The strongest soldier

Chapter 3773 Successfully lured the enemy

The real purpose of ambushing the enemy transport team halfway is to occupy the entire base. To achieve the tactical purpose, it is necessary to attract more enemies to come out for rescue and then eliminate them. If the enemies do not come out, it means a strong attack or giving up. It would be a pity to give up. A strong attack was too risky, and the mountain eagles did not dare to let the brothers suffer too much loss, so they formulated a tactic of ambush and luring the enemy. Whether the success could be successful depended on whether the enemy would come out. After asking the questions, he became nervous.

On the battlefield, a brilliant commander will not be nervous when encountering any problem. He will not change his face even if Mount Tai collapses. Shandiao understands this truth very well, but he just can't be completely calm. In the past, when Luo Zheng was there, he would act as ordered. However, now that Luo Zheng is gone, all the pressure is on Shan Diao. In the past, Shan Diao commanded his own troops to fight, and the number of people at each time would not exceed one hundred. This time is different, it is a joint operation of multiple troops, with the number of two hundred. This is not only an increase in the number of people, but also a rare gift from the conductor. The mountain eagle pricked up its ears nervously.

After waiting for a while, no one answered. Shan Diao became surprised. Any accident on the battlefield may lead to failure, which will test the commander's ability to adapt to situations. Shan Diao worriedly asked: "Brother Xu Gang, after hearing the answer, what happened?" What happened?"

"No, it seems to be coming out, but there is no specific action, which is very strange." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of uncertainty and surprise.

"What is this?" The mountain eagle was also surprised and said in a deep voice: "Where are they singing? Don't they want this batch of supplies? Impossible, they can't afford such a loss, maybe they are making better preparations Come on, let me add some firepower here, and you keep a close eye on the other side. The original plan remains unchanged."

"Okay, it's up to you." Xu Gang agreed.

Shan Diao didn't know whether his insistence was correct, but he still decisively ordered his brothers to increase their attack intensity and put pressure on the enemy. It was impossible for the enemy to give up such a large batch of supplies. In addition, everyone's identities were not exposed, and the enemy did not know who they were. Whoever is ambushing him may suspect that the surrounding armed forces are responsible for the conspiracy, so how can he stop? Based on these two points, Shandiao decided to take a gamble.

With an order, fifty top snipers accelerated their attacks. Everyone kept changing positions to look for the ideal shooting range. As soon as there was an opportunity, they took action quickly and were sure to kill. After a while, dozens of enemies hiding among the hostages lay down. Riots began.

Soon, everyone saw that the enemy ordered the hostages to push the vehicles and drive the pack horses to return, but the enemy was hiding in the crowd. It was difficult to attack after the team started moving, otherwise innocent people would be easily injured. The mountain eagle saw it, became furious, and shouted: "No. The first team, the second team, go back to the front to intercept, the others continue to fire, slow them down, they must not be allowed to run away, kill me——"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" One after another, the sniper bullets whizzed away and accurately penetrated the enemy in the crowd. The surrounding villagers were frightened and shouted in panic. However, due to the enemy's threat, they did not dare to run far, so they could only push them away honestly. The baggage cart and the pack horses were getting ready to turn around.

The road is not big, and it is not easy to turn around. It will take some time. The mountain eagle had an idea and immediately said to the anxious old man next to him: "Quick, let them gather together as much as possible, get out of the way, and don't block the enemy."

"Understood." The old man's eyes lit up and he shouted.

The gathering was only two hundred meters away, and the old man's shouting quickly reached the ears of the people on the opposite side of the road. These people heard it clearly and immediately consciously avoided the militants next to them. However, these militants also understood the content of the shouting and immediately fired their guns. The natives were forced to stand aside, otherwise they would open fire. Faced with the threat, the natives had no choice but to obey, which made the distant mountain eagles furious.

Fortunately, it took a lot of time for the transport team to turn around. By the time they completely turned around and retreated, the two teams had already rushed to the front. They chose favorable terrain to hide and then opened fire quickly. It was a hard hit on the head. Twenty snipers occupied the advantageous shooting position. World, killing thirty or forty people at once, frightening the enemies into hiding, but the side was exposed.

Naturally, the brothers who stayed in place would not miss such a good opportunity. They opened fire one after another and killed another twenty or thirty people at once. There were only about a hundred people in total. After several rounds of shooting, only thirty people were left, threatening them. With the hostages surrounding them, everyone had no chance to make a move, which made Shan Diao extremely depressed.

At this time, an excited voice sounded in the headset: "Hahaha, the enemy is coming out."

"Great, brothers, stop shooting and give the enemy hope. Don't do it all at once and scare the enemy away. Let's take our time." The mountain eagle was overjoyed and said excitedly, completely relieved. These demon tribes were armed His fighting ability is very average. He may be able to deal with villagers, drug dealers, guerrillas, etc., but it is not enough to show off in front of everyone, so he is completely relieved.

After waiting for a while, the mountain eagle heard dense gunshots and explosions in the distance, and knew that the battle on Xu Gang's side had also begun. The enemy did not run away. He was overjoyed and shouted excitedly: "Haha, brothers, don't stay." Now that I have it, the first and second teams will touch it, and the others will suppress it with fire, and we will win the battle quickly."

"Understood." Everyone was refreshed and shouted in a deep voice. They changed to more favorable positions and continued to aim at the enemy and fire. At this time, the hostages suppressed by the enemy suddenly rushed forward a few steps and fell to the ground one after another. In this way, All enemies are exposed to gunfire.

"Huh?" The mountain eagle was surprised. He didn't expect that these aboriginal people were quite smart. They actually came up with this trick at the critical moment. He was immediately overjoyed and shouted: "Hahaha, brothers, kill me -"

"Boooooooo-" Dozens of sniper bombs roared away, tearing apart the space with the brothers full of fighting spirit, and disappeared in an instant. The suddenly exposed militants did not expect that the hostages around them would do this, and they were all stunned. But less than a second is enough to kill these people.

"Puff-puff--" The slight sound of being shot rang out, and it was as if everyone heard it from a distance. The remaining less than thirty people were shot and fell to the ground, leaving no room for counterattack.

Mountain Eagle was overjoyed when he saw that the enemy was basically eliminated, and shouted: "The first and second teams go up to check, be careful. Keep an eye on the others. If you find a suspicious target, you should immediately replenish your fire. Don't be careless."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

Then, another incident happened on the mountain road ahead. The aborigines who had fallen to the ground suddenly got up, picked up the weapons around the dead, and fired violently at the enemies hiding beside the carts and packhorses, while letting out hysterical roars. , as if venting the overwhelming anger and unyieldingness in my heart.

"Hiss? What's going on?" The mountain eagle shouted in surprise, staring at this abnormal scene with wide eyes.

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