The strongest soldier

Chapter 3731 Fierce pursuit

The shouts of killing were earth-shattering, resounding through the night sky, and the shaking wilderness seemed to be buzzing. The scene of thousands of people chasing more than a hundred people was very fierce. The fighting power of more than a hundred people was extremely terrifying, both in terms of speed and marksmanship. Everyone was shocked, but the pursuing party acted as if they were ready to fight, charging and fighting without flinching. The first group led by Luo Zheng rushed in front, followed closely by Zhou Gang and others, and behind them was a group of soldiers. Among the dozens of elites from various countries in the squadron, the speed difference between the government troops and the government forces was so great that they could no longer keep up.

Five helicopters were circling in the sky, continuously spraying large-caliber bullets to strafe targets on the ground. Anyone who was hit would explode and no one would be spared. During the pursuit, Luo Zheng found that there were fewer and fewer enemies in front of him, but his speed did not slow down. Just as he was about to order the helicopter to block the front again, he suddenly saw the enemies in front scattering and fleeing to both sides.

"Want to disperse and break out?" Luo Zheng was startled, and immediately understood the enemy's intention, and roared: "Helicopters, seal off both sides for me, and prevent the enemy from spreading out and breaking out."

"Ammunition is limited." A driver brother said anxiously.

"Sparse it, as long as the enemies don't scatter and flee." Luo Zheng ordered.

"Understood." The helicopter pilot understood Luo Zheng's intention and quickly agreed. The shooting speed was much slower, but he drove the enemies rushing to both sides to flee forward again.

"What's going on with the helicopter behind?" Luo Zheng yelled. He looked back while running. The government troops were getting further and further away. It was impossible to rely on them. It was gray in the distance, and no gunshots or explosions could be heard. , and I don’t know what the fighting situation is like on the other side.

"Report, the enemy has been basically eliminated." A driver shouted quickly.

"Quickly replenish ammunition and come to support, Tie Diao. Solve the battle as soon as possible and come to help." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Tie Diao and the driver responded in unison.

"Mr. Assistant, immediately mobilize troops to intercept and prevent the enemy from running away." Luo Zheng continued to shout, after all, this is the assistant's territory, and other troops can be mobilized to help.

"Understood." The assistant agreed knowingly.

After giving the order, Luo Zheng suddenly heard a huge explosion. He couldn't help being shocked. He turned around and saw a huge fireball in the sky. The fire was so bright that it was particularly dazzling. He immediately realized that the helicopter had been blown up by the enemy. Suddenly He was so furious that fire shot out of his eyes, and he roared: "You bastard, hurry up, catch up and kill them, be careful to avoid the helicopter."

"Boom -" there was another loud noise, and in the night sky, another helicopter was blown up, a huge fireball shot up, and the wreckage of the plane disintegrated instantly, with a tragic feeling.

"No -" Luo Zheng roared angrily, as if a wounded lion was roaring up to the sky. The helicopter's bait bombs had all been used up, and there was no way to avoid the attack of the shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missile. You must know that this missile has a guidance function. , as long as it is locked, it can be tracked and pursued until it explodes. There is no bait bomb to detonate the missile, and the helicopter cannot escape.

"Damn it, bastard—" Everyone around them roared angrily.

War is fair, you can kill me, I can kill you, each depends on his ability, but Luo Zheng cannot accept such a result. Two recruits who went to the battlefield for the first time are just gone. Luo Zheng is like a The injured lion, with a chilling chill all over his body, roared: "Withdraw the helicopter and come back with more ammunition."

The missiles carried by the helicopter have been used up, and the ammunition for the anti-aircraft cannon has been basically exhausted. What is left is more of a deterrent. Without the bait bombs, the helicopter is no match for the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. It can only withdraw from the battlefield, otherwise it will all The army was wiped out. The driver understood this and had to retreat after hearing Luo Zheng's order, although he was unwilling to do so.

"Ouch——!" Luo Zheng roared again, his voice shaking the wilderness and making people's hearts palpitate. His whole body accelerated suddenly, and an afterimage stretched out in the night sky. As he ran, Luo Zheng put the sniper rifle on his shoulder and fixed it. Stop, raise the muzzle level, lock on a target in front and then stop firing, followed by three rapid bursts of fire.

"Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong Minced meat was scattered on the ground, and blood was splashed out, which was extremely terrifying.

Luo Zheng turned a blind eye and fell into a state of madness. He only saw the enemy in his eyes and his mind was full of anger. He quickly changed the magazine and loaded the bullet again. His face was cold and silent, and the chill on his body became even stronger. For a few moments, the surrounding air felt as if it had solidified at this moment.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--" There were three more gunshots, and three sniper bullets rushed over in a Z-shaped pattern, elongating three terrifying air currents in the void, knocking down a target fiercely, and tearing off a partition wall. A thigh came out, and a huge blood hole exploded in the back, and blood surged like a fountain.

Luo Zhenghu, who had entered a certain state of madness, had eyes as cold as frost. He had no sympathy or kindness. He only had the thought of killing and killing all the enemies. He was walking as fast as flying when he suddenly saw a target being specially protected by several people. , obviously an important person, became even more angry, immediately aimed at the past, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Shi Qian and others were worried about Luo Zheng's safety, so they gritted their teeth and rushed forward. However, everyone was obviously not as fast as Luo Zheng, and the distance gradually widened. Only Xu Gang followed closely behind Luo Zheng, firing continuously at everyone who tried to stop. The enemy who counterattacked to eliminate the threat for Luo Zheng, and turned his head to look at Luo Zheng from time to time, very worried.

"Brothers, let's fight." Shi Qian roared angrily, gave up firing, and sprinted forward with all his strength. If he didn't catch up with Luo Zheng and Xu Gang, he would be surrounded by enemies.

Others also saw that Luo Zheng and Xu Gang were about to catch up with the enemy. They would be in great trouble by then, and they were all anxious. They roared and fought hard. Sangji had profound skills and full endurance. After giving up shooting, he** **** pursued, and the speed suddenly became much faster, walking side by side with Shi Qian, followed by Qi Puxing, Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu, although they were very fast, but their endurance was obviously not enough, so they could only keep up with everyone else. It is difficult to speed up at this moment.

Stanley and Xia Jie in the team fell behind the team. They were very helpless. Their faces were full of unwillingness and aggrieved. They were both the best among the people. How could they be willing to fall behind? They all gritted their teeth and persisted,

As for Zhou Gang and others, although they are all skilled in marksmanship, their speed is inferior to that of Shi Qian and others who have practiced internal kung fu. They can only fall behind Stanley and Xia Jie. Fortunately, everyone has good marksmanship. Continuously firing while running posed a great threat to the enemy.

"Fight, kill -" At this moment, everyone's eyes were red with blood. They stared at the fleeing enemy in front and roared, chasing after them like crazy, their morale was like a rainbow.

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