in his mind: kill the enemy in front of him and rush out to survive. The movements of his hands were getting faster and fiercer. Without a single move, he cut down more than a dozen enemies in one breath. Suddenly, his eyes flashed. Then, Luo Zheng found that an enemy in front of him was being carried by another person. Throwing it away, the other party exuded an icy aura and his eyes were full of fierce light.

"Roar -" the opponent roared angrily, took a few steps forward, raised his fist and slammed it towards Luo Zheng. The fist made a cracking sound, powerful and heavy, as fast as thunder, unprecedented in the Buddha's capital. Shattered by this punch.

"Kill -" Luo Zheng opened his eyes angrily and roared in a deep voice, without any flinch, his strong fighting spirit soared again, he took an arrow step towards the opponent, and the dragon tooth knife in his hand slashed towards the opponent strangely. With a shrill sound of airflow, it was as fast as lightning.

The angle of this sword is tricky, this sword is unparalleled in bravery, and this sword has no flaws. The enemy's face changes slightly, his body suddenly stops, and then he leans back strangely. The wind-driven blade of the Dragon Tooth Saber passes over the opponent's chest, like a black streak. The lightning was only about an inch away from the opponent's heart, and it struck the air with a wonderful strike.

Luo Zheng was a little surprised and put away the Dragon Tooth Sword. He did not attack continuously, but stared at the opponent closely and shouted: "It's interesting, tell me your name." In Luo Zheng's view, such an extraordinary skill is definitely not ordinary. generation.

Then, the other party's face turned cold, and his eyes narrowed to lock on Luo Zheng, like a poisonous snake lurking in the bushes, cold, cruel and ruthless, as if he had no emotions. At this time, Xu Gang came up to kill him, roaring Said: "It's them, those members of the mysterious team, I'll come."

"Get out of the way, I'll do it." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice. He also thought of the identities of these people, so naturally he would not miss the opportunity to learn more about their combat capabilities. Xu Gang knew Luo Zheng's temper, so he rushed towards the other side without arguing. There are still many enemies, so wasting time is just waiting to die.

"Ouch - oh!" The other party suddenly let out a shrill howl, almost like a hysterical roar, but also like a wild beast roaring from ancient times, with a cold and ruthless murderous intent. He kicked hard with his feet, and his body swished. The arrow from the Buddha's string swooped towards Luo Zheng, with a desperate fighting style.

Luo Zheng didn't hesitate at all. He slashed the opponent with the dragon tooth knife from bottom to top. Once he cut it firmly, Luo Zheng was sure to cut the opponent in half. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and the opponent disappeared out of thin air. Luo Zheng I didn't expect that the opponent would change his moves so quickly. Knowing that something was wrong, he flipped his wrist and used the Dragon Tooth Sword to slash him horizontally. He didn't care whether there was anyone around him or not, and even squatted down.

With a muffled sound of "Puff——", Luo Zheng felt that the dragon tooth knife had hit something. He didn't have time to think about it, or even glance at the target. He quickly rolled his body to the side, and flipped the dragon tooth knife in his hand smoothly. He pulled out at a forty-five degree angle, rolled twice on the ground, spun his legs violently, jumped up, and looked behind him.

At this time, Luo Zheng found that the enemy was clutching his abdomen, and blood was pouring out from the opponent's body. There was a saber on the ground not far ahead. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw the saber. He was secretly glad that he had hit the target just now and didn't hit the target. He didn't look back, otherwise he would definitely be stabbed by this knife.

Although he had bullet-proof armor on his body, there was no guarantee that the enemy would attack his head. If he turned around and was stabbed by a flying knife, that would be troublesome. Luo Zheng looked at this enemy with some admiration for being able to withstand two of his own knives. He is a good opponent. How did the Dark Church cultivate such powerful warriors? He no longer looks like a normal person, more like a machine that only knows how to kill.

"Kill -" there were shouts of kill all around. Luo Zheng glanced at the battlefield with a stern gaze, and immediately understood that because they stopped fighting, everyone did not rush forward, but stopped to fight with the enemies around them. , Luo Zheng knew very well that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, and immediately shouted decisively: "Quick, get out!" As he said that, he strode forward and if he didn't leave, Luo Zheng believed that everyone would not leave first.

Due to the division of troops, hundreds of enemy troops surrounded the mountain. The defense line was stretched and the troops were spread thin. There were not many people guarding each place. How could they stop Luo Zheng's nearly a hundred wolf-like tiger soldiers from charging forward? After the magazine is empty, he slashes with the knife, not giving the enemy any time to breathe, and rushes and hits as fast as possible.

After a while, everyone broke through the defense line and rushed out. Before they could take a breath, they saw intensive gunfire from both sides. Enemies from other defense lines came to support. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly led everyone to continue to retreat. Once Being entangled by the enemy, the consequences are very serious. Everyone understands the power, dare not fight, and rush to evacuate.

The enemy pursued them for a while and then retreated. The reason was unknown. Luo Zheng was too lazy to investigate the reason. He continued to retreat with his troops and rushed to a relatively high hill to stop. Everyone gasped. Sighing heavily, he looked back to check the situation behind him and replaced the new magazine.

In the battle just now, everyone had emptied their magazines and had no time to replace them, so they directly fought with the enemy. Now they are withdrawing from the battlefield, but they did not leave the danger and made preparations to fight again. Luo Zheng looked at everyone, then looked again The woods where we fought were so quiet that we could only see the dense tree crowns, not what was going on in the woods.

"Mountain Eagle, help us count the casualties. The troops will rest for a few minutes and check the situation before making a decision. Sanji, use the Dragon Tooth Shield to check the enemy's situation. If there are any pursuers, report to me immediately." Luo Zheng gave the order in a deep voice.

"Understood." The two of them agreed and got busy.

Xu Gang walked up to Luo Zheng, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "How about the man who fought with you before?"

"It's very strong and very fast. If it weren't for the Dragon Tooth Sword in hand, it would be difficult to win within ten moves." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his brows filled with worry. If the Dark Church had more masters like this, then The future war against terrorism will be very difficult.

The Dark Church has always relied on high-tech equipment to win. If the military disadvantage is improved, the consequences will be disastrous. Luo Zheng was worried when he thought of this. Xu Gang also sighed and said: "Fortunately, I only encountered three such people when I was rushing. , you kill one, Tie Diao and Zhang Yang kill one each, and they should have gone to other directions to participate in the defense. If they are all here, we may not be able to rush out."

"Yes." Luo Zheng responded in a deep voice, looking at the forest in the distance with a more worried expression.

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