The strongest soldier

Chapter 3634 Scar’s layout

At the gate of the embassy, ​​pitch-black night shrouded the surroundings. Countless armed men turned on flashlights and searchlights. The bright light dispersed the thick night and shone in the direction of the embassy. The lights inside the embassy had been strictly ordered to be turned off. It was completely dark, and the light could not shine into the building. , the embassy exuded an inexplicable strangeness, which made the invading enemies look solemn, without the previous violence and arrogance.

Scar was hiding on the second floor of a residential building, standing at the window and looking calmly at the embassy in front of him. The dark embassy made Scar uneasy. There were several strong men gathered next to him, all of whom were the actual controllers of this team. After a while, Scar looked at the people around him, his eyes slightly condensed. When he met the general, the original leader was killed. Scar gained the support of the general and became the new leader of this army, but Scar knew very well that everyone was not convinced.

No one will be convinced when a once-peer suddenly becomes a superior, especially for a team that is gathered together because of interests. Unless Scar can bring enough benefits to everyone, if not for the fear of the general, everyone would have disbanded long ago. Everyone in this battle had the intention of preserving their strength, but Scar was worthy of being a hero in troubled times. He knew everyone's thoughts very well, and he immediately snorted and said: "Brothers, before the battle, please make some things clear. I I know everyone is dissatisfied, but if it weren’t for fear, the general wouldn’t have come back at all.”

Everyone was silent, but the disdainful expressions on their faces betrayed their inner thoughts. Scar was not angry and continued: "Have you ever thought about it, if we break up, everyone and their own troops can join the government army and change their official positions, but this official position It won’t be too high. Moreover, the president was killed and the internal chaos was in chaos. How can we be included in the group? There is only one result of disbanding. Everyone will be annexed, not integrated. The result of annexation is that you all have to die, otherwise the other party will not Are you relieved that what I said is right?"

Everyone's expressions froze and their eyes became nervous. They were all killed from the grassroots level. They had witnessed all kinds of bloodshed and even annexed other small forces. They really needed to kill the leaders of the small forces. , otherwise it will be very dangerous. As for recruitment, there are currently two forces, one is the Free Army, and the other is the government army. Let’s disperse. The Free Army will not let everyone go first. It is a good choice to defect to the government army. The problem is The president was killed and the government troops were in chaos. Who would care about these people in an emergency?

Seeing that his words had an effect, Scar felt secretly happy in his heart, but continued calmly on his face: "Brothers, you must already know the consequences of not fighting this battle, but as long as this battle is fought, we will officially Become a member of the Free Army and you will be popular and drink hot food in the future. It is up to you how you choose. I will never force you."

Speaking of this, Scar paused deliberately to give everyone enough time to think. In the current war, Scar would not dare to start a war unless the morale of the army was gathered. Everyone fell silent, and the room was silent. No one around the armed men dared to speak, or even cough. Not daring to say a word, after a while, someone said in a deep voice: "It seems that we have no way out. In that case, let's do it."

"Yes, let's fight." One person echoed.

"The embassy looks different from before. How to fight? Give the order." One person said.

Soon, everyone expressed their attitude. At the critical moment of life and death, everyone wisely chose to stick together and acquiesced in Scar's leadership position. As for the future, let's talk about it later. Scar was very happy in his heart, but he had a look on his face. He said with a polite expression: "Brothers, thanks to everyone's respect, I will issue an order?"

"Come on, don't waste time." Someone immediately shouted, and others joined in. No one who can get to this point is a fool.

"Brothers, my identity as the new leader was given by the general and I cannot give it up. However, the position of deputy leader is still vacant. I propose to encircle the embassy from all sides. Whoever attacks the embassy first will take the position of deputy leader. How about that?" Scar Shen said Sheng suggested, knowing very well that if you want these people to work hard, you must have sufficient profits.

Sure enough, everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this proposal. They looked at the people around them with a little more vigilance, as if they were afraid that others would snatch it away. One person shouted in a deep voice: "I will lead people to attack from the east."

"Leave the west to me." someone shouted.

"Leave the north to me." Someone else shouted almost at the same time.

"Then I'll attack the south gate." The remaining person said in a deep voice.

As a result, people were snatching away from all four directions. Those who didn't get it looked at Scar in dissatisfaction. Scar saw everyone's expressions. He was sneering in his heart, but he had a modest smile on his face. He just wore a knife. Scar, this smile has a bit of a ferocious expression. Everyone is used to it and didn't notice anything wrong. Scar looked at the four people who had already grabbed the direction of the attack and said solemnly: "Brothers, I leave it to you. If your attack is frustrated, the remaining brothers will make up for it, so don’t blame the brothers for taking advantage."

"Yes, I'm waiting on the west side, I'm on the east side, I'm on the south side, I'm on the north side..." People who had not grabbed the direction of attack joined in one after another, with cold eyes in their eyes, and even wished in their hearts that the people attacking in front were frustrated. You can go up and take advantage, but the attackers in front of you curled your lips with disdain. They didn't take our threats to heart at all. It was just an embassy, ​​and everyone was confident that we could win it.

Scar saw that the two provoking methods had worked, and he was relieved. As long as everyone fought with all their strength, it shouldn't be a problem to take down the embassy. He immediately said: "Since the brothers have chosen their attack directions, The order of battle has been determined, so let’s do it like this. Attack from all sides at the same time, no feints, just main attacks. Whoever goes in first will be the first to attack. Take the position of deputy leader and prepare. We will launch the attack in ten minutes."

"Yes." Everyone said in a deep voice and left one after another.

After all the bosses left, Scar stood in front of the window and continued to stare at the embassy in front. The uneasiness in his heart did not let up. This battle is crucial. If you fail, you will lose everything. If you win, you will become famous. Success will be just around the corner. Scar Can't help but look forward to it.

At this time, an old man in his sixties slowly walked over, standing side by side with Scar, and whispered: "Are you so confident that everyone will besiege you on all sides? What if you hand over the first work to someone else and the general investigates? If the general can replace you, he can replace someone else."

"Don't worry. Do you think this embassy is so easy to capture? There are no lights and no figures. This shows that the opponent has been fully prepared. The four-way siege is just to test the opponent's firepower deployment. As for them, they are just cannon fodder. In the end, we have to Those who rely on us, please inform them, and we will attack directly from the front and decide the outcome in one battle." Scar said in a deep voice, with a terrifying cold light bursting out of his eyes.

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