The strongest soldier

Chapter 3781 Escape whole body

"Click, click, click -" The dense bullets spewed up like a volcanic eruption, as if they were going to burn up the sky. The sky and the earth became a little brighter. Zhou Gang took a few steps back with his people, avoiding the shooting range, and stared coldly. Facing the intensive firepower, he did not panic. He picked up the grenade again and turned on the safety. He estimated the direction and threw it hard without looking forward at all. Blocking the enemy is not killing the enemy. It doesn't matter how much it kills, as long as it blocks the enemy's pursuit.

"Boom, boom, boom -" grenades were thrown one after another and exploded in the rift valley below. Many of them exploded in the air. Countless fragments attacked without blind spots and penetrated into the target hiding under the bunker. They screamed in the rift valley one after another. It sounded like a heart-rending sound, filled with endless anger and unwillingness.

The battlefield is ruthless and indifferent. There is no sympathy or mercy, let alone mercy. In order to buy time for Xu Gang and others, Zhou Gang ordered the brothers to continue throwing grenades below until all the grenades carried by everyone were thrown away. You must know that Xu Gang and others The grenades carried by the men were also left behind, and the explosive power of dozens of grenades was extraordinary.

After all the grenades were thrown away, Zhou Gang and his troops continued to look for opportunities to open fire on the Rift Valley. This time they used sniper incendiary bombs. The attack power of incendiary bombs may not be as powerful as grenades, but they are more terrifying and more deterrent than grenades. They burn Once the incendiary agent explodes after the bomb explodes and sticks to it, it cannot be shaken off.

Everyone acted based on their feelings and fired continuously at the bottom of the rift, launching sniper incendiary bombs one after another. The screams below became louder and more miserable, but no one cared about it and continued to fire. Zhou Gang missed the target. After a magazine, he quickly changed the bullet and asked: "Brother Xu Gang, how are you?"

"There is a gentle slope to climb up. Come out immediately." Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset.

With fire support, everyone walked very calmly and fast enough. They quickly left the battlefield and found a relatively gentle steep slope. This steep slope may be difficult for ordinary people, but for a god-level soldier king, It was undoubtedly a smooth road for everyone, and they rushed forward. Xu Gang carried the suspected target on his back, with the wind under his feet, and rushed towards the top of the rift valley as if walking on flat ground.

Zhou Gang, who was in charge of blocking the attack, emptied the magazine again and shouted: "Brothers, stop shooting, quickly, gather the enemy ammunition and reserve it." This battle consumes a lot of money, and ammunition must be replenished, and the sentry weapons and ammunition that have been wiped out by everyone Undoubtedly the best choice, the mountain eagle heard a heavy machine gun at one point, and hurriedly ran, regretting it a little, knowing earlier that he should have come over to fight.

Others also reacted and rushed to the hidden position of the sentry, collecting all their weapons and ammunition. The rift valley was steep and it was not easy for the enemy to rush up. Everyone had plenty of time, so they were calm. The Demon Tribe chose this place as its headquarters very wisely. , at least it avoided satellite reconnaissance and air strikes, but the disadvantage was also exposed in this battle, that is, the enemy could not rush up to fight in a short time. Maybe the people of the Demon Tribe did not expect that someone would come here?

Zhou Gang led his people to clean up the battlefield. Everyone found a place to ambush near the rift valley, used rocks as bunkers, set up guns and waited. After a while, the enemy did not come up. Xu Gang and others hurried back, and everyone joined forces. , quickly returned to the original route, and soon joined the team at the rear.

We couldn't stay in this unusual place for long, so everyone continued to retreat and got into the woods. Soon they came to a hillside. The team stopped and dispersed their guard. Xu Gang threw the stunned target on the ground, wiped his sweat and said : "Good guy, we finally evacuated safely. This bastard's identity is suspicious. Who will interrogate him?"

"I'll do it." Tie Diao said in a deep voice. He took the other party aside and woke him up. He violently forced a confession, broke a few bones and confessed everything.

According to the other party's confession, he was actually just the second-in-command, not the tribe leader everyone was looking for. The tribe leader left a day ago and went to another place. All the holy warriors of the Dark Church took them away, along with five hundred henchmen and armed men. No one knows where they went. They only know that they went to ambush some people. This person was responsible for garrisoning the headquarters. More troops were scattered in other rift valleys. Everyone only attacked a certain place, not all of them.

Everyone's expressions changed greatly after hearing the news. Xu Gang said with a cold face: "No wonder I didn't see the holy warriors just now. No wonder there are not enough troops in the rift valley. How could such a big rift valley hide more than a thousand people? It turns out there are Fortunately, we are fast in other places where troops are hidden and we can retreat as soon as we finish fighting, otherwise we would have been in trouble a long time ago."

"These are not the end points. The point is where have the tribal chiefs, holy warriors and five hundred henchmen gone? Who are they going to ambush? Is it us or other armed forces? If it is us, we will be in trouble. We must report the situation here to Shandiao and let them Be careful." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, that makes sense. Zhou Gang, you can find a place with signal and contact the headquarters. Let the headquarters contact Shan Diao and the others to avoid being ambushed." Xu Gang said quickly, his eyes shining on Zhou Gang.

Zhou Gang knew that the situation was serious, so he agreed to leave quickly and went to find a place to contact the headquarters. Xu Gang looked at Tie Diao and said in a deep voice: "I guess our whereabouts have been exposed. That bullshit tribe leader should have led someone to ambush our main force halfway. Let's go, if we hadn't taken a small road here, we might have bumped into them."

"That makes sense. They've been gone for a day. It's dangerous, but it's also a good thing. It would be great if the mountain eagle could lead the troops to take a small road here and pick it up while their lair is empty." Tie Diao said in a deep voice. .

"No, killing the people of the demon tribe is not the point. The point is to find out the location of the mysterious troops. The Dark Church is our target. It is a pity that we failed to seize the target this time. You said, if the leader is here, facing this situation Would you choose this way?" Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"How do I know? I'm not him. I don't have the brains." Tie Diao shrugged.

"Seriously, do you think the leader will choose to take the initiative to kill the ambush troops? Five hundred confidants and dozens of holy warriors. Such a force is not too much or too little. We can eat it. Although we are from the devil The tribe's lair is broken out, but it does not mean that it has the ability to attack this base. The situation inside is probably very complicated and beyond imagination. There are many caves to hide in. A storm will cause huge casualties. It is better to attack the enemies who have already come out. Moreover, our target is outside. , there is no point in attacking their lair." Xu Gang analyzed in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. What do you mean, we go find them, then contact the main force, and attack from both front and back?" Tie Diao asked in surprise.

"Yes, you finally have enlightened yourself and are no longer a reckless man." Xu Gang praised.

"Go away, you are the reckless one." Tie Diao laughed dissatisfiedly.

Just as he was talking, Zhou Gang hurried back and shouted from afar: "Two eldest brothers, Brother Shandiao asked us to find a way to find the target and set up a counter-ambush for them."

"Have you thought of one? It's interesting." Tie Diao and Xu Gang exchanged glances and smiled knowingly.

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