The strongest soldier

Chapter 3714 Weird Attack

Four days later, the sky was gloomy, with dark clouds, and the air was sultry, with signs of an imminent rainstorm. At dusk, the atmospheric pressure dropped much lower, making it difficult to breathe. The strange thing was that there was no wind between the sky and the earth. Time passed. The poisonous smoke prepared could not be used, and the planned attack plan had to be postponed. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry. He told all the troops to guard the defense area closely, and he and everyone started to deduce offensive tactics at the headquarters.

Poisonous smoke needs wind. After entering the cave, the enemy will definitely find that at a critical moment of life and death, the enemy will definitely not sit still and wait for death. How to deal with a crazy counterattack? How will you fight back? All this needs to be deduced in advance and emergency plans made. Luo Zheng knows that the enemy is powerful and does not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Unknowingly, the sky darkened, the barren mountains became dark, and nothing could be seen in the canyon. Ten meters away from the front of the position, everyone set up a tent and lit a bonfire inside. The tent served as a barrier from the rain. , the bonfire will illuminate the surroundings. If the enemy comes, it will be easily discovered by the people stationed on the position. This simple method can effectively detect the enemy's position.

"Boom -" A thunder exploded, followed by a click, and a bright lightning pierced the sky, tearing apart the black curtain. The sky and earth were as bright as day, but the lightning disappeared quickly, and the sky and earth fell into darkness again. Zheng felt a little bad. After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't catch anything. He couldn't help but stop the deduction and came outside the tent. Just when a bolt of lightning exploded, lighting up the sky, it was particularly dazzling.

"Boom -" Two more thunders sounded outside the vast nine heavens. The sound was so loud that the entire sky was buzzing and the earth was shaking. Then, there was another lightning in the dark night sky. Suddenly, there was a violent aura that made people palpitate. Luo Zheng frowned slightly and looked at the vast night sky with worry.

"It's about to be exposed. It's a pity that there is no wind, otherwise tonight would be a good time for a general attack." Xu Gang said in a low voice, looking at Shi Qian with a question in his eyes.

Shi Qian smiled knowingly and said: "The poisonous smoke is not affected, but it needs wind, otherwise it can't float very far. The bigger the wind, the better. The cave is hollow, and the wind will automatically flow into the cave, which is conducive to attacks. It's a pity that the weather is so bad." It's really against common sense to wake up without wind, shouldn't wind and rain accompany us?"

"Who knows, maybe the climate in this country is different. It has been sweltering for a week, and then there was a thunderstorm with no wind, which made it even hotter." Xu Gang said helplessly.

Everyone chatted for a while at the door of the tent. The thunder gradually stopped, but the heavy rain came down violently, as if someone was pouring water from the sky. The raindrops were so heavy that they hurt the face. The lightning also stopped, but the heavy rain fell like I don't know how to stop, but the earth is beating hard, and the heavily weathered mountains receive a rare heavy rain. The dry ground gradually becomes moist, but the ground is too dry, and the rainwater quickly penetrates and disappears.

The pouring rain was falling like crazy, the sky was pitch black, and there was still no wind. Such bad weather was not suitable for fighting at all. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to come to the headquarters and continue to deduce tactics.

"No, there's something going on." Suddenly, Sora Ishii, who was responsible for keeping an eye on the Dragon Tooth Shield, shouted in a deep voice.

Everyone who was performing the deduction was startled and looked over one after another. Luo Zheng even rushed to the Dragon Tooth Shield and found many bright lights appearing on the screen of the Dragon Tooth Shield. The lights were moving quickly. He couldn't help being shocked and shouted: " No, it's an enemy attack." As he said that, he quickly rushed out of the headquarters and headed straight for the commanding heights in front of the hillside.

Others also caught up and looked around, but it was a pity that the sky and the earth were pitch black and the rain was pouring, so they couldn't see anything. Everyone couldn't understand why the enemy would launch a sneak attack in such bad weather? It had been quiet for three or four days. Why did the enemy suddenly attack again? Was he trying to break out? Or do you have something to hide?

Luo Zheng raised his telescope and looked down the canyon, but unfortunately he couldn't see very far, so he quickly shouted: "Lights!"

"Boom!" A flare was launched and exploded in the sky above the canyon. The hot light instantly illuminated the surrounding area. Through the bright light, everyone suddenly discovered that on a hillside below the canyon, countless people were heading back to the top of the mountain. , all dressed as ninjas, holding Japanese swords in their hands, pointing diagonally at the ground behind them, with an imposing manner like frost.

"Ninja?!" Everyone shouted almost at the same time.

Luo Zheng also saw the ninjas rushing up the mountain in the heavy rain. There were no less than a hundred people. In the heavy rain, they gave people the momentum of thousands of troops. He couldn't help being shocked. Hundreds of ninjas launched sneak attacks at the same time, as if black waves were rolling in. , under the flares, there is a cold murderous intention, which makes people's hearts tremble.

"So many?" Xu Gang whispered in surprise.

"Are you moving in full force?" Sora Ishii said in surprise.

"No, there's more coming later." The mountain eagle roared angrily.

Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly looked back. Sure enough, he found many people swarming up. They were all dressed as ninjas and holding Japanese swords in their hands. Even though they knew they were spotted by flares, they did not flinch, but continued to rush towards the top of the mountain. Come up, let go like a demon emerging from the dark hell, the speed is amazing.

At this time, the flare gradually extinguished, and the enemy figure behind him gradually disappeared and could not be seen clearly, just like the disappearing god of death, giving people an inexplicable pressure. Soon, the flare was completely extinguished, and Luo Zheng roared: "Quickly , continue to set off flares, why are there so many ninjas?"

"Maybe the others are dressed as ninjas, and the people behind are running in the wrong way. They all carry Japanese swords. Do they want to fight us in close combat?" Ishii Sora shouted in surprise.

"We must not let them succeed, Mr. Assistant, hurry up, Team Rocket attacks, Bulls, the enemies are rushing towards your defense area, stop them." Luo Zheng roared in a deep voice, and gave two orders in one breath, and the orders were sent through the headset It quickly reached the ears of the assistant and Man Niu, unaffected by the sound of the rainstorm.

"Understood." The two roared almost simultaneously.

The heavy rain was pouring and the sound was so loud that you couldn't hear it without shouting loudly. Another flare was launched into the sky. Luo Zheng looked at the enemy rushing up like wolves and tigers with suspicion. He couldn't understand why the enemy chose this method of attack. , doesn’t this expose oneself to the muzzle of a gun and become a living target? There must be some fraud involved, but at this critical moment of life and death, he could not think too much and shouted in a deep voice: "Mountain Eagle, bring your brothers up and snipe them."

"Yes, brothers, follow me." The mountain eagle roared angrily, put on the tactical goggles, and rushed forward with the sniper team that had heard the news. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the heavy rain, like a god of death.

At this time, the Rocket Team who was on standby also rushed up, skillfully seizing the position and aiming towards the past. This was not the first time that everyone had done this. They knew what to do. Before the flares in the sky were extinguished, a flare was launched over the enemy. Go over and illuminate the enemy's position, and a cold murderous aura spreads out in the heavy rain.

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